Where can CC's character even go for R3?

Where can CC's character even go for R3?

Into the trash.

Into becoming the canonical Lelouch’s wife. Kallen a shit. A SHIT.

Kallen could never win, she isn't immortal.

sitting on my face

Honestly it's hard to tell, she kinda found peace in life at the end of R2, not much else to do with her now besides promote Pizzahut.


Kallen has the better body though

I'd like to see them stop beating around the bush and have Lelouch and her be a confirmed couple.

They already had moments where the only people they could ever let their guard down for was for each other. Let them explore a bit more of the emotionally supportive side of that.

I think the only thing that stops them from actually making Lelouch and CC in a relationship is all the Kallenfags. But I think it would be good for both of their characters if the show were to take that route.

All over Lulu's dick

>Where can CC's character even go for R3?

Easy, becomes mortal dies or becomes injured; lulu fucking loses it. remember she said it would lead to a life of solitude.

Yeah, Kallen's one of my favorite characters, but I think it'd be a shame if they just kept stringing her along for the sake of teasing the vague idea of her and Lelouch getting together.

That's actually more likely than what it seems at first glance. I can totally see Sunrise doing that while pissing off half the fandom for killing her.

Code Geass had so many death fake outs in the end it's hard for me to picture them killing off anyone that major in anything new.

I hope she goes back into slave mode

I was too slow.

>inb4 they kill Shirley again

Hasn't the first movie minimised Shirley's involvement in the story, so they might not actually kill her this time

Pizza Hutt

True name.

Cc or Kallen or Nunnally will die in R3.
Every season have a cute girl diyng with a bullet in the belly.

If Nunnally dies then thats basically a bad end for Lelouch. Kallen is more likely.

If Kallen dies at least I hope is in a fight and not simply after being shot.

Daily reminder that Lelouch is dead
Don't trust the conspiracy theories, the guy driving the cart is CC's father this is a F A C T.

Her butt can go on my dick.

But she poops from there

i want to fuck her

In which hole?

into the trash she goes

Honestly though, CC is kind of a pedo, she was buddy with his mother, stalked him when he was a child, probably saw him grown up, that's weird, I can't get attached to them because of that, as mature as Lelouch is she basically experienced 6 living time whn he was 18 when he died. That's weird as fuck, even with the body of a 16 year old, she has the spirit of 6 grandma, geez.

All of them.

That's that power of fiction. You can make a character do all kinds of fucked up shit, and it still can all be cool as long as the character doesn't show ill intent, or is otherwise likeable or sympathetic.

Eh. I'd take their almost kiss scene in the hangar as implication of them being canon. Back then there's no planned sequel at the end of R2, it's weird if there's no closure of these two after all the build up.

She can become a mother.

Kallen is already rejected in three different occasions. In the anime itself, in her character desc from guidebook, and in her own character's poem. Four times if you count Fukuyama's comment about how Lelouch never thinks of her that way right after their kiss scene.

After all the character development in previous seasons now she's supposed to actually 'live' and not just 'accumulating experience'. I expect her to be more active and involved in R3. Probably finally develop some romantic feelings for someone because writer said CC had never been properly in love before.

>Tell ma user, when you read Harry potter, did you understood that Harry died and Voldemort lived ?

Where did they say that ? She asked Lelouch to say her name like a lover would, one might expect that in 500 years of living she actually experienced love and wanted a memory of it

Her poem basically said the reverse actually, headcAnon is obvious bait.
And Fukuyama said he didn't think Kallen and Lelouch could evolve in romance (back in S1 I think)

With Tamaki ?

She'll turn into a yamato nadeshiko. R3 will be nothing but fanservice SoL.


>implying Lelouch reciprocate Kallen's feelings in the poem

Her poem:
Lelouch, that parting kiss,
even if it was a lie, if you had said, "I love you,"
I would even follow you to hell.
You knew that, didn't you?
It's not like you.
You're good at manipulating people just by your words.
Really, it's not like you to be kind.

