Do head pats even feel nice?

Do head pats even feel nice?

Better than sex.

That's one of those things that people have fundamentally different feelings on, like with combing your hair. Personally I like them, although I'm more often on the giving side of course.

As a cute anime girl I can confirm that I cum whenever a strong or kind onii-chan forcibly pats my head.


I don't know i never received one

I'm taller than most people I meet. I haven't gotten many.


Feels like warm tingles flowing in your body + a violated feeling

Feels good but it mess up your hair.

I started doing it to my little sister because of anime but she never has any particular reaction to it
Think it's just an anime meme.

Ya they make you feel loved.

It is a crime to starve a loli of her headpats

She just has a good poker face she puts on until she figures out what you're up to. You've gotta keep doing it until you turn you're imouto from kuu to dere.

Like bags of sand

That's a bit of a stretch, but I like them too.

I don't know. No one has ever acted affectionate towards me.

It feels nice, though it's mainly not because of the physical sensation but the relationship you have with the person doing it to you. It's comforting and feels secure, like laying your head in someone's lap.


Do you prefer rubbing, stroking the hair, or just pat pat gently? I want to be a better headpatter

Headpats are no joke.
Some people fucking die if you don't headpat them enough.

Somebody post that VR headpat

It's not even about the headpat, man.
It's about those fingers sliding downwards through your hair, with the petting hand stopping at your cheek, lightly cupping your jaw while the thumb strokes your face, and you look into eachother's eyes with a sleepy smile.


I can also confirm.


I miss them

My god, got a sauce for this?

>screenshot taken

Most people find them condescending as fuck, ESPECIALLY women.
You headpat someone and they'll look either angry or confused.

Reminder that going without intimate physical contact is more dangerous than doing drugs.

Headpats, hugging, cuddling, spooning, and princess carrying saves lives!!

Is this why I feel like I'm dead?

>Headpats, hugging, cuddling, spooning, and princess carrying saves lives!!
>princess carrying
Guess I need to get /fit/

No, they're a symbol of male dominated patriarchy and it should be treated like the sexual harassment it is.

>tfw no physical contact outside of my family
Dead inside

Nigga I'll pat your fucking head

How can 3dpd even compete?

>tfw no physical contact including family
I still live at home and we don't even talk anymore. They're so ashamed of me they don't even look at me.

>giving headpats to people that are taller and older than you
I don't know if it's just uncommon where I live or what, but everyone looks so surprised (dumbfounded) when I do it, and then they just smile.
It also feels great to be on the receiving end, of course, but nobody ever does it to me, I'm the only one who engages in the art of headpatting.
want to find out how it feels? Pat your own head

I pat my mom's head and boop her nose because she's the best

You're a good person

Shit, I never thought about that. I'm sorry that people don't like your pats because you're a man, user. It's not fair.

It's VRchat.

I headpat as a part of my work. One kid grew up and volounteers taking care of kids now. She messaged me and told me she now gets why I headpat and that it's nice.

My takeaway from that is that kids don't really enjoy getting pats.

>this is your brain on feminism

How beta is it for a guy to want a headpat?

>kids don't really enjoy getting pats
Wait what?

Don't worry about that, retard. Only other (retarded) men and women you'd never like care about that "beta" and "alpha" shit.

Beta as fuck, you're supposed to be the one giving out headpats, to anyone and as often as you possibly can. It's the Chad way.

Which is to say, only extant people.


It's the same explanation from the toothbrush incident from Nisemonogatari,other people touching you feels nice.

Well, I haven't really gotten an anime reaction out of the kids I've given them to. They just mostly accept it. I should stick to encouraging shoulder squeezes I guess.

I think user cracked it people.
Thread's over.

I'm taller than my friends, but because I'm a degenerate I like to act like a dog/cat and beg them for head pat because they feel nice.


Wasnt there porn about this WEBM? Like 2 deepthroat drawings


>Tomoko patting herself

No, they’re condescending and I want to punch the face of people who do them to me. I always ruffle my hair after them so i can rub off their gross touch

I'll pat the tsun out of you, faggot.


And that's exactly why 3D women are terrible.

Yes, especially after someone you know forgot to wash their hands after wiping their ass. You can feel the squish sound on your head as they’re patting you, so you can feel their lingering smell on your head.

It depends. Getting your hair combed or being petted is pure bliss when it is done by someone you trust. It is just a very intimate experience.
If you think you hate headpats you probably have never being headpated by the right person.


My pet theory is that enjoyment of headpats is inversely proportional to normalness. Normalfags don't like them but autists do. However, I need a sample size of greater than 0.

>headpat young teenaged girls every week rewarding achievements
>it's about the only acceptable physical contact
>honestly I just want to recieve headpats
Why is life so unsatisfying bros?

No. I mentored a pretty autistic girl and she fucking hated headpats.
>She loves attack on titan

I hate that headpats aren't more popular where I live.

Post ur techiques, anons

I do pat pat pat.

Side pat, rub the bangs

One initial pat, then some short side-to-side movements for hair ruffling.


>place hand on top of head
>softly claw scalp with fingers, twice
>lift hand
I find that the pat pat pat can be interpreted as condecending so I avoid it.

Oh nice I'm stealing that

>She loves attack on titan
Maybe power level is a factor too.

Wouldn't girls who are into anime be into headdo patsu?

They should, but they don't.

Ruffle up her hair.

>screenshot taken

gets me every time


Reminds me of that guy on Sup Forums that slapped nicotine patches on his gf when she was asleep after sex to make her literally addicted to his dick

Chances are both stories are just as real.

Only a fool would take anything poster there as fact.

>Better than sex.

My little sister has started messing up my hair because of anime. Something about being a substitute for a cat.

So you're telling me that this is also fake?

Of course it is, nobody thinks ultralisks are underpowered.

What's your stance on this?


I like seeing anime girls being headpated but i personally hate people touching my hair

Jesus, it's been forever since I've read that one.

head scratches do

not compare to headpats.

Would that actually work? Do you need to keep doing it or after she associated dick with the nicotine could you stop?

i need the source of this

I love it. I always look forward to my next haircut because it feels so nice.

You're fucking retarded It's from the boku no pico manga