Which keion has the best fanbase?
Which one has the worst?
Which keion has the best fanbase?
>Which keion has the best fanbase?
my waifu (best girl)
>Which one has the worst?
your waifu (worst girl)
Ritsu has both the best and the worst.
All Keions are great, stop falseflagging
>Sup Forums - Anime Fans & Meta!
People who make meta-threads.
Don't be a bitch
Ritsu is more Atleti
Azusa is shit
Anyone remember that one fag that had Azushit as his waifu? It was pretty fun triggering him.
Azusa isn't his waifu anymore
Best: Yui
Worst: Azusa
Patrician's Choice: Mugi
>having a keion as a waifu
i wish i had a relationship with someone like Mio and Ritsu.
i remember the user who made a fake Azusa thread a couple months ago that blew up into the rewatch threads. bless his soul.
>year 69420
>literally anything
fake Azusa hate thread*
Azusa is a pleb filter
yui is my wife
I love Mio!
No you don't.
Can I fuck your wife?
Typical. He obssessed over her so much too.
Azusa is my wife!
user's wife is very cute!
she is far too young for marriage
Doesn't stop people from holding arranged marriages.