This isn't ping pong

This isn't ping pong.

It's ping pong with lesbians.

It looks like ping pong to me.

That's Shakunetsu.



New chapter soon.


Holy shit a ping pong thread I love these things

It seems that everyone's forgotten to post ACE so these thread can live on past 40 replies

Ace? more like second plACE

Next Friday

>dog overcompensating for her lack of screentime

we truly do live in the best timeline

I liked the scorpion girl.

She's her gf

dog has to overcompensate to make up for ACE's failures

Scorp is awesome. Next year when?

To be fair ACE isn't playing a rando this time, I'll give her credit for that.

What else could it be?

What did she mean by this? Where's the rest?

Is it anal sex then?

Not sure why you circled that part but 迎春 means approaching spring or approach the new year and is typically used as a new year's greeting.

I think Miura is among the 200 arrests

It says CP

Year of the Bear confirmed!

Oh, I guess I ruined the joke then, my bad. Learning Japanese makes you lose the ability to notice things like this.

That's what you get for not listening to japanese-chan.


She's the ACE!

What a creepy picture.

Someone post the Spurdo edit.

This thread is going to die very quickly if we don't do something...

What a creepy post.

Ping pong.

she's coming

Every thread until I win nationals

Don't worry, we'll have one anyway when the chapter is out.

I need my (bi)monthly Kumami fix.

Or bing pong.



I don't remember this dess?

Why isn't anyone posting best girl?

We can't have all the threads being just about the Ace. Other girls deserve to be discussed, just less.

Dumb ACEposter. Mayuu is law.

Homu is cool too.

She doesn't even have a cool eye.

>dog needing to compensate
>ACE literally needs to beg for help in her rival bout

>author feels the need to add a drawing of dog during ACE's big moment to make clear who's doing the work

I am the PING

Is ACE still being murdered by bear? As fun as that sounds, the inevitable S2 being filled with ACE would be the worst. I want the other girls.

Season 2 will compress this into a three parter.
Also who cares if ACE is in the show if it means there's more bear. Get your shit straight.

Bear is the one being bullied lately.

>bear is getting cucked by wanko
Why can't my two favourite characters get along

Does it count as friendship if you kinda like the guy you hate?

Read it if you have any interest on it, dumb tripfag.

of my PONG

Think about the hatesex.

I promise I will read it if by the end of this year there are no news of a new season.

Sweat is my body

and dokidoki is my blood

Think of the hatepong

>they'll never play each other canonically

To be fair everyone except Koyori got to play and look good. Bear and Ace just have a very long turn.

>30 pages for one point

ACE? More like DisgrACE.

She wouldn't say that.


I like the hateping better.

They've been trying to break each other for a while. Do they hate each other now?

I know someone who plays piing pong but always corrects me telling me iit's table tennis.

I am the ping of my pong
Rubbers are my body, and sweat is my blood
I have performed over a thousand loop drives
Unknown to jobbing
Nor known to zenkoku
Have withstood love games to create much tanoshii
Yet, this kokoro will never doki doki

ACE has two cool eyes instead.

Has anyone actually beaten Koyori in this?

ACE has 'beaten' her off screen in training on and off. Essentially if a match is coming up Koyori is top of the leader board and doesn't lose.
She just gives ACE some relief, letting her win so that she practices harder. Koyori wants what's best for ACE even if that means throwing a few practice matches.

Just look at that dork. Who wears an upvote in their hair?

ACE does. Why do you ask?

Only losers who are too scared to wear mushrooms in their hair because they know they'd look retarded and people would laugh at them

Just wanted to confirm you knew ACE is a dork.

I know, now what?

Do you think they shove game ping pong balls into their vagina for good luck?

then why not read it now?

[spoilers]cries in ping[/spoilers]

I don't know, I didn't think this far ahead. Uh, her bows don't make any sense.

shit i messed up

>I didn't think this far ahead
You what?

My god, what have you done.

oh shit, a God to rival ECA?

>what have you done.
This. You didn't see that!



Stop it.

>still (1)

Tell this user that.



I don't know what just happened but I'll post another Mayuu to fix this.

God is Dog backwards. Koyori is god in the ECA universe.

Just like how she's God of the ACE universe

That's not how it works.

>Koyori's chara song

Link, download, anything, just let me listen to that song

>Link, download, anything
Sure, you can find it with google.