I just finished binging this show...

I just finished binging this show. There's a steady decline in narrative quality and internal consistency of nen from one arc to the next. Yorknew City arc was the strongest, and from there each arc was slightly worse with the Chimera Ant arc being pure trash. Fuck everyone who thinks there's anything deep within the Chimera Ant arc narrative; the plain as day truth is that this arc was sloppy garbage. The following Election arc only cemented it as trash with the queen of all asspulls destroying any lasting impact from the previous arc.

I don't know who writes this shit, but they need to hire a writer who develop ideas into a functional story rather than just introduce a few dozen neat ideas that never bloom into anything.

HunterxHunter is overrated and not worth watching past the Yorknew City arc.

Fuck you, OP.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

[Meimou starts playing]

What representation based arguments?

Yeah, the best thing about the show was the animation, and the animation has nothing to do with the story. I think edgy teens and self proclaimed intellectuals enjoy it because it has unusual characters and themes; and by unusual characters I mean pedos and by unusual themes I mean "lol killing is just normal guys". Most of the characters are bland or annoying.

B-but muh deconstruction of the shonen genre

Is it? It seems to be par for the course, and the spotlight on muh noble villains is always overblown. They remain villains. I think HxH fans have a case of finding something halfway decent within a sea of garbage. I can imagine some kid who thought Bleach was great stumbling upon HxH and being blown away by minuscule character development.

It's really not, but many people will try to argue that it is.

Here comes another one. How much more of these recycled shit threads are you people going to continue to slapping on the front page?

What's with this allure to random anons that calling this arc overrated makes their post more "special" or that they need to be taken seriously because of it, like it's some grand event?

It's ok, user. Chimera ant arc was trash, and it's ok. You're going to be ok.

Right, so why did this need a thread?

Shh, quiet now. You're safe here.


Well, I think I got my answer. Wishing all the best on whatever it was you were trying to do, user xoxo

or you might have a shit taste and the 90% of all who watched the show and think that it's really good are correct?


>The 90% who watched the show and think it's really good

Not OP, but get the fuck out of here. Sup Forums wanks this garbage so hard and it straight up does not live up to expectations.

The author clearly doesn't know what he wants to write and just tosses cool ideas into a blender. The GonVsPitou fight was amazing.

But that psychological bullshit Sup Forums tries to peddle with NeteroVsMeruem is just nonsense. The fight was boring.

>muh fights

I think the people who say this are the kind of people who have never read a book and just want mindless fighting shonen.

You're completely correct OP. People will agrue with you that gon-san and alluka weren't ass pulls and I recommend you just ignore them like any sane person would.

How was Chimera arc bad? I always see people calling it bad but just give 1 or 2 very brief reasons as to why they didn't personally like it

>But that psychological bullshit Sup Forums tries to peddle with NeteroVsMeruem is just nonsense.

What the fuck are you talking about? It was acknowledged in-universe that Meruem's strategy was pure simplicity, it was just him attacking over and over. The problem that arose was that he could have been at it forever because the permutations at which the Buddha hands could strike could be nearly limitless. That's where his experience at Gungi comes into play, reading one's own personal bias towards a certain maneuver that he/she may not be consciously aware of until it's been made apparent to them. Even I got that, how is this hard for you?

Chimera arc killed all of the hype for me, the arc was so fucking long and dragged on.

I think the guy was just trolling because he called the Gon vs Pitou *fight* "amazing". The animation was great but it was hardly even a fight and then he bashes netero vs meruem which is 1 of the truest fights in the series. In Gon vs Pitou, pitou jumps at Gon to attack twice but he dodges both times and then bashes her head in

Is the CA arc the biggest pleb filter in battle shounen? Are there any other examples?

I didn’t want to say it because people never found this arc offensive for any other reason than constant hiatus, but the 2011 anime has brought in such a huge wave of immense retards it’s unbelievable.

but I think it's long and boring so that means it's bad!

dude is salty that bnha is trash and that op and hxh shit on it

Shut the fuck up

Hey plebs my taste is gud xDDD this chinese cartoon is shit because everyone hypes them, i'm so rare man....

this. the whole point in that fight is that despite Meruem being objectively stronger, he still probably would have lost if he hadn't poured hours and hours into gungi against Komugi

i do personally wish there were more action sequences in the fight though