Lelouch was being kind > He didn't lie to her > He didn't say he loves her.
Basically if he said he loves her it would be a LIE. Kallen herself thought so. Seriously what's so hard to understand?

Fukuyama said that when he was asked what Lelouch feels about their kiss in R2, the one where Koshimizu said it was the first time Kallen realized she loves Lelouch after all. Obviously this is just his own thought on the matter tho.

Lelouch being kind is him not using her no matter what, cause even if it was a lie, she would have come with him, it's not about him being honest to her and not lying about loving her or not, she said so herself, he could have manipulated her, he didn't, his lack of answer was neither a yes neither a no, it was a way to make sure that no matter what she wouldn't follow him.

The "even if it was a lie" emphasizes her love for Lelouch, not the fact that she knew he would have lied, it's basically, "I love you so much that you could have told me you are a gay unicorn I would have come with you anyway"

Not hard to understand indeed, that's why it's the first time I've seen someone bring up this poem as a way to destroy Kallen/Lelouch.

In an interview right after the reveal of CC true wish. Okouchi said both Lelouch and CC are similarly 'inexperienced'.

I 'd like to see that, Okouchi or Taniguchi, I don't remember which one, actually said they wanted to have CC's memory be more explicit, in a sexual sense, but they coudl'nt due to time slot, I'd expect her o have at least fallen in love once :/

Thanks to the user who brought up Kallen's poem now I'm :'(

That's intersting to bring this up btw, we never get to know surely how much seiyuu know about their character, Koshimizu was surprised when Taniguchi told him kallen ralised how much she loved Lelouch after her Turn 22 kiss, when one might think she already knew the path her charactr was going; Lelouch is just so complicate to understand, I wish writers had told Fukuyama everything and he could explain ahah

That's kind of surprising considering that her geass was to make everyone fall in love with her and she seemed to indulge in it until she started to realize how fake it made everything feel.

Platonic love, user.

That's what I would prefer more series would do. Save the world or whatever major problem they have, then go to SoL instead of just ending.

I don't understand why she was this butchered in R2. She had devellopment back in S1, stuff to do and they totally lost it in R2, they had her being Lelouch's closest comrade, even despite kallen knowing about him being Zero and yet she was just there, it really pissed me off, even though Turn 15 was nice, her backstory deserved much more, the geass plot sounded promising and in the end with the whold Ragnarock shit it ended up being lame as fuck.

And I'm even more worried after the shit they made up in Akito with the punk CC, I think R3 will be satisfiying only for LuluC shippers but in matter of geass plot and CC's grow up I'm concerned.

It does look like real life to me :(

However you interpret it still nothing in there implies Lelouch has feelings for Kallen just like so many Kallenfags think simply because there's a word 'aishiteru' in it.

We are going to have a SS3, user. They will have plenty of time to develop feeling for each other.

I thought they just had too much to juggle in season 2. A lot of old characters were still there but got sidelined to make way for new ones, so a lot of story and character arcs ended up feeling a bit rushed.

>punk CC

Easiest safest bet is that she loses her immortality

Cornelia or Milly. Who is the most underappreciated Code Geass girl?

>C.C is kill in the new episode
Breaking news here.


Well my guess is that they lead in a few episodes, stuff starts going to shit, CC gets injured lulu treats it like nothing but cc is actually injuried as a normal. Finds out her immortality is gone, stuff goes to shit. Would make a good twist

I preferred Cornelia as a character, but thought they kind of watered her role down in season 2. Bringing her and Guilford back at the last minute was kind of a cop out too.


Obvious pandering element. A beautiful cold immortal goddess who never experienced love, falls in love for the first time with self-insert MC. Who knows whether she's inexperienced in romantic love alone or also sexually though.

>C.C. has a bigger ass than Kallen

this is canon

For a good first half of S1 she's literally just sitting around eating pizza, and only occasionally pop up to save Lelouch's ass. She has more things to do in R2 only most of them are offscreen.

it would seem the kallen fags got here early. Stil enjoying your soiled waifu?

