You have 10 seconds to say something nice about drills.
You have 10 seconds to say something nice about drills
They are convenient for screwing
Her hair looks like grubs.
Which are more appetizing than this anime.
They seem fluffy.
more drills more thrills
I normally despise fanservice shows, but Lady x Butler was very amusing.
My love for ojousamas may have something to do with it though.
.Watching LvB with Sup Forums was a special time to me. Don't fag it up
mark of a refined lady
do her young hatch from those
My favorite part was when her maids were all for her getting banged by the drunk protagonist-
They're sex
She will itsudemo love you and be your backup.
Drills make a small girl look bigger to scare off predators.
Drill tits.
If you threw her down the stairs, she'd just go neatly end-over-end like a slinky.
If you spin her into the ground, you might strike oil.
Drills are the best kind of hair style.
In a pinch, she can be used to open wine bottles.
More time primpin' = less time bitchin'
Happy waifu for lifeu