Unlimited Kitchen Works

Why is this show so comfy?

Would you sheath your sword and unsheath your sword with a saber?

How many episodes will this have?

Yes but I would prefer Jeanne or Jalter


Jeanne a shit.
Dumb slut.

Wasn't there some really fucked up rape shit in Fate?

I steer clear of that.

I'm glad this is a thing but wtf I never saw it mentionned anywhere. It's not even listed on anime seasons websites.

I look forward to more best girl next month.

Easily AOTY. Too bad we have to wait an entire month between episodes.

This show is my favourite thing about the Fate franchise. Shirou is a bitch, and a bitch's place is in the kitchen. So, if this show is going to spend half of each episode's runtime with Shirou in the kitchen, then it's alright in my book.

>captcha: close attention
Yes, I shall be paying close attention to this show.

CHADrou doesn't needs your crap, soyboy

How Ilya is this Ilya?

How can other girls compete with this woman?

How canon is this?

But you can clearly see Archer cooking for Rin in the ED.


To the best of my knowledge it's a universe where none of them fight in the grail war but all know each other. So it's just comfy stuff they do together.

As canon as your virginity.

Holy shit, that's the Fate I always wanted. I always liked kitchen scenes the most. Now I only need hentai with Illya.

One episode a month until the end of the year, so twelve. I'm not fucking kidding. On the first of every month there will be a new episode.

The cooking scenes in the VN made me take an interest in cooking. I owe my only productive hobby to Shirou

that shit was cute. When did Saber's eyes go full-on green tho? I thought that was Nero's thing

damn it seiba is cute

Looks the same but lighter, but all the coloring in the anime looks lighter in general.

When did Seibah get so cute?

Is it just me or does saber's voice sound slightly different than usual in this show?


I like how they make Seiba cute because I always forget she's supposed to physically be like 14