Why didn't NERV just get a therapist for Shinji?
Why didn't NERV just get a therapist for Shinji?
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So it's one of those Japanese superstitions?
Ye pretty much, people are expected to take care of themselves especially for mental problems
There wasn’t anything that could prepare Shinji for the last third of the story.
Half of the earths entire population was wiped out, everyone needed a therapist
Gendo could have just gone to a therapist and the entire thing would be avoided
japan doesnt have mental health infrastructure
Ironically a good therapist or psychologist could fix a lot of issues in a shit ton of series but they're purposely void because that's the easy way out. And Japan looks down on mental illnesses.
They were intentionally traumatizing him.
>but they're purposely void because that's the easy way out.
I though it was just because Anno projected his problems and solutions on Shinji?
Why not just drug him?
Trow him like 2Kg of pills and the faggot will be normal for a while.
therapists are scams idiot
Because both SEELE's and Gendo's plans work best with the Shinji they have, not the one people wish that he was. The last thing they'd want inside Unit one at the end would be a sane and self-confident Shinji.
Hage no naha.
why should they?
It's more that it's supposed to be handled by the family
It's not a superstition, it's all about "face". To the japanese mental illness is a sign you were raised wrong, which means it reflects poorly on your parents. So most families hide from society members with mental illness. The only anime/manga work I can think of that even talks about therapy in a non-judgemental light is the novel version of Welcome to the NHK
The girl giving therapy in that novel is literally insane.
So it's not wrong to say she was raised wrong.
she was raised extremely poorly, Im sure the japs have no issue if your step parents did it though.
Misaki had a personality disorder and social anxiety though, so her therapy was pretty shitty, plus it was a codependent relationship at that. She still won the Satoubowl though so it's all good, truly left a void in my heart when it was over. Manga truly was a ride.
It was necessary for Instrumentality project that his personal AT field (ego) crumbled.
As said, both Gendo and SEELE prefer Shinji to be weak and easily manipulated. SEELE explicitly calls for the destruction of his ego before Instrumentality in EoE.
I wasn't talking about Misaki, in the book Satou says he has a conversation with his father who is willing to get him treatment. I think this happens in the manga too.
Gendo is a horrible father.
NERV needed their pilots to be as fucked up as possible.
Evangelion or why you shouldn't hire mentally fucked up personal
They trained him wrong on purpose, as a joke.
wasn't in the budget
Yup, and that's why there are a lot of hikkikomoris, the family rather feeds them and let them be while hiding them from the public, because it's shame for the family.
Well we know now why a lot of mangaka are a little insane and they project that on their manga
She didn't win it, their relationship is one of the most misunderstood ones. They just agree to help each other, but I don't think you could even call them friends. Allies could be the most appropriate word.
The point isn't that Shinji's the one that's fucked up. It's that EVERYONE is fucked up. Lots of characters lecture him over the course of the series. What those characters tell him isn't representative of the message the show is trying to convey.
No wonder their men are checking out mentally, their population is dropping like a lead balloon, and their suicide rates are through the roof.
Because drugs like normabel and xanax make you lose all of your agility, preception and spatial awareness. Pilots are specifically forbidden from taking them while working as pilots.
You can get in the seat, but that's all you can do.
>To the japanese mental illness is a sign you were raised wrong, which means it reflects poorly on your parents.
Well isn't it?
This is something that goes for everyone, you don't have to be a first generation Asian.
>Well isn't it?
Whenever I meet with or have to talk to someone crazy, the first thing I can always safely assume is a bad family environment.
In theory he needed to be depressed so in TEOE he would not refuse to unify the human race
You're just now figuring this out?
>the fate of humanity hinges on a single person's mental disorder, with the illuminati benefiting from him being mentally ill
Should've exterminated humanity altogether for what it's worth. SEELE didn't go far enough.
He also needed to be distraught for Rei to sense him. Yui sat immobile in Unit-01 while Shinji listened to Asuka being ripped to shreds. She only moved after Asuka was dead and Shinji was a hair's breadth from a nervous breakdown.
They did. But he reacted badly to her unorthodox methods.
I always wondered why their parents accept that their children do nothing but hide away in their room and play vidya all day. Wish I had Japanese parents.
You have to keep in mind that you'd be a target of constant, burning disdain though. The one that makes grown men commit sudoku.
What happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an American. He wasn’t in touch with his feelings. He just did what he had to do.
What happened to the gambler Clint Eastwood shot? He wasn't in touch with what the bet was. It was his life.
Well the rapist did make Shinji think about sex 90% of the time. The method has some effect, don't know if it was the desired one.
I swear someone posts this every time and I laugh at it. Being a robot doesn't make you an American, user.
Stop spreading false rumors that being a tough guy is about not being in tune with your emotions.
That just makes you a sociopath.
She's why he started global instrumentality, which is seemingly not what SEELE or Gendo wanted.
But we're anons.
We'd be like George Costanza in a Japanese home: miss half the signals and ignore the other half while we abuse the fuck out of their politeness.
That's not true at all, unless you have sociopath parents.
Jap parents love their kids the same as anyone else, regardless of their failures.
Wouldn't say she was that important. I mean he almost fucked another guy, which he only knew for several hours before it almost happened.
>Wouldn't say she was that important.
Rewatch the kitchen fight scene, and pay close attention to what happens at the end.
Ever hear the radio programs in the background in some episodes? Pre-impact people are kind of callous when it comes to post-impact kids' emotional problems. Their take is "Oh, you feeling down? well, you didn't live through literally the worst day of human history or the ensuing global war, only to rebuild some semblance of civilization for you, so get over it."
you can love somebody and feel total contempt for how they lead their lives
When a guy is coming from behind and saying he wants everything, most of the time it means he's desperate for a fuck and has already run out of bullets. Anyone would do.
Don't know how the context of third impact and abandoning humanity would change or affect this.
>why don't you just stop being depressed
>maybe you should visit an interesting place instead of being an annoying nihilistic little shit
>you just didn't try hard enough, everyone can be successful and happy, as long as they're not like you
I fail to see how Eva is any different than RL on this point in particular.
No, you have it backwards: both Gendo and SEELE wanted instrumentality. The entire purpose of NERV was to bring it about. If NGE 2 is to be believed, SEELE only wanted their souls to inhabit Unit-01 as a sort of immortal god. Gendo's plan was originally Yui's: to raise Shinji to eventually pilot Unit-01 and be the impetus for Third Impact so that he could reject it and restore individual life. Yui then disappeared into Unit-01 (possibly out of fear for her life) and Gendo lost his mind out of grief and despair. He was going to replace Shinji and bring about Instrumentality and the destruction of humanity just so he could be with his wife again.
Why Third Impact was absolutely imperative is never explained, but all three plans revolved around it happening and differed in the choices to be made after it occurs.
>No, you have it backwards: both Gendo and SEELE wanted instrumentality
They didn't want 'global instrumentality', the thing Shinji brought about as revenge for Asuka turning him down in the kitchen scene.
We know that from NGE 2, which you mentioned, so I'm not sure where or how you got confused.
They wanted a different instrumentality where they could retain their free will and subjugate the rest of humanity.
Instrumentality is what happens after all the souls are gathered. To even begin that process, the world has to be engulfed in an anti-AT field and humanity liquidated. SEELE wanted it on their own terms, Gendo wanted to be reunited with Yui.
Or I could be wrong. My brain is faulty at the best of times.
No, you pretty much got it right.
There's no reason you need to extract all 3 billion souls in order to operate on 9 or 1 of them. SEELE just wanted their own souls taken out and put into S2 evas, no global element whatsoever. They wanted to status quo to remain except them as gods. No reason to fuck with others' souls in that case.
You have to keep in mind several scenarios existed, some were merely pretenses and some changed midway through:
>1st: Seele wanted to instrumentalize humanity with them conveniently at the helm, Yui (and later Gendo) had no option but to outwardly pretend they were pursuing the same goal.
>2nd: Yui recruited Gendo and Fuyutsuki under the pretense that they would be opposing Seele and instead would be making an utopic world.
>3rd: In reality Yui had yet a different goal which was to become a living god and keep the memory of humanity's existence, She couldn't tell Gendo this but she did Fuyutsuki.
>4th: Once Yui was gone Gendo threw the original goals Yui's faction had in mind and only cared about bringing her back.
>They wanted the status quo to remain except them as gods
Is that why they called it Human Instrumentality Project and not Seele's Instrumentality Project?
