This ep was the peak of the entire series, prove me fucking wrong.
I kind of wish there was more parts like this instead of just going from arc to arc
Yu Yu Hakusho
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kuwuabara was a real man tbqh. he and yukina belong each other
When does Kuwabara stop jobbing? He was doing well early on but I'm near the end of the dark tournament arc and he's been getting his ass kicked left and right. They seem to be shifting him to be purely a comic relief character.
Honestly I didn't like the series much outside of the first 6 episodes before he gets his body back.
Those 6 episodes were outstanding though.
Kuwabara beat Elder Toguro in the finals. IIRC that was his last victory in the anime. I'm not sure about the manga.
I'm watching it for the first time in over a decade and so far those early eps were definitely my favourite ones. The fights are great and all but I wish there were more eps focused on the characters.
Only arc I had trouble setting through where the demon realm bugs were making people crazy, that Suzaku fight felt like it dragged on forever.
Also I kind of wish there were more fights against humans with spirit energy like in the first arc, they make most of the demons look like humans anyway so why not?
He beats one of Sensui's guys, the one that manipulates water with his blood. After that incident he turns into an excellent student and goes to a top engineering school, as predicted by said episode
Haven't seen the anime past Dark Tournament so I don't know how closely they followed it.
It's the same in the anime
Read the manga. The beginning arc of Yusuke as a ghost dealing with thing is extended for quite a while in the manga.
He never really has any 'clean' victories. If he wins it's usually after getting the shit kicked out of him, realizing something everyone knew minutes beforehand, and coming up with a really stupid plan to exploit it.
Once the dark tournament is over, he effectively vanishes out of most of the story. He certainly is treated as being too weak to participate in fights anymore, once the demon world shit starts.
This. I love some of those little stories and kind of wish they had been added to the anime.
what episode was this?
Right now, I'm trying to destroy you with my mind.
>thought this would be a comfy school anime with every new episode dealing with a new issue like Full Metal Panic or Cardcaptor Sakura
>turns into a generic battle shonun
c'mon dude, learn to read filenames
This anime is amazing, they should remake him as a hunter x hunter
fuck you, I don't always bother to. And is it seriously from episode 3??? I don't remember this and I've seen the earlier episodes each multiple times
You couldn't be bothered look at the left hand corner of your screen but you could be bothered typing out a reply and filling out a captcha?
That doesn't really make sense user.
There's literally no reason to watch YYH when HxH and vastly improves it in every way
the first episode of YYH is probably the greatest episode in anime
kill yourself newfag
The first episode is terrible. All over the place, badly drawn, no journey started. Meanwhile Hunter sets the fucking bar for starter episodes. YYH is the rough draft, Hunter is the fucking thesis paper