Will they defeat Dyspo? Also Super ends in March so expect Dragon Ball Ultra in April
Dragon Ball Super
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Why did my girlfriend (Brianne) get real ugly, and not beautiful at all when she realized that 18 married someone that is bald and doesn't have a nose(Krillin)?
>Also Super ends in March so expect Dragon Ball Ultra in April
complete and utter headcanon
So why is Dyspo being treated like a noteworthy threat now after jobbing to Hit pretty badly and cowering away from Frieza the first time?
No clue
The Power Tournament arc ends in March, not Dragon Ball Super.
Also, yes, they will defeat Dyspo, before focussing on Toppo. However, I'm afraid A-17 will fall before Dyspo.
even on a universe where a fat teletubby is considered sexy, krillin is still fugly
I personally don't mind it based on the how well he has done so far in this tournament, but I would also believe that he might be fighting Toppo from 122 to 125 when Toppo powers up. From there, it's fair game
because power fluctuates wildly in the void
He'll reveal some power-up he was hiding until the end, for some reason.
Guess his age.
Dude, I would've been more than satisfied if he showed up in a filler episode to hang out with his sister and Krillin. Instead we get a terrific run of 17. he could slip on a bananapeel and eliminate himself and I'd be satisfied
24. He lost the genetic saiyan lottery and was doomed to look like that since 18 since Saiyans don't age until they hit 80.
Lol. right
>Will they defeat Dyspo?
No, he will be the one left standing at the end
Age Type Dragon Ball Super Heheheheeheeee
Goku Middle Age
Vegeta Middle Age
Chi Chi Middle Age
Bulma Middle Age
Gohan Young Adult
Videl Young Adult
Goten Child
Trunks Child
Pan Infant
Marron Toddler
Krillin Middle Age
Yamcha Middle Age
Tien Middle Age
Piccolo Middle Age biologically
17 Late Adolescent
18 Late Adolscent
Any Kaioshin/Angel/God of Destruction impossible to determine
Kale Late Adolescent
Caulifla Late Adolescent
Renso Middle Age
Cabba Young Adult
Hit Old Man mentally
Wakey Wakey Freezafags
Jobhan at work, everyone.
Waku Waku Dyspofag(s)
>Shoehorned 17 that high
At least Fivehead 18 is behind mah niggas
>jobhan once again fails to strike decisively
>opponent unleashes god ki afterward
Why can't he learn a single fucking lesson?
>The androids with other the top introductions
that's some shit
It's a damn shame.
ut's like the stock market and tien's stock is in a all time low.
My uncle works for Dragon Ball. He told me these are the canon ages
>Goku - 40
>Vegeta - 52
>Chi Chi - 43
>Bulma - 45
>Gohan - 25
>Videl - 24
>Goten - 12
>Trunks -13
>Pan - 6 months
>Marron - 8
>Krillin - 45
>Yamcha - 48
>Tien - who cares?
>Piccolo - 28
>17 - 17
>18 - 17
>Kale - 15
>Caulifla - 15
>Renso - 28
>Cabba - 15
>Hit - 1001
Krillin is so ugly that it's contagious.
I hope 17 is next.
is your uncle the guy paul logan found in the forrest?
Hit is one thousand years old, holy shit imagine what his life would have been like.
is Frieza chronologically over 1000 years old?
The sickest of this all is that he got invited by some japanese sponsors to go there.
Fucking nips are fucked up in their head thinking this has some kind of entertainment value.
He's like 70 years old.
>ooga booga wap didoo wap I'm strong
Did Toriyama really got away with this?
t. Logan
You can't shift the blame on this one.
I'm also confused why that's a thing for tourists to see
As usual, some faggot fucked with the poll.
Why do so many people shitpost about things that aren't even true? Frieza isn't losing to Dyspo and Super isn't ending. The only things that are certain are Gohan fucking up like a retard for the millionth time and Vegeta losing to Jiren
>Also Super ends in March
stop listening to spic misinfo
also a Dragon Ball Ultra exist already
Hello Gohanfag
She's so fucking hot.
