This is a mom

This is a mom.

This is my wife.

She seems young.

Don't worry, she's of age.

Gary Coleman. the black actor from the series, D'ffrinet Strokes. Was 4'8" and retained a child like apperance well into middle age. all because of the drugs used to treat his chronic kidney disease as a child.

so you could drug little asian girls to turn them into asian women that still look like children. though this would be expensive and take 10 years at least for the finished product.

I'd rather just go to jail trying to marry a loli instead thank you.

there is the third option. though i don't know how well it will work. while living in japan I saw plenty of grown adult japanese women under 5 feet that were under 30. they just didn't have child faces.

That's just perfect then.

don't leave me hanging my man

Alright fine, here.


soon to be a grandma

please continue

Something aint right here

The age of lolimom is upon us.

Don't worry, it's legal.

This is her husband.


Fuck man, the sequel to this with her daughter is so fucked up.

I'd fuck that mom.

I'm calling the police.