Why is this show so bad? I can't even see why normies would like it.
Why is this show so bad? I can't even see why normies would like it
anime of the decade so far. you can dislike it, but at least accept you have shitty taste. if it´s bad for you, you are simply a faggot.
>anime of the decade
>pretends to be a grimdark series where everyone is at risk
>main character is actually super powered
Thank god I read the manga, when it was popular. Literal garbage after the first arc.
Go back there with your normalfags friends.
Lots of action, a dose of drama, interesting concept, strong heoine attracted to mc, mc that 16 yo boys can relate to, nice art, well animated, good soundtrack. So, no, except if you've only watch a dozen shows this isn't "so bad." It isn't the greatest anime ever made either.
I can see why this anime can't be interesting to some people, but you can't outright call it bad.
>Why is this show so bad?
It's really not.
>I can't even see why normies would like it.
-Interesting setting (as far as the anime has covered)
-Consistently great animation, both in terms of visual quality as well as choreography
-Simple, easy to follow yet exciting plot
-Rich worldbuilding that gives you a good feel of what's going on inside of the walls, but leaves whatever's outside a mystery
-Enjoyable characters
-Tends to really ham up the drama, which a lot of people like
-Isn't afraid to show some gore, which really makes it stand out among most animation available to Western audiences
-Free of some of the trashier tropes that anime tends to have like harems, falling into boobs face-first, cookie-cutter archetypes like the tsundere, fanservice unrelated to the plot et cetera
Be honest with me user, you hate it because it's popular. It's no masterpiece and it has its flaws (mostly that its idea of drama is just REALLY LOUD MUSIC AND EVERYONE YELLING AT EACHOTHER AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS) but anyone with eyes to see can realize why it's one of the more popular shows right now. It's solid, and an 'entry tier' show that doesn't really require familiarity with the medium. It can stand on its own right, and I believe that even in an America where the anime craze never cought on it would have a sizeable cult following.
Evangelion of the 2010s
I stopped reading after they found the photo in the basement. Did I make a good choice or should I pick it back up?
You should pick it back up. Current arc is the best in the manga.
cool concept that got ruined by being just another hero saves the day ass pull
Mc can have super powers if it’s handled well and snk handles perfectly.
His strong but the writers make sure you know he is mostly out classed and will fuck up/lose 100x before a small victory.
That’s how they keep it tense and conflicts. Amine only episodes/scenes like 22 help keep it grimdark, and eren only transforms like 3-4 Times in 24 episodes so it’s used sparsely and every time feels hype af, you really can’t refute this.
>doesn't even bother to try to criticize it, just says it's bad
I can understand why you dislike it, but you're sure as hell not convincing anyone like this.
Go back to Sup Forums.
Return to where you came from.
>lots of action
What is this meme, there’s actually very little action, it’s most all world building, atmosphere setting and character interactions.
The action is just really unique in premise and execution so it stands out, the bombastic openings help really sell that. But if you where to actually compare the amount of time the show spends on action to just the regular stuff you’d be surprised.
Except you’re talking out of your ass and the show does everything to beat down that narrative.
The mangas and his editors write the series this isn’t some tv specific phenomenon.
Just stop.
It's a 6 in my book. There is a lot of good stuff like the soundtrack the production values and the setting but I can't bring myself to care for the characters and the fights have tons of weird logic especially in the second arc. The second season is better in someways and worse in others.
Oh you think its bad now nigger you have no idea how stupid this shit gets.
It is actually great and also better than the garbage Sup Forums circlejerks
it's a pretty mediocre show, but low-iqs really like it because it has spinning camera spiderman action sequences, though they'll try to convince you they actually like it because of "character development" or something like that to seem less shallow.
I'll never get the mindset of "I don't like a thing and therefore it's impossible for that thing to have any intrinsic value to any of the other hundreds of thousands of people who consume the same type of media."
It either A) Means you're so full of yourself that you think yours is the only opinion with any merit or...
B) You're baiting. And neither of those options are mutually exclusive.
it has:
good action for a normieshonen
cliche and easy to follow plot
best music in anime
but only true patricians read the mango
its moe for teenagers
full of asspulls
forced drama
full of western tropes
no brainer plot
wow a bunch of meme buzzwords that in no way describe this show.
The only thing i could agree with is ass pulls, and by that I mean a single ass pull.
Since a important premise of the show is about how the characters have so little knowledge about the enemy they are constantly getting surprised or out done do to something they didn't know on a first incounter.
Installing mystery so deep into all of this so early essentially allows for the writers to add anything and chop it up to, "oh the enemy is doing something weird and unexpected again", and it would still make narrative sense.
That being said, i think translating your brain functions to your ass hole to avoid dying for a couple of seconds before completely healing yourself by transforming, is a bit much.
But other then that anything a shit poster such as yourself could consider an ass pull, was quite tame, foreshadowed, and help to build danger/excitement.
Interesting concept, garbage-tier execution
That is a buzzword too
>Current arc is the best in the manga.
*Second shittest arc in the manga after the Sup Forums arc
It's a generic shounen with lots of gore. That's why it's popular.
I went ahead and compared them. You're right. Action is minimal but increases as series goes on. So someone having finished the series and as those scenes become prevalent during the end (ep17-22,24-25) and really stand out during the whole will remember it as an action show.
shit tier b8
didnt even explain why you think its bad
just talked some shit and left and people took the bait, sad.
impressive animation, tier 1 direction and screenplay, awesome OST, interesting world, characters without much complexity but strong personalities (the living example is LEvvi).
I´d also like to add the fact that the plot has a bunch amount of misteries that gives the viewer a long-run goal. What are the titans? What is in Eren´s basement? What is the town outside the walls? What has happened with the rest of the world? Is this a post-apocaliptinc anime or it is based in an alternative setting? Etc
SNK is a compilation of huge and epic, very well directed and animated fight scenes done by characters with strong ways of beeing. And not many people have done that exact same thing right