Space Dandy

Happy Birthday Space Dandy!

I can't believe it's been four years since you first aired. Time sure flies, huh?

Say something nice about it, Sup Forums!

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a dandy guy

Its better than cowboy bebop

>Four years
Jesus fuck.

it didn't deserve this

Best show Watanabe ever made

>Four years

It hardly even feels like one year. It feels like maybe two at most.

Anime need a new space trucker/handyman series or just another season of this.


Season 2 was one of the best experiences I've had watching a chinese cartoon. All those guest animators and crazy experimental styles. No rules on that. Still wish we got a movie though.

>four years

One of Sup Forums's greatest shames will forever be delegatating Space Dandy discussion to Sup Forums.

Respect the booty

>Four years
This can't be right.

>Say something nice about it


I liked the dub more anyway

Ian Sinclair really nailed Dandy


>four years
This is simply terrifying.

>4 years

>four years

Why is this song not in the OST?
It's not even properly ripped in youtube.

It is on the OST though, just not the english version.

Chaika aired nearly four years ago.

Only the japanese version is on the original OST.
and that makes me sad.

fuck off

That wasn't too bad after all, it made people from different boards enjoy the same series. It's nice to have something that's almost universally liked.

This, by Kek.
Not Space Opera, more like Space Rodeo.

He's a dandy in space. Also it's one of the best shows ever created.

Why are the SD girls so great?
Scarlet is the absolute best tho.

I watched for the 1st time last year, so it is still some kind of new anime to me.

Animation is pretty good, one of the best even made, but hell no, it's not better than Cowboy BeBop (btw Samurai Champloo > Comboy BeBop > Dandy).

And yes, Dandy deserves a movie.

>I can't believe it's been four years since you first aired.
I was looking for a reason to rewatch it. Guess I have one now. Thanks for mentioning it OP!

Space Dandy is Space Dandy


>4 years

>4 years

Most underrated episode

>didn't even watch it until 2 years after it finished airing
Fuckin hell I need to rewatch this again
Why was it so fun?

So many different people worked on it that all that fun and love just bleeds out

The leika episode could have been 10/10 but then the second half happend. What the fuck were they thinking with that shit.

>You'll never watch the Dancingan episode for the first time again


>cowboy bebop came out 20 years ago
Jesus Christ.

Deservedly so.

Honestly one of the greatest moments in televised history

I miss it

I miss the cute bug.

Me too, bud.
Me too.
Watching Space Dandy as it aired with Sup Forums was definitely one of the highlights of all my years on Sup Forums.

I just want to say I love the names of the episodes as well, they're amazing.

>Sometimes You Can't Live with Dying, Baby
>There's Always Tomorrow, Baby
>We're All Fools, So Let's All Dance, Baby


Best episode.


Dandy dance > Space dance

But Sup Forums did discuss space dandy, it was just first few weeks that shitposters were in threads but then they left

>that one episode that no one else seemed to like but that you loved

I think people just don't care much for music episodes in shows, especially ones with English voices. That doesn't change the fact that I feel that every episode has something for everybody though.

>an episode where their main character is literally asleep the ENTIRE episode
Still laffin

Also I still can't find the music from the ED for this one

I loved it though


I was worried that each musical number was going to suck since the lyrics, routines, and lip flaps were probably especially made for the Japanese script, but in the end the episode still wound up good in the dub.


I'm sorry.

What the hell has Watanabe been up to since Zankyo no Terror anyway? It's about time he announced something I'm getting antsy.

Honey and Scarlet got my dick rock fucking hard.

i just want the song that birb played.

I wish I could find my stitch of when shes sitting on the table in the band episode but it seems lost to time. Have this instead I guess.

You mean like this?


space dandy is the best anime of the 2010s
debate me Sup Forums


>it's been 4 years already

I won't because you're completely right, only a handful of other things even come close (Like Ping Pong)

Ping Pong was just babby's first sports anime. It wasn't even good by sports anime standards.

What were your favorite episodes?

Anyone fuckin' remember the one nip VA saying something along the lines of Space Dandy's dub leaving out vital and important plot points before the first episode aired in the states? What a god-tier ruse.

liked this one the most

Time sure flies

I never finished it

mi negro

>babby's first sports anime
But that's Ippo

Ping Pong is so fucking unpopular, I have no idea what you're on about.

That one, Limbo and the phantom ramen ep. I think I'm gonna rewatch.

I think the ramen episode will always be my favorite, but I also loved the episode with the crew on Meow's home planet.

A world without sadness, baby. It was pure Dandy

>"i'm gay..."

I watched it with Toonami and there must have been 3 threads that flew by because of that line.

In space.

I think everyone lost it

I have a few images still saved for it's premiere

wonder how many of the people who watched it with us originally are dead by now.

>Lost my entire Dandy folder when my HDD died


Do you remember waiting for user to post the ost. I do.

Rock'n'Roll baby.

The one with QT falling in love. I love the ending scene so much. I don't hate a single episode of Dandy, it's all good.

Plant episode, had me teary eyed at the end.

Wonder what Watanabe will work on next.

I'm 31.

Four years? Holy shit. Never did being a contraian fuck feel so noble, Sup Forums shat on an absolutely wonderful show so hard just because it was popular with normalfags, I was forced to go to fucking Sup Forums just to find a decent conversation and I don't regret it because watching Dandy as it aired was a one of a kind experience.

Did anyone like Terror? I never finished it. It looked pretty though.

>Sup Forums shat on an absolutely wonderful show so hard just because it was popular with normalfags

What else is new.

>Four years
Holy fuck, how long time ago was PSG ?