I wish I lived in the Blame! universe.
No responsibilities, no need to sleep or eat, just wandering the megastructure for eons
I wish I lived in the Blame! universe.
No responsibilities, no need to sleep or eat, just wandering the megastructure for eons
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>No sleep.
Sounds like a waking nightmare desu.
Is this thinly veiled Blame! and Nihei thread? Count me in.
APOSIMZ > Blame!
I wish that faggot would hurry up and finish his BLAME inspired walking sim already.
Pray you never learn just how good it can be to see another face.
I can promise you that…that yearning to be with other people is powerful.
That emotion is at the foundation of what makes us human. It’s not to be taken lightly.
But Killy eats and sleeps sometimes.
Also drains power plants.
And most of us would probably be some dumb degenerated mutants who can't read and are killed by safeguards, or die of starvation.
>I wish I lived in the Blame! universe.
What the fuck am I reading?!
Maybe as a netsphere entity yes but everything outside of it is a massive shitshow with varying levels of suffering.
Oh piss off you melodramatic queer, we're not all attention addicted normies
>But Killy eats and sleeps sometimes.
Maybe one every few decades though
>Maybe as a netsphere entity yes but everything outside of it is a massive shitshow with varying levels of suffering.
It's comfy suffering though, especially if you're Killy
I thought it was dead.
Yep, sounds like a fag with a rose to me.
boring snow henshin is his worst work.
It is, another faggot from Aloft games also started with a megastructure walking sim. Guess what, no new posts for over 2 years. People just love hyping others only to drop the project when they get bored with it. Also, I'd love to live in the Blame! Universe. Everything is so dead and emotionless but that's what makes it beautiful. I never really cared for other peoples attention so walking around for a couple of thousand years seems to be a good deal for me- as long as I'm not one of those puny humans who seem to get smacked and whacked around by everything and everyone.
You don't know how that user's life looks like. Maybe his or her family is like a bunch of vampires, or they're stuck with no income for years or some other form of social exclusion.
If you get to this point as a silicone lifeform, do you just lose your sex drive? It's clear that they still have emotions and goals, but I wonder if any love they feel is just platonic? Also, how do they make more of themselves if they always fight humans all the time? Test tube babies? It seemed like that one time Killy found a cloning lab it must have been some pretty serious tech that couldn't be remade without the city functioning.
Killy is a safeguard though, you would be a human that would die of hunger and deshydratation in 3 weeks. Or get airborn aids, or get sillicon'D, of get safeguard'D or get enslaved by other humans, most likely you'll die alone without having met another soul
The original silicones were transcended humans, but it looks like they just started growing/constructing new entities with desired traits, part alive, part machine. Hence the variety of forms and purposes.
According to the government representative, Killy is a pre-safeguard system, and not a safeguard.
Probably a prototype of some sort that safeguard were based on, but that was never stated outright.
Has anyone bought the master edition reprints of Blame? What's the quality like?
>It's comfy suffering though, especially if you're Killy
What kind of retarded nonsense is this?
I have the Japanese version, and I assume that English version uses the same images.
Overall, the quality is pretty good. However, there are a few pages that have some artifacts that were not present in the original (notably the very first spread in chapter 1). Other than that, they have changed a few things here and there, and several pages in the last volume (battle with Level 9) have entirely different shading, likely because the finished originals were lost.
That being said, the whole thing looks great in large format, as it is possible to distinguish small details.
One thing I wish they had, is original covers being included. They are not, and that's a shame.
Sure, if you’re a specialty Safegaurd agent. If you’re a normal person, you’ll probably die a horrible death pretty quickly.
You'd have a tiny dick though.
Even if he was granted immortality at one point he'd start losing memories of the older events. Sounds pretty distressing.
>he thinks he wouldn't be some shitty electrofisher or some other non-entity
Loving every laugh
>Hurr you'd be some scub human who'd get killed immediately
Don't you have anything better to do? Like mock childrens acting skills? I fucking hate pedantic twats.
What the fuck is wrong with you
Don't know about that user, but I can see exactly what's your major malfunction. You're a hard tsundere, and it's great.
Every fuking time someone makes a statement you get autist coming in with "Hurr the worst case scenario would happen to you durr". Stop stating the fucking obvious for one and stop using logic on people's fantasies. It's a fantasy moron.
The whole premise of the setting is that everything has turned to shit.
Everything and everyone is suffering in cyber-hell.
You are the moron if you want to life there.
Half the manga is Killy exploring completely empty landscapes, without meeting another being for dozens of years at a time. Killy is like 10000 years old, you just don't see the bits where he wanders around for hundreds of years without meeting anyone.
Sounds sort of fun desu.
Well if that is what you appreciate, then we don't seem to share the same way of life it seems.
Have fun doing nothing I guess.
Why did Nihei drop off so much? Blame! is a fucking masterpiece of art but even his art style changed. He's getting the mechanical stuff back with APOSIMZ but his ability illustrate the giant scale of the worlds and their complexity is just gone. Same with his narrative weaving ability. I wish someone would give him some money so he could just not be on a time constraint.
