Boku no Hero Academia

spoilers soon

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait for the rest of the class to wonder how these two retards made friends with Todoroki and Bakugou

I thought Hori was taking the week off?

not this shit again



Is Bakugou aware that when Deku inevitably overtakes him he will never be able to recover from it?

based paintfag

This arc is S H I T. I'm starting to miss the Yakuza arc

>spoilers soon
You realize there is no jump this week right?

nobody cares

Oh shit its the Symbol of Eugenics

Incredible work

>even MHA official twitter acount call Shotm "five dicks"

The Yakuza raid arc was a mistake.

Can someone make an edit of the page where Overhaul reaches across panels, instead of saying give her back he says give milkies and all the other panels are pictures of momo

Hey, a week is soon.


Context pls

>Baku-Australia, INAS, Kemi, gochinko (roaring)
O I laff

you use Bing?

wake me up when we get to a good arc

>asking a retarded question
>tfw kids aren't just new to Sup Forums anymore, they're new to the internet

Am I being memed on? Is Hori on break or is there actually a chapter this week?

>bakugou's boner
it's the little things

>panel 6
Is that a Jojo reference?

>spoilers soon
Are you mentally handicapped?

/our guy/ confirmed

>Bakugou's hard-on
We don't deserve you


I'm really not digging the animation style, looks cheap as fuck compared to Storm 4. Even the Black Clover game looks better.

I hope it's just because it's early on in development.

Jump is on break this week

alright this is now a camie thread

Camie a shit, everyone should be ignoring her

preschoolers shouldn't post here

blame the Switch

At least the Switch has exclusive good games at the very least

Compared to PS4, not meh but the Switch is pretty good shit, lemme stop though since this isn't Sup Forums

>That map size
Is this game going to be psuedo-open world or something?

I kind of hope so. Being able to use quirks in an open world would be pretty legit. Soyboy being spider man, flying around as Bakugo, Todoroki creating platforms of ice in the air, possibilities are endless but sadly I'm overhyping the game.

Camie & Bakugo ending soon

So you haven't watched the preview? It's just that the arena is a cube

I've seen that preview, I'm talking about out of combat exploration

Kacchako fags BTFO

Did people actually believe in that ship?

Bakugo's chin is a little fucked in this image. How do they run on walls again anyway? I just hope open world is handled properly.

It's not open world, it's the 3d arena that can rotate.

I do
if it means BakugouxOhako will cease to be a thing

Only 13 year old goth girls

How is there not more fanart of Bakugou's hot wife yet?

no but really open world would be cool as shit

I don't know but the suspense to see her quirk is killing me. Chemicals, chemical reactions, some dumb pun due to her kanji, who knows.

Trips of truth. Seriously though is there no open world or at least pseudo open map to fuck around in? I can't buy that shit for the fighting only.

>Those trips


to be fair we don't really know anything about the game

Speak for yourself user.



What the fuck are these digits




>I can't buy that shit for the fighting only.
you can't include maps like USJ (which, face it, they will) only to not let your players explore the whole thing, if it's not at least somewhat open then the maps better be creative as fuck


>Team Dabohaze

Dabohaze is somehow the way "Goby" is for nips

That’s gonna be a while mister Freud...

That's what I'm saying, even shit like Ninja Storm had story modes and some open world missions.

I would love an open world game but i don't think it looks like it. It looks more like a fighting game like said.
Sorry to shatter your dreams.

No retard. There is no spoiler this week. No chapter this week, we got the chapter in advance.

To be fair, it's still possible for there to be somewhat open world outside of combat during the hypothetical story mode, it's a stretch, but considering how little we've seen of the game, it's possible

Ah fuck, looks like that game is off my list. Hopefully they make one sooner or later that feels more open world orientated, where you can actually save fucks, fight villains, and stop natural occurrences and etc. Anime games don't really get shit like that though so I'm kind of worried.

Knowing the games that they worked on and how the preview was stated to be made exclusively for that one showing, and the mechanics that was shown, I think it’s still reasonable to expect something like pseudo-open-world (explorable combat map)


I'll take it

vigilantes wen

I’ve been disappointed for about her lack of fan art for a while now

delet this

Camie, and Bakugou shippers soon to end as well.

>Inb4 vigilantes cameo in one's justice

I liked this hair guy, he seemed pretty cool. It’s a shame he probably won’t ever appear again.

Why don't all anime based games just do what Xenoverse 2 does


We will in a Shiketsu arc if the school ever gets raided by villains for whatever reason

Fuck it, I don't even care about open world anymore, just let WHATEVER the game gives us be good!
Actually I take that back I still want open world

Her quick will be to change into a guy wont it. It's the perfect twist honestly.

I feel like a faggot asking for this, but if there are any drawfags in this thread can you draw Ms. Joke as this laughing emoji?

Another shitty game of the franchise that i'm not going to play. Great.

Friendly reminder that Momo___ will win the Dekubowl.

Yeah you are a faggot but i have already done it some time ago.


she looks cuter with dark skin

because i'm a faggot

something like Arkham City but you play as All Might or Eraserhead would be great

I'd want a Shiketsu arc to show how the west's hero culture is
Mostly want more Inasa and Cammie

I dunno what reason Deku would have for going to the west would be though

A festival at Shiketsu, the school gets raided by the League or some other clique and they need backup, and simply visiting are the only things I can think of.

But Shiketsu aren't from the west

Little indeed.

So many digits today, weird.

Western nip. Who knows what that other user mean though

There’s no girl to pair her up with, so fujoshits don’t care. And that’s literally the entire fandom who draws shit besides a small portion.

all japs are the same lol

You shouldn't talk out of your ass user