Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate dbz? This show still kicks ass to this day, the majority of the characters are way cooler than 90% of what we have today and its a bit refreshing too to see some pride or assertiveness in your cast after all the wimpy mc's ive had to grind through.
Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate dbz? This show still kicks ass to this day...
success breeds jealousy, user.
> Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate dbz
Because Sup Forums, outside of the shounen generals, doesn't much like battle shounen in general.
The Dragonball series up to Frieza and the supersayain reveal was fucking hype. It just went downhill from there. I gotta admit though, Ultra Instinct Goku in DBS was awesome but too bad the rest of it sucks.
original DB is better
It's more that Sup Forums is tired of the Supershitter Pedros making a billion and one threads
Everyone watched it at some point and it was discussed to death thousand times over. It's it not a complex show with much to discuss to begin with so every thread is the same shit.
People are tired of it.
I can see how people say the majin buu saga was lacking, but you think the android saga and cell saga sucked? Just what, those honestly better at times than frieza saga, especially with events flowing more smoothly compared to the alot of drag frieza saga had with too many episodes. And everyone still was pretty useful, they all trained hard and had a role to impact something, unlike later on where piccolo becomes abslty uselss.
I fucking love the Cell Games but everything up to this point was a shitshow.
>androids are the strongest
>cell is the strongest
>piccolo is the strongest
>cell is the strongest
>16 is the strongest
>cell is the strongest
>vegeta is the strongest
>cell is the strongest
As unrealistic as Dragon Ball is, I just found it incredibly hard to believe that an earthling could come up with technology which surpassed Freiza, who was an intergalatic power. Just some dude in a cave was able to come up with androids who were super sayain level. It was just insane.
I feel like the story should have ended after Goku beat Frieza because we found out all there is to know about him. We finally found out Goku's origin and he did the impossible by becoming a super sayain. If DBZ ended there I think it would be remembered as a masterpiece with a coherent story rather than the powerlevel shitshow we have now.
Powerlevel bullshit in Namek is some of the worst in the entire franchise though.
For instance, Goku got at least 20 times stronger from a single zenkai between his body getting rekt (with Ginyu in) and fighting Frieza.
It’s just a series full of boring bullshit that gets old fast. No amount of cool muscle men and your idea of what makes a male character good can carry a show like that when it’s lacking in every department.
Only the most normal of normalfags and delusional nostalgiafags would say otherwise.
But character's are the backbone to any good story.
Nigga the whole Cell saga is carried exclusively by the characters being insufferable retards. Also we don't take all the filler stretching when comparing arcs.
nobody except fucking newfag shitters who didn't even watch dragon ball z in their childhood hates it. everyone acknowledges the defining influence it had on the genre and its flaws, but nowadays there are just dragon ball pedros shitting up the board so nobody likes them anymore. for some reason this attracts the aforementioned newfags who think its shit because muh battle shounen and muh powerlevels.
I was OK with that because it showed just how strong Freiza was. The powerlevel BS back then was coherent whereas with now its reaching the point where characters can destroy universes. But moreso than that, the story actually meaning back then. Namek, the sayain flashbacks, and Freiza being a dick was all connected to Goku and it made sense for him to fight Freiza on multiple levels. All antagonists since then just seem random and out of place to me. Like they were just thought up with further increasing strength in order to milk more money from the franchise and sell merchandise.
I see your point, maybe i just accepted since i grew up watching it. But coming back to it i think that the characters and interaction, the hand drawn animation, and just the theme of pushing your limit n becoming stronger with raw power kept this show up for me. I really see a big difference with this and 90s anime compared to today, just like a different culture or something, or maybe its the dub that also gives into what im saying. Idk what to say, but its refreshing and brings me wanting more
DBZ is shit, and only relevant because of nostalgia. I started with DB a couple of years ago, and loved the adventure and fights, but in Z things went to shit. The arcs were waaaaay too long, with alot of overly stretched out fights that were standing still, play the same gifs, teleport, same gif, stand still, the Z fighters apart from Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and to some extent Piccolo remained relevant, each new villain was just a stronger version of the last one plus one unique ability like regeneration, Buu was better than Frieza and Cell saga combined, unneccessary plot points. In no objective way, does DBZ hold up. Even Super is better
Sure, but these characters are more of a novelty rather than fleshed out and believable characters, especially considering how long the series is. I mean look at how OP desribes them. Ideas are all well and good but without any sort of decent execution they fall flat, though it’s not like the ideas that OP is fellating are anything special to start with.
Characters do get pushed to the way side, but a lot of characters also get their natural arcs and progression.
You’re just a nostalgiafag, there are many better series about pride and pushing limits.
Nobody hates DBZ, they just hate the retarded fanbase that just like you pretends it's some sort of masterpiece because it's one of the 10 anime they watched.
> the majority of the characters are way cooler than 90% of what we have today
You say that because you haven't watched 90% of the anime we have today. I bet you barely watched anything but Super and One Piece, Pedro.
