>protagonist is male
Protagonist is male
>protagonist is female
into the trash.
>cast is less than 90% female
>Love interest is the opposite sex
>female has rights
good taste
My entire reaction to all the recent Fate anime.
>female is a slut
You first Paco
>When the autogynephilia hits you so hard you become a feminazi
Y'know using made up words to counter tumblr's made up words doesn't make you better than them. It's just as bad.
>protagonist is human
>the brotagonist is amegican
Why don't you google the origin of that word, you dumb faggot.
I did. Seems just as made up as any of the bullshit tumblrites like to spout.
It's a lot older than tumblr and probably a more lot older than you.
Unsubstantiated bullshit is unsubstantiated bullshit no matter when it was conceived.
>Women are sex slaves
>old = okay
user, these are experts that want to know why you want to be little girl so much that you literally start to hate your own dick, don't act like you know jack shit about anything you mentally ill. And it describes you so perfectly, why is the word no good? How would you prefer to be called? Anime faggot?
I didn't say that, the point is the existed since before this tumblr shit of inventing new words started.
are you gay or this is bizarro Sup Forums
and name 1 anime that does that
Gay-ass tranny bitch seems more appropriate.
Akkoposters are cancer
Lol I was just joking
Too profane for me.
fuck, i guess i'm not fapping today
user, I hate to break it to you, but...
>all words are invented
Every single one. All made up. Every word in every language ever spoken on Earth was invented; some more recently than others. But what makes a word stupid has nothing to do with age. Drapetomania is going on 200 years now and it's a fake bullshit word. Tumblr didn't invent word invention.
>Protagonist gender pronouns are he/him.
>OP is from Sup Forums
..So? I don't really care who invented words, I care if they actually give an accurate depiction of what they refer to.
Do you read your own posts or did I just hallucinate the whole argument you made about how your stupid word is older than Tumblr and therefore valid?
This show has the worst fanbase, not a single good poster.
Fucking jej
Same goes for all trigger-shit
Uhh dude, again, it's not about just being old, it's about being older than tumblr which was the argument the other user was making to call it a dumb word. It's just a word man, don't be so upset.
No, it's not a matter of age, it's that using such bullshit terms is textbook tumblr and you should strive to be better than them.
Original user told you that using made up words to counter Tumblr words wasn't smart of you. Your counter was that the word predates Tumblr so it isn't the same thing. I'm telling you words are never NOT invented and their age doesn't mean shit. And now you are denying that was ever your point.
>There is a correlation between protagonist's gender pronouns and xir biological sex
>using words that date back to when tumblr didn't existed is textbook tumblr
Ok user, thanks for opening my eyes.
Yeah, user my point is that the word isn't the same as a tumblr word simply because it describes you perfectly and it's from before all these gender bullshit bloomed. How is any of that wrong?
>OP is a yurifag
There is nothing that triggers me more than a cis male protagonist who employs problematic language. It makes me so mad.
another great thread by the fujo raid discord
Kek literally yuridindu
>protagonist is male
>love interest is also male
>male harem for male protagonist
>male fanservice
another great post by sub18cocksuckergang
>Protagonist is male
>Antagonist is female
>Protag is hated and hunted by antag because she caught him fucking her girlfriend...that left her to join his harem.
oh no curse you damn yuridindu for spoiling my plans again
you won't get me next time kek
return to the zoo, baboons, we do not require any baboons
More like all LWAtards are cancer.
Does a series like this even exist?
almost all of them if you're a preteen girl
>the protage is an energetic child
>protagonist knows about western memes
>main characters are teenagers
>ecchi makes up the majority of the plot
>setting is just modern day Japan
>gender ratio is the opposite of Chinas
Into the trash it goes.
go back there retard
>thread becomes about SJWs
I didn't think I was on twitter
it was an IRC thread from the opening post
>cast has relevant males
LWA is SJWs biblical shows.
dumb gibberish poster
>protagonist has a phallic thingy between his legs.
protagonist is a otaku
>protagonist is self-insert of author
>protagonist has the same name as author
>Androgynous protagonist
>It looks mostly female
I hate otaku characters in general. They feel so forced
It's write what you know at its worst.
>Protagonist isn't a cute dickgirl
>protagonists gender is ambiguous and left open to speculation.