The Greatest Animated Film In 25 Years

...this is the greatest love story I have ever seen to the craft of Japanese Animation. Miles ahead of Toradora, sorry, but there is no other that can compare. Shouko is the kind of girl who befriends you and loves you unto death. Tears Sup Forums...TEARS!

Nice false flag thread.

Master baiter

I'm serious.

>greatest love story

That's not Maison Ikkoku.

Seriously shitposting, we know.

No, I just got done watching it, I am at a loss of words. And not like the loss that was TLJ. This IS a good film! I can't be the only one right? I mean...Sup Forums has not become that jaded in the 2 years I have not been here...have they?

No really, Sup Forums was all over Koe no Katachi, what happened?

>Sup Forums was all over Koe no Katachi
Sup Forums was all over the oneshot, and became progressively less enthusiastic as the serialization went on.

Even though best girl won?

Besides the shitposters, most of Sup Forums has liked the manga and the movie, sure. That doesn't change the fact that OP is a blatant falseflag.

I tell you I'm not. Honestly watched it and loved it.

Still made many anons have a deaf girl fetish for a few days

Shouko is love.

>for a few days
S-Should I start getting worried?

She lost a little bit less the other girls.

than the other girls, fixed.
>deleting your posts in 2018

i want to fuck this cats eared slut

It's not even a love story.

And you're honestly retarded.

>greatest love story

Did we watch the same movie?

Classy Sup Forums, at least you didn't lose that.

>love story
user, I...

When did Mio turn into such a cunt?

Fuck, I don't understand how this can make people cry. The story makes no sense without reading the manga.

>TFW I dragged my dad to see it in theaters (who isn't in to anime I'd I've been slowly trying to show him the good shit but he can't get into it unless it's Ghibli)

>Get really disappointed by how much it butchered the story.
>Find out he thought it was the best film he saw that year.

Back to tumblr now, go type like a fag elsewhere.

Shouko IS LIFE!

The manga legit made me shed a tear, truly left a hole in my chest when I was finished. That being said it's not really a romance, the moral of the story was really making up for the past, overcoming regret, and etc. The open ending in the manga was nice though. Shouko & Shouya walking through the doors hand in hand was nice.