Why is Cibo so cute?
He's spoken out about this. He was sick of only having niche recognition, so he changed his style and stories to be more mass appeal and it made him a lot of money and he got way more acclaim. He says he doesn't wanna throw that away right now.
Eons of genetic engineering making perfectly aesthetic and functional bodies. Also because she is my wife.
How is APOSIMZ selling?
I want to live in Hinamizawa ;_;
You're in the wrong place if you like trees
50 shades of black
50 shades of white
Ughh, I'm happy for the dude, but the the fact I won't see his beautiful black artstyle ever again is just depressing.
I know it wouldn't be the same, but why not try hiking and camping?
Until some silicon life fucks up your DNA or some gravitational beam that was emitted thousands of kilometers away kill you and your backup.
Also suffering.
>"Hurr the worst case scenario would happen to you durr"
No you dumb nigger, if you get blame'd, the chances of you getting "normal" (by today's standards of precarious) conditions for living for at least a year alone are definitely low, also with all we've seen a "worst case scenario" could be worse than death itself, like getting a lot of tumors while being kept alive as a rat lab or something.
>The art in Knights of Sidonia does seem quite different from your previous work.
>Nihei: Yeah, I wanted the art to have a Tezuka-level mass appeal. (laugh) I even considered changing my pen name when I was starting Knights of Sidonia. I wanted the story to be simple, too – nothing that would lose the reader.
Again, it's a fantasy. I want to be Killy wandering the megastructure for hundreds of years never meeting a soul.
Thanks user, that's what I meant to quote
Too many normies.
You can't go anywhere without some faggot jogging or walking their dog.
Like yourself.
>Half the manga is Killy exploring completely empty landscapes, without meeting another being for dozens of years at a time. Killy is like 10000 years old, you just don't see the bits where he wanders around for hundreds of years without meeting anyone.
That's my idea of heaven. Still sure I'm a normie?
I wish I lived in the Blame: A Netflix Original Movie universe.
You sound like an edgy faglord who isn't aware of how much he needs human interaction and who would go insane if he was thrown into a situation like Blame.
>Her vagina is gushing for Killy for the whole movie
>She wants to settle down and have kids with him
>"Y-You'll come back right Killy chan?"
>He just peaces the fuck out never to be seen again without even a goodbye
You dont know how to live in isolated environments, padre. Stop spouting 2cool memes. Majority of mankind is too soft to live alone, which is where you grab your information.
I actively avoid human interaction of any kind that isn't talking to people on message boards. You sound like a fucking crybaby bitch boy who couldn't go a week without someone asking you how your day was.
I haven't left my house or seen another person besides delivery guys for 4 months. I'll leave eventually when I feel like going outside but I don't require human interaction to get through the day.
Hmm sounds like a load of barnacles but ok. Whatever floats your boat.
I really struggled with Blame, the art was nice, but it was still a clusterfuck. So many panels where it was hard to follow where Killy even was or what was happening. I'll probably read it again at some point, but the only time I've heard people really praise it is for the action, which was good but when it didn't have a real context and nothing else was explained I just couldn't enjoy action for the sake of action I wanted to know much more rather than having to follow breadcrumbs if that.
I enjoyed the art for the landscapes mostly, the action was great but the weird structures are what kept me turning pages. Story is convoluted and not great, I don't think it was the focus. It was like Cyberpunk Mad Max for me, the stories of the side characters were always more interesting with Killy just being a drifter who helps out if he feels like it.
Mate if there's too many people you're hiking in the wrong places
you realise talking to people on taiwanese throat singing forums still count as human interaction, right
>meanwhile talking to people on a forum
What mango or anime i should check if i like nihei aesthetic and superstructures ?
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryouko.
But im already watching it user
>that isn't talking to people on message boards
Also interacting on anonymous message boards is entirely different than talking with people face to face. Even just talking to someone one on one through text chat alone does more socially for the human mind than just lurking and firing off one liner drive-by shitposts on Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums, or whatever the more popular boards are nowadays.
Well, I tried thinking of other things that have similar vibes, and thought of Texhnolyze. It has a similar atmosphere of decay and emptiness. Although it's a different style of work.
You can try reading books that Blame was heavily inspired by. Some of the things were taken pretty much verbatim from Great Sky River and Feersum Endjinn. Nihei also listed stuff from Gibson and Simmons.
Did it work?
and yet it's still human interaction, meaning you don't live in and understand complete isolation for extended periods of time like you say you do
you'd die in less than an hour
where are you guys even reading APOSIMZ?
On Sup Forums
Don't worry, in some cases if it gets bad enough the mind will create friends to keep you company.
>another faggot from Aloft games also started with a megastructure walking sim. Guess what, no new posts for over 2 years.
What if it's just the same guy doing this repeatedly, and he gets off by disappointing people?
Me too.
>tfw stuck in a baseline human body
>probably will never be a posthuman, however trashy
What is The Master up to these days?