No reason except power. Now that's a huge difference.
I always think that depressive children was a fundamental requirment to become an Eva pilot.
Like every fucking kid has a problem.
I can kind of relate, like most people in here.
or put another way...
They called it Human Instrumentality Project for the same reason net neutrality was repealed by a bill called the "Internet Freedom Act"
Remember that the human instrumentality committee was literally a public thing on the EU
Wait are we still talking about eva or RL?
I'm reasonably sure there were several IRL groups that got into the technical and bioethical aspects of doing the eva thing to real people.
I'm talking about EVA. You asked why it was called the human instrumentality project by SEELE, it's because you wouldn't call it the "SEELE BECOME GODS PROJECT LMAO". The name is a form of opsec in itself
>Well isn't it?
Eh, no. A bad enviroment isn't always the reason.
It's also possible that SEELE had really deluded themselves that they needed to be mankind's god-powered protectors(/tyrants), so 'human instrumentality project' was actually an apt description of them becoming gods
>same reason net neutrality was repealed by a bill called the "Internet Freedom Act"
The unabbreviated HIP and HIC sound ominous as fuck, I doubt names like that would have facilitated anything politically.
If the goal was to obfuscate rather than describe, in a post-impact world they would have been better off calling it The Humanty Restoration Project.
>Well isn't it?
Not necessarily. Sometimes it's the result of something bad that happens to you, such as being robbed, mugged, raped, etc.
Only reason people assume you were raised wrong is because you're generally at home more often than you're outside of your home.
Should have been HIP and THIC instead.
Not necessarily agreeing with that user, but the thought process is clear on that one
>did we raise you to be a pussy little bitch that can't shrug off being robbed and beaten once in a while?
>did they honestly raise such a wuss? Some bad parenting right there
The Human Instrumentality Congressional Committee
You. I like you.
Does Japanese culture just encourage people to lack empathy or some shit? Because I've never actually heard of a culture that blames the victim like that.
It's specific to all Asians not just Nips.
I'd imagine that most of all, it encourages not losing face, for yourself or your family. So putting any sort of weakness on a public display is a no-no.
Wow, that's incredibly fucked up. Amazing how a culture like that can still produce such amazing artists.
So it's pretty much an honor culture taken to its absolute extreme? I guess that explains why we had to nuke them twice.
You can easily look it up, it’s never just environment, genes and environment both play a role in mental illness.
>So it's pretty much an honor culture taken to its absolute extreme?
It's a basic culture, really, with strength being it's core value. We all come from there, so it's actually less developed, rather than taken anywhere.
What?You think he can be cured?
how can I ruin this?
Lewd them
Swap hair colors
Well I wouldn't call it honor. More like, there's a need to always be presentable and marketable. Probably not limited to SE Asians, but extends to every traditional family that isn't very Westernized.
Give them a ton of makeup and tattoos.
Emotions seemed to be the strongest catalyst in the series. Whenever someone was doing well, their synchro rate dropped faster than Asuka's mom.
I mean that’s why both Japan and South Korea have some of the highest suicide rates of developed countries. It’s basically an epidemic but many are in denial.
Eg. kpop artist killed himself a few weeks ago. Doctor told him his depression was just part of his personality and did nothing to help. All Korean comments I have seen are either “if only he endured it longer ;;” or “why did he do it he’s so popular and has $$” It’s mostly western fans who are calling out problems in Korea.
A show called Hello Counselor is popular in Korea, none of them are professional therapists or counselors. They had a girl on there who had an extreme eating disorder, and the audience thought it wasn’t a big deal.
There is no education about mental illness. You would think things would change but almost nothing has. People aren’t taken seriously until they survive a suicide attempt.
I have bipolar II and if I was born and raised in either country, I would be dead now. When I was in Japan, someone jumped in front of a train I was on and it was “a pain” that the train was late/people had to board another one.
I dont mean to vent and go off on a tangent, but for real. It’s a joke over there. Airport people treated me like a druggie when I had to go over my meds with them.
"The Shadman works" I see.
rd: In reality Yui had yet a different goal which was to become a living god and keep the memory of humanity's existence, She couldn't tell Gendo this but she did Fuyutsuki.
shit, never heard of this, how is NGE able to still come up with new thing to me after all this years and rewatchs?