Houseki no Kuni

rest in gemhugs, nihon-user

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But how does it sell?

Like lukewarm cakes

>Antarc has gemboobs
>Phos doesn't
What the fuck

Dumping from


what the fuck is that?


>tfw Dia has over twice the votes of the next most popular gem


Phos is best gem 2nd only to Laphos



post more Euclase

post the coolest gem

Where are all the doujins

People love the designated retard character



This anime is unlocking desires I didn't know I had.

I want to hug Phos and tell her everything will be daijobu

Someone should draw Phos with two golden "hand puppets" doing the "I wonder why I was even born" pic from Sketchbook Full Color's.

just give in user

You mean fucking boys early in their puberty?

Which one?

>ywn be crushed into fine paste by gemhugs
why live?

You know this one.

Reminder: we killed japanon.

Dia had the best moment in the anime. When that white dog monster was attacking her, the way they made her try to stay hidden was akin to a horror thriller. Really well done camera and sense of despair, made me stay on the edge of my bed. Not to mention shortly after that fight scene where she used her broken limbs as weapons was also pretty well done.
And her personality is attractive too, overall deserved 1st spot, but hopefully season 2 other gems will get to shine.


Hey, how often does the manga update? They can't just leave me with We might be able to restore them but it'll take your entire possibly-infinite lifespan and leaving the gems on those gem-icidal maniac's planet. can they? Also s2 when?

Forgot quotation marks for spoiler but whatever.

Around the last week of every month

>-infinite lifespan
Mistranslation. Basically means very long time like Phos had when attaching new parts to the body (which wasn't that long apart from head).

So they'll all live to see their friends restored if prince fuckface makes good on his word?

Who knows. The author very much enjoys her characters to experience suffering. Phos probably fucked up again by siding with the moonies and going against sensei.

>Hey, how often does the manga update?
25th of every month. But spoilers pop up few days earlier.

Phos fucked up, but it doesn't look like Sensei has an endgame anyway and if he does he doesn't seem to mind getting betrayed. It could all be going according to his keikaku

>But spoilers pop up few days earlier.
I blame our undeveloped euthanasia laws.

Are you chinese?

>Anime Steven Universe niggers
Go away

So what happened to the talking ice that took Phos's arm? How did that happen and was it explained in the manga?

>antarc dives underwater
>finds shitton of constantly moving ice floes, capable of crushing gem
>How did that happen and was it explained

But Phos didn't sink while Antarc sank all the way to the bottom due to gravity. It's not right.

There were floes all the way from surface to bottom.

But antarc floated all the way to the bottom after she jumped a few times?


Specific gravity 1.715

She went all the way down.

why are people still overhyping kemonomemes 2.0
this looks like shit

Yes. And?

Get a room you two.

Phos didn't go all the way down, is the problem. Phos just got stuck at the top.

It's better than zoo animals graphically speaking, however as a SoL fag the overall adventure theme is better than this one.

Ice that crushed her hands and kept her from sinking for few seconds while antarc was running. Isn't it obvious?


What I don't understand is why Antarc didn't just dissolve in the ocean. He's made of CaCl2, which should dissolve, right? I mean the ocean can't be colder than his freezing point because the ocean is still liquid...

Can I request that one drawfriend to draw more LaPhos? You draw a cute LaPhos.

Given that Antarc is shovelling snow and cracking ice all the time, maybe she puts on a resin layer to stop that from happening.
melting point: 30°C (86°F; 303K) hexahydrate, decomposes
also, magic

>NuPhos, that actually looks feminine
That pleases my straight eyes.


Someone in the last thread said japanon posts too many untranslated comics. Shortly after, japanon died.


Feminine nuPhos is actually rather pretty.

I drew a thing, I hope I did it right

Would this be dangerous to try to sythesize at home?

Im not sure its stupid enough to break trough into something funny.

That's a very COOL drawing man.

I like it


It's funny because phos is is dumb enough to say something like that.

>gem memes
same shit

Your life's a meme, and not a very funny one




I want to fuck Euclase.

I don't know why I find this funny.

No, but growing crystals aint easy.

No lapis?

>tfw i like both
2017 was a good year

>Linking lapiss

Stop replying to yourself retard.

I'll try harder next time

Screw this show, characters can't die yet it's depressing as fuck

I can't take what happend to Phos, shit ain't right



>speechless unzipping pants

Another thing of worth lost to a meme channel.

>torturing gembutt
I never wanted to call the cops so bad.

Wrong pic.



But Bortz wears a skort not shorts.

Oh no, what if she get enhanced with synthetic stuff from the moon to be stronger than bort.

hexagonal graphite ?
depending on the definition of hardness, there are harder materials than diamond

Sensei needs to at least try to justify himself, and he doesn't even do that. I honestly don't blame Phos for doubting him.

There's the stuff that Sensei is made from but the Lunarians can't synthesize that
Maybe some kind of metal or compound?