How will this fight go?
Dragon Ball Super
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what does absorbing an android feel like?
Gohan will lose. I don't see Toppo being defeated by anyone except Vegeta or Frieza.
It won't happen because dyspo will eliminate Gohan
GoDhan obviously
Oh no better stare straight at this because I'm Gohan how could I lose to Krillin
Gohan Goku fusion dance calling it now.
Inb4 the retards that think they can get rid of the chads of Sup Forums.
Fuck off retard
Fuck off falseflagger
Fuck off seasonalfag.
We have Goku and Vegeta vs Jiren, who gives a shit about the fodder?
Gohan will do well initially but then lose, badly. Just like always.
>He thinks not sucking the mods’ cocks like my life depends on it is falseflagging
Toppo pathetically jobbed to SSB Goku, he's not a threat.
And Gohan struggled against everyone but Botamo.
I'm just hoping that, after so many months of pure filler, they don't unironically think anyone cares about Toppo or Dyspo when Jiren completely outmatches both of them.
You know, in hindsight I actually forgive him for the Buu Saga debacle. I reread it again recently and it actually wasn't his fault at all. It was Goten and Trunks who fucked up, and he was actively trying to prevent their mistake but they were too intent on being retards and refusing like Buu asked.
>yamamuro can incorporate martial art choreography due to him having learned shaolin in his younger years
He should be more involved so he can save us from atatata
technically he beat Goku in the manga
Early for best girls/universe.
>Gotenks begs Gohan to let him fight
>Gohan actually lets them fight even though Gohan was winning
>Gotenks gets absorbed
>Gohan gets btfo
>Goku arrives
>throws Potara at Gohan
>fails to grab it
>gets absorbed
It was everyone, Gohan could have Kamehameha'd him like he could have against Cell, but he didn't because he's stupid.
That's actually the only hope I can see for Gohan beating Toppo. It can't be Goku to beat him since he's busy with Jiren, but I could see Gohan beating or drawing with Toppo to show how he "caught back up" or whatever.
Godhan ultimate two and it's not even close.
The entire fight was a humongous series of fuck-ups by everyone involved. I'd just say that Gohan fucked up the least of those involved, whereas the shitposting meme is to say he fucked up the most.
I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time 17 and Frieza. I'm sorry that I'm such a useless jobber.
i really do feel like this will happen at some point in the show, they tease it in the Buu sage. Plus Gohan has help out with every villain since the beginning of Z
Oh I never forgot that. I knew them fusing fucked things up. But it is his fault. He could have crushed Super Buu and as usual he fucked around and got cocky. He can punch Tien in the guts and kick him through a mountain sparring but oh no, don't hurt poor Buu.
Gohan is the one who fucked up the most for the mere reason that he just didn't instantly kill Buu.
I swear only Future Trunks is the only non-retarded fighter in this entire franchise.
>Plus Gohan has help out with every villain since the beginning of Z
Gohan vs Fused Zamasu was the nest fight in the series amirite?
i try not to think of that shit arc
He looked scared as fuck in the preview though.
Mr.Satan is actually fucking smart.
Why can't they fix his fucking hairline
Not very well for Gohan I imagine
>Toppo pathetically jobbed to SSB Goku, he's not a threat.
Read the manga. Pic related is what happen when you fight a guy strong enough to take the GoD mantle. Anime just ignored everything about Toppo's future until now, its future position, god ki and full power
I'm not talking about the manga.
And it's fucking obvious the big bad is Jiren.
Toppo is just another Aniraza, while Dyspo is absolute fodder.
God if anyone wants to beat Toppo then just grab onto his head and press down on those fucking veins. He'd fucking die in seconds.
When will spic generals be moved to Sup Forums?
Gohan is Superman if Superman had alien origins.
The bang only appears when he's really ready for action.
>in hindsight
Lmao fuck off damage controlling cuckhanspic.
Fuck off I know this bait
>if superman had alien origins
When you figure out filters
This board doesn't belong to you faggot. Go fap to mlp or something.
When will Sup Forums stop trying to turn every thread it doesn't like into a meta thread?
They are mentally ill. Did you see the "Waifu Wednesday" thread yesterday? It felt like I was looking at an entirely separate species.
To this day I'm still waiting for Yamcha's moment to shine.
Should I give up?
>Gohan is Superman if Superman had alien origins.
Clearly. The baseball episode was more than you could have ever hoped for in that regard. He's done.
What did he mean by this?
Watch someone win Evo 2018 with him and get the attention of Toriyama at the right moment to bring him nack for the Evil saiyan arc del universo sez
Yamamuro should be an animator supervisor in the show not a character designer, godamn
He’s gone full gag character user
>waiting for Yamcha's moment to shine.
If you haven't learnt anything from the over 100 episodes of DBS you should give up on expecting anyone in DBS to shine
Soycha hahahahaha relevant hahaha
This post sure blow up
>TFW this fight is literally dad bod vs chad bod
Why is goten so cute?
He's gonna be good in Dragonball Fighters Z.
I feel so bad for you.
Yamchachad getting all the (you)'s yet again.
Because he's Goku.
Why is he so irrelevant and forgettable? Why don't I give a flying fuck about him?
Yamcha awlays wins baby.
I was expecting 17 to shine in this tournament and thus far im not disappointed at all, so you're wrong
Is it bad when other characters start commenting on what many would call major design flaws?
more like ben10
>Have you come to fight me, son of Goku?
>Fight you? I'm here to beat you... retard.
>R-Rember the plan guys!
>b-but kai censored!
Even fucking nickelodeon does not censor blood. Literally the only scene that was changed was the radditz scene, that's it. So fuck off retards.
Not a problem when he has already proven himself equal to goku or at least close to him.
why couldn't they have had an insert song like this?
>he lends weight to Toei's narrator
No, they're Mountain Dew, and once Kefla goes Blue she'll be Baja Blast
totally worth it
Lettuce leaf doesn't make any sense for a name
CSSB confirmed for Episode 123.
prove it
There was a screenshot released for 123 for Full Powered SSB and it looks exactly like CSSB.
>Inb4 CSSB looks exactly the same as SSB
It doesn't.
Like a reverse shit.
I liked the baseball episode, but it was more a demonstration that Toei is aware of memes than anything else.
>you should give up on expecting anyone in DBS to shine
Roshi was great and 17 has been amazing this arc.
What's the point? Mr. Satan already fills that role extremely well.
If that's the only niche Yamcha can fill, then it's better to make him go the way of Launch.
One week until the episode.
>Beerus dancing
fucking hell, it's such a nice feeling seeing Goku and Vegeta get beaten even at their best.
Ultra Instinct will probably take that away so I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts
thats not proof of the claim "CSSB confirmed for Episode 123"
From the last thread.
>my comment
sure is reddit in here.
>bring son to friendly get-together with old pals
>evil brother shows up
>snatches your kid
what do
Will vegeta ever get to see planet sadala?