Dragonball's later arcs ultimately suffer from a problem of showing scale. No one on screen has been more impressive then Final Form Freeza. Before him there was a constant growth of shown power. The stuff Vegeta does is more impressive then the stuff Raditz and Nappa did. That ends at Freeza though, after he blew up Namek there was basically nowhere the story could go higher in terms of fight escalation.
It never really exceeds that one fight in terms of showing the scale of whats happening. Sure we get told that Cell can blow up a solar system and Buu can blow up a galaxy but neither of them look any stronger then Freeza when they're fighting on screen.
The first 2 arcs of Super are irredeemable.
Maybe if they cut like 95% of the episodes and condensed it, it would be a lot better.
I ain't watching 30 goddamn episodes for a single goddamn battle stretched across flashbacks, dialogues, asspull powerups on both sides, and new characters coming and going.]
Fuck shounenshit in general. If you can't tell the story in a reasonable amount of time, it's garbage.
Z holds up. I just rewatched the show from the start of Namek. The fights are nice when they don't drag on and are nicely choreographed, the characters are fun and the villains charming. The show doesn't take itself too seriously but knows when to keep the tone consistent, something Super severely lacks. Also the Buu arc was unexpectedly good despite the wishy washy writing with Goku and Vegeta buddy copping.
Its just really generic show and they put 0 effort into writing story, its all about fighting scenes and not plot. First of all shounen isnt really my thing im more into drama/thriller/psychological/romance, but shows like one piece are over 9000 times more creative and cleary take way more work to produce.
Yeah im gonna have to watch all that shit ive been mssing out. I hear a show starting with "rou rou shinken" something? Black hair, green clothed mc, 100+ episodes. i might check that out, my brother says its shit though
It's obvious Toriyama started making shit up as he went along in quite a few parts, but props have to be given for its impact on the medium and pop culture in general.
For as much hate as Naruto gets it did pretty well to break out of the Dragonball formula. The main villains are consistent across hundreds of chapters instead of being one offs for an arc, the world is established rather then having shit made up every ten seconds, protagonists being able to straight up lose fights with permanent consequences.
No, Sup Forums hated DBZ discussion before Super took over the threads
So much, we had to constantly make Dragon Ball Sup Forumsidya thread due to this arguing about powel levels, dumb movies, falconer music, and the DBZ cycle before XV was released
>one piss
Get that stick out of your ass
>Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate dbz?
We don't, lurk more before posting.
Super has all the flaws of Z but worse, I can't really see how it's any better
Except the pacing in Super is better
>one piece
>took more work to produce than fucking dragon ball
literal autism user
because most of Sup Forums consists of loli loving pedos and trannies.
Then why are you here if you hate most of Sup Forums? I seriously don’t get normalfags who come here of all places and then complain.
>"Kakkarot what do you think of my badly animated lazy eye, I'm looking in two different directions at once and one of my pupils is much larger than the other hahahaha"
This animation....
I'd imagine for anyone to "hate" DBZ they'd either have to be grouchy oldfag, someone who doesn't like shounen at all or someone who is tired of the constant 24/7 brain dead DBS spammers. I'm one of the latter.
DBZ was great, DB was a little before my time and after growing up with DBZ I couldn't get into it. GT was a rightfully forgotten mistake. But DBS is just Toei and Toriyama raping the dead horse fucking franchise for all its worth. And all the people who discuss it as though the writer(s) think anything through, try to keep a consistent narrative, or make the laws and hierarchy of strength within the universe make any sense or matter beyond their ability to absent mindedly advance the story, are all doing a fucking disservice to the fact that all of those thing we're actually present to a certain extent in DBZ. Also it looks like fucking trash. Toei must have the least talented most underpaid apes working on 90%of that fucking show. DBS and it's special education flunky fanbase is the problem not DBZ itself.
Remember when they went full sperg when the mods nuked the generals? DBfags come to Sup Forums only for their safe space. They barely watch anime at all aside from Super, One Piece or Boruto.
It's like this, OP:
DBS came out.
DBS is popular, but DBS is bad.
It's honestly mostly shit.
So, in order to defend their fanboyism, the best the DBS fanboys can do is cry that DBZ was shit too.
So now you're hearing a chorus of DBS fanboys crying about how DBS is not worse than Z, which is a lie, just so they can justify slobbering over the trash Toei is feeding them now.
>Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate dbz?
Because its fucking awful. All of Dragonball is.
this pretty much. if isn't the dumb shit everyone else likes, they throw a huge tantrum
Yeah, man! Dragon Ball Z is the best! The characters are AWESOME. The fights are EPIC. The villians are BADASS. No other shounen is like DBZ! It's simple the best there ever was.
Funny because when all the generals were erased, Dragonball fags were literally the only ones throwing a bitch tantrum
>Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate dbz?
Because these are the fans that come to Sup Forums
Go back to subhuman
Also db is shit I like Naruto and bleach. I just came to shit stuff up because I'm bored.
im new to the dragon ball series but there are a few characters that are my favourites
king piccolo, frieza, lord chilled, ginyu force and my favourite character cooler
Ironic shitposting is just shitposting. Lurk for 2 years before posting.