To the Pizzeria.

To a battle to death Kallen with the reward for the survivor being LL.

I want an episode to entail C.C. and Lelouch taking a break and risking their anonymity for the sake of a normal date at the Hut.

We need Code geass: Carnival Phantasm

Either use geass on anyone who thinks he is Lelouch, or wait a few decades and they would assume he is too young to be him.

We need Carnival Phantasm for everything.

Does Lelouch still have Geass? I assumed he gave it up for immortality.

He got his geass from CC, but not her immortality. It was never completely explained how it works though, but since others got both geass and immortality from the same person, it may work differently than usual.

i thought he stole charles' code

That's the general theory.

But didn't C.C. lose her geass when she was first killed and forced to accept her old mentor's code?

she did. my theory is that because lulu didn't accept CC's code, he gets to keep his geass.

That seems most likely. If taking the same person's geass/code are like 2 levels of the same rpg skill, where the effect of the skill are geass at lvl1, and code at lvl2, then normally a person code only have one at the same time. Taking the code from another person code be viewed as having a differently named skill at a different level.

I'm still doubting this whole code theory. He might as well just instruct Suzaku to stab him just close to vital area but not quite. There's this theme about the how the two give punishment to each other with ZR after all. If Lelouch became immortal because of the code then it doesn't matter whether Suzaku 'killed' him or not he would get isolated from the rest of the world eventually anyway.

finding out her real name.

Even her seiyuu wants to know and was disappointed we never heard it.

Her name should end up being something like Seatu. Not because it would make sense, but just for the reactions.

I agree completely. No matter how you spin it, Lelouch will end up looking like a giant cunt if they go that route. There really is no soft-pedaling out of that. But then again, it's about the only theory that makes actual sense.

C.C demands you snuggle with her.

On the floor?

Surely I'd take anything but literal resurrection.

Lelouch is shown to have his geass in the R3 preview.

What a slut

I still say it doesn't make sense, but you are correct that there isn't really any way to have him be alive that DOESN'T scream "he's alive because we need a new season to make more money", so it might as well be one as the other

I wouldn't take that as confirmation. Just an iconic image of his eye.

Well it would be 'he has always been alive but we disclose it now because we want money' if it's confirmed he's the cart driver. The only tricky part is how he gets there.

>I still say it doesn't make sense

What about it doesn't make sense to you? They could easily backtrack and say he didn't know the code changed hands to explain why ZR had such a tone of finality. He was never shown to be cognizant about having the code anyways, so it's technically isn't even backtracking. Besides, without it, Nunnally seeing his memories would be even more of an ass-pull. Before it was just BS added fro dramatic effect, but after R3 airs it would be a giant plot hole.

They actually said Nunally saw his memory because of her blind magic though, hence "gimme your hand onii chan". She already did so before with Suzaku and Transmeyer

When you are used to sunrise shows you can't see it any otherway, they really enjoy trashing their goods cause of money milking.

R3 will be made from the new movie canon, so we can already guess itwill be pretty different from what we were used to, 10 years along.

That blind magic shit is straight up baloney, come on. It could only be hand-waved away because it took place at the tail end of the series where there were no expectations of it having any further impact.

Not knowing he would survive gives an allusion that he doesn't even have a control of his own life and death, I don't think this is a characteristic they would give to Lelouch. I'd bet money that Lelouch did plan his survival. Besides how could CC not know that Lelouch has a code?

>Not knowing he would survive gives an allusion that he doesn't even have a control of his own life and death, I don't think this is a characteristic they would give to Lelouch.

I don't know, I think an ironic twist like that could work. That's that Children of Dune type shit.

>Besides how could CC not know that Lelouch has a code?

That is a fair point, but then what's easier to explain away, that for some reason C.C. didn't know he had the code, or that Lelouch was resurrected from the dead by a previously unestablished method?