Which one was the best Digimon series in your opinion? My favorite is definitely Tamers.
Which one was the best Digimon series in your opinion? My favorite is definitely Tamers
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>My favorite is definitely Tamers.
Tamers is the edgy/normie one.
I rly liked savers tho.
Either Tamers or Adventure.
Tamers was definitely best, followed closely by Adventure. The rest was all kinda eh. 02 felt a lot less coherent than its predecessor and kinda wasted its potential. Frontier imo was good up until the second half when the main two took away everyone else's ability to fight, only to lose for about 12 episodes straight. Honestly never finished data squad/savers. Something about it just felt kinda bland to me? dunno. Xros/Fusion was fairly solid but I never liked that they threw out the series structure that had been present up until that point (i.e. digimon levels and life cycles. Evolution itself was treated like some crazy impossibly rare thing in favor of fusion which barely seemed to get used outside of piling more and more digimon onto shoutmon). Never watched hunters, but I heard it was awful. Didn't watch applimon, but heard it was decent.
Tri movies are 90% straight garbage.
My heart has to go to the original series.
Pokemon XY(&Z)
Pokemon SM
>putting Hikari only with the 02 kids
>Including Kazu and Kenta with the tamer MCs even though they did almost nothing
>Including Koichi with the Warriors, not with his good spirit but as Duskmon, spoiling pretty much every reveal about the character.
This picture hurts me.
Both Adventures are good, I also remember liking Savers.
Adventure and Xros Wars are not only my favorite digimon shows but also are between my favorite anime in general.
I watched up until Savers and I enjoyed all of them except 02.
If I had to rank them, then Tamers>Adventure>Savers>Frontier>02
02 was FAR more watchable than Frontier. Just because they didn't go with the dark ocean arc doesn't dismiss the fact that it was at least enjoyable as a continuation of 01.
Frontier just felt like a disjointed version of Power Rangers featuring a few Digimon here and there.
1 & 3. Every other option is utter garbage.
Tamers: Best story and atmosphere by far.
Savers: Almost 0 filler, amazing pacing, return to classic evolutions after Frontier's fiasco
Adventure 01: nostalgia power but hasn't aged that well
>Enjoyable as a sequel
>When it shits on the returning characters and derails their personality traits.
More like 02 is enjoyable only if you never watched Adventure and aren't attached to those older kids that gets shafted often despite or maybe because they are mentor-like figures. Frontier is more faithful to the feeling of adventure that Adventure had and pretty much most of the haters don't hate it due legit reasons like the longer than neccesary royal knights arc but simply because there's no digimon partners, and a similar case happens with xros wars and some people dissing it just because no evolution levels.
How is Adventure nostalgia powered but Tamers isn't? There's barely two years apart between them and tamerfags are just as obsessed as adventurefags with how their show is the best because tehy watched it as kids
I didn't watch Tamers as a kid though. And i don't really miss or relive it, i just recognize it as the best entry in the franchise.
>liking tamers
get that shitty evangelion bs outta my digimon.
best season was without a fucking doubt season 6. No hunters can go fuck himself.
2 was better than Frontier because it improved a little after Ken joined the team.
Frontier started good but went downhill quickly after the Royal Knights were introduced.
Applimon was consistently decent and Savers is underrated.
Tamers>Adventure>Savers= Xros Wars>Applimon>Adventure 2> Frontier.
>xros wars
I don't even dislike it but no. Just no. Not even close.
So you somehow watched adventure as a kid but not tamer until recently? That's weird. And I disagree, Adventure aged pretty decently, I watched it again two years ago and while most of the magic is lost on rewatches, it is still a pretty good show while Tamers only shows how flawed it is by being watched again, like the extreme obsession with emotional issues that everybody but the two card playing kids have or how the entire plot is driven by people and digimon alike being stupid and preferring to destroy rather than to talk, which leads to how bad the villains were as the devas despite they supposedly had noble goals behind their actions acted like over the top mustache twirling villains in how nefarious they were and most of them were no better than monsters of the week.
wow, thats autist.
Frontier > Adventure > Tamers > Everything else.
Imma be really fucking serious with you all.
Digimon was best done in the games and i am not talking about any games.
The sleuth and World (1+next order) story is how digimon anime should be.
The lineal shit is too repetitive and boring. I liked drontier because they had balls to try something new.
Appmon is the same shit under a different cover.
Adventure for anime
Xros Wars for manga
Card Battle for game
actually started rewatching frontier again to see if it was as bad as I remembered and right up until the royal knights it's pretty serviceable. One thing I liked was that this iteration of the digital world felt more developed than others. It wasn't just a bunch of wilderness with a couple human things thrown in, maybe a couple villages. Frontier's digital world had whole huge cities and towns, and the digimon living were developed enough to seem like they had a history there. Also I actually liked the warrior's designs
Its actually tough to rank them because they are each their own genre, that being said:
Tamers>Adventure=Savers>Xros wars>App>Frontier>02>>>>>shit>>>>>>Xros Hunters
Post your waifumon.
Tamers villains are shit. And plot is shit too. Tamers plot = Tri plot. You can't tell which one is worse.
The most recent digimon with metal ones are decent. Forgot the title but it had an mc change which sucked.
>people finally start to recognize how good savers was.
Based KENKA BANCHOU finally gets the credit he deserves.
Also believer is one of the best insert songs in the series.
you're simplifying both down a lot. Tri's plot is one of the few good things it has going for it, but they decided to sideline any actual development for it hard for terrible SoL stuff and long periods of runtime devoted to Meiry Sue being sad.
Said no one.
God no. Frontier was a terrible show. If you really want to see why this article explains it. digijosify.tumblr.com
I just liked how it made the human lead actually do something other than either fuse with his digimon or sit on the sidelines cheering them on and powering them with 'feelings'.
Punching motherfuckers to evolve your digimon is genius.
I really REALLY liked that they didn't overuse the usage of Believer in Savers. There were other BGMs used for shinkas (Chouhatsu Infinity for Perfect and Big Time Changes for Ultimate and self-titled for Burst Modes). It made things way less repetitive and formulaic. Not to mention Savers's plot was really well done, Kurata being probably the second best villain in the series and the royal knights/yggdrassil arc is vastly superior to their Frontier/Tri counterparts desu
Why did the art of the series get worse as it progressed? Was it being influenced too much by the west? It feels more american cartoony in the fourth generation there.
People have been singing Savers' praises for years from what I've seen. I've never seen it outside of the Top 3 in anons' lists
I'll skip out on reading your autistic blog post, thanks
I find Savers is only 2nd to Tamers.
The GeoGrey Sword's a piece of shit weapon
I never quite realized just how terrible The Digimon Movie was until I really paid attention.
And also watched it as an adult.
Fucking Smash Mouth. It's like some YouTube bullshit.
adventures (01+02) is the best
tamers is a close second because it just lacks as much content
Tamers, with Adventure as second favorite. And as a distant third, Savers.
>not watching the OG glorious nipponese version.
KenkaBanchou was the best protagonist
The first movie.
what a pleb
Digimon Tamers. God tier series. They knew so fucking well their fans and the age average of the viewer.
Never watched Frontier after the 4th episode I think.