How long did your anime/manga honeymoon phase last?

How long did your anime/manga honeymoon phase last?

It's been three years, I'm 29 years old, and I still feel like discovering this artistic medium is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

When does the cynicism set in?

how does a 26 year old grown man start watching anime

after you've seen about 200 shows you've seen all the good shit and all that's left is mediocre seasonal crap

By being an autistic recluse completely indifferent to social phenomena and cultural norms

Excellent blog.

Started in 2006 or so. I was hogging all the Bleach/Naruto/One Piss is shit shounens and other stuff I could get my hands on.

It subsided around 2010 but I was still watching shows now and then.

I hate 90% of anime nowadays, watch 1-4 new shows per year or some old gem (usually a movie because I could no watch anything that has more than 12 episodes) I haven't seen yet.

Surely this is a relatable topic worthy of discussion

I'm looking to hear the experiences of others, not write about my own

my first year I was [italic]really[/italic] watching anime I probably watched upwards of 150 titles
last year I watched maybe 20

It's only a honeymoon if you're not really living with it

Most people who burn out on anime were just using it as a crutch distraction from how boring and or shitty their lives were without actually getting anything more than surface level enjoyment from it.

I was watching 90% of everything released in '11 and the only difference between then and now is that I have less free time to waste, so I backlog maybe 80% if everything, watch one or two shows as they air, and marathon stuff inbetween seasons

I guess 2 or 3 years.
Then I went through a phase of snobbery watching Good Anime.
Now I realise I enjoy mediocre anime that suits my taste far more than good anime that doesn't.
And recently I've started watching karate bugmen, so I guess I'm only getting worse.
Fun things are fun.

If you're not a faggot it won't ever set in.

Lurk more before posting.

Highschool was my boom. I probably watched over 100 anime and loved all of it between the age of 15-17.

18 I really started slowing down.
19-21 I watched the occasional seasonal show. Felt meh overall.
22, literally cringing at some anime, idolshit especially
23, anime is shit, also I guess I'm into lolis now. And traps. I don't even care anymore.

>not crying uncontrollably over idolshit

Started watched in the 80's

Not stopping until I'm physically unable to continue

I was a cringy weeb during high school, then I discovered Sup Forums. By the time I was qualified enough to stop lurking, anime was already shit.

Being an ironic weeb is even more 'cringy' my newfag friend

I've been big on anime for over 10 years and I've gotten less cynical over time as I've tried more things and discovered that I can enjoy more genres and types of anime than I thought I could. I also got better at avoiding the obvious crap so my enjoyment of anime has skyrocketed.

Kill yourself and fuck off then.

I’ve used anime as a medium for escapism since middle school when some dude showed me bleach and I’m a college junior now so probably never.

All that has changed is my standards. I used to find anime tropes and Japanese culture novel enough to make me enjoy any show, it was a totally different world and it fascinated me. Now I know more about Japan than some Japanese people probably do so an anime has to have something going for it for me to finish the whole thing.

When I start to get sick of it I'll just take a break. I'm a man of many hobbies so its not hard for me to find something else to do.

That's literally the demographic half of anime is aimed at

Never really happened, I slowed down a bit around 2009/2010 but never stopped completely.

born in 89
anime was big to me since i could watch NGE on SBS and dragonball z/pokemon on cheeseTV
grew out of it in high school
hated it in university
rediscovered it outside of university

I didn't really get into the medium until I was 24.

It's called being on nighttime Sup Forums, something that newfags like you would never understand

I started watching anime organically back in the 90s without knowing what anime was.

>When does the cynicism set in?

First you will often find shit enjoyable. Then you will develop a superior taste and become an elitist. After that you will be a spiteful troll. A burnout occurs after this point. You'll desperately try to reignite the feelings THAT anime made you feel, but you will fail. It is only after that phase that you will once more begin to enjoy anime and even shitty anime if it makes you smile. You will no longer be an elitist, and more importantly you WILL be able to diferentiate between shit and gold, but you won't be bitter or pretend that the turd you like is good. You will have nothing left to prove to others or yourself. It is only after that that you'll truly enjoy anime.

This process will take years.

t. 31 year old guy


NGE + End of Evangelion
Angel's Egg (movie, 1 hour, it's even on youtube so do it NOW)
Serial Experiments Lain

New(ish) shows:

Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou (Girl's Last Trip)
Mahoujin Guru Guru
Youjo Senki

Obviously this isn't a list or some godtier suggestion. But it might interest you.

Ahahhaha he actually wrote that entire post everyone point and laugh

Was meant for

same as me, I was born in the same year too.

>Redirecting your undirected post to OP
Where did you just fall out of

It only takes years if you didn't already go through that same process with video games, or another similar hobby like card games or tabletops, being about making your own rules instead of following GUIDEbooks to the letter. Fuck that one person who's a rulefag.Cross Ange was my AOTY 2014.

Same except I was born in 91, also replace university with oddjobs and a brief run in the military.

As soon as you see anime/manga as artistic forms equivalent to any other, with as many compelling narrative and formal facets, be they philosophical, psychological, cultural, aesthetic, etc, in addition to being emotionally compelling, cynicism likely may never set in.

It took like 6 months.