>using strawpoll.me
Fucking retard newfag
>No battle damage
Based Dyspo heals faster too
Japanese have little to no sympathy with people who failed or are failing in life they seem them as insects.
So you're telling me that 2000 people voted and Quitela got 53 votes. Stupid fucking Caulifags.
>the same facial expression
Meme magic
Nice rigged poll
>no captcha
DBSfags are fucking stupid
He wanted to show off his bot, user.
Why do people like you pretend to care about things to seem like a nice person?
Age (chronologically)
>Goku - 44
>Vegeta - 48
>Chi Chi - 43
>Bulma - 47
>Gohan - 23
>Videl - 23
>Goten - 13
>Trunks -14
>Pan - ~1
>Bra - 0
>Marron - 8
>Krillin - 44
>Yamcha - 47
>Tien - 47
>Piccolo - 27
>17 - ... (ageless)
>18 - ... (ageless)
>Kale - 20
>Caulifla - 26
>Renso - 38
>Cabba - 18
>Hit - 1000+
Source: I'm Akita Torikawa, sorry forgot my own name (laughs).
*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel, android
>see 7 votes at once
>Frost has votes
Not suspicious at all, Caulicuck
Goku is the survivor and vegeta the limit breaker
I wish Goku would learn another Ki blast, like how Vegeta has his Galick Gun, his Big Bang Attack, and the Final Flash. Goku has the Kamehameha, the Kamehameha, and the Kamehameha
Vegetard is the jobber
I'm actually not a Caulinigger lads. I haven't even looked at the results ever since it was created.
>Soyotaro will take charge of DBS replacing Toriyama
Holy shit plis no, he's a bigger hack than tori
Goku has Kamehameha, Spirit Ball, and Fingerbang
>i didn't look at the results
>you just randomly accused me of being a gohanfag
dont forget about his vital wave
Better than Soyei Soynimation
>Marron - 9
>17 & 18 - 32
I'm not this user I never commented anyone being a gohanfag
You think they may have rigged test grades to cut off the failing group of people from the average?
>I'm not this user
Then why did you reply to ? Assuming you aren't a samefag, why reply to the post that wasn't quoting you?
lets try this again
Who will be the last 3 warriors of U7? vote here!!
Why the fuck do you people keep data mining?
Well, if we take into account that the summary of episode 124 mentions that Gohan goes to help Frieza against Dyspo. I think this could imply that 17 is still around and holding his own against Toppo, since i really doubt Toppo is going to allow Gohan to escape after eliminating 17. Nonetheless, after Toppo somehow becomes U11 GoD or powers up to GoD levels, i can see 17 getting BTFO by him, but still going out in a blaze of glory.
Absolute goddess.
Because this user with the quads commented to me with the same narrative of the poll and caulifaggotry.I'm just settng a record straight
I don't even know who she is
Either the Trinity, or Goku/Vegeta/Frieza. I'm not delusional.
>Super ends in March
Is the ToP that ends in March, retard
>tfw all I had to do was reply with "hello Gohanfag" to cause two retards to derail the thread
Why is it so easy lads?
This strawpoll spam needs to stop.
*saves your series*
Goku, Freezer and Chad.
Screencap this.
What’s this ‘trinity’ thing I keep seeing
Nah, need Goku and Vegeta to fuse, and Gohan has already had plenty of the spotlight, it's the lizard's time.
Is it too late to tell them to fix the power gaps between universes.
Right. I personally don't see him going down so easy though.
Miss me yet?
Forced meme by Caulicucks. This general will literally never be free from them.
I want to hug Kefura!
The only three characters allowed to have screentime.
>So why is Dyspo being treated like a noteworthy threat now after jobbing to Hit pretty badly and cowering away from Frieza the first time?
>forgetting the 3 U2 jobbers that literally surpassed their 3 strongest fighters at the last minute
I want Gohan to at least take Dyspo with him when he's eliminated. I don't have any delusions of him lasting any longer than he has.
Is this place doomed to be infested with Caulifags forever or is this temporary?
>seething already
the user below is toriyama he'll give you the hint to the next arc