Do you remember Walt Disney after 1984?

Do you want anime with trash culture?

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Netflix is saving anime from moeshit and other trash. Hopefully we can begin to go back to the roots of manime.

Go back to where you came from.


good. 99% of anime is shit nowadays
literally wont be missed

>Do you want anime with trash culture?
So what would you call what we're in now?

>trash culture?
nigger this is an industry where "harem anime" is a fucking genre and we got underage incestual relationship show

Yep, and tumb/a/r will welcome it with open arms...

Netflix is a merchant, not a producer. It's a non-issue.

As long as netflix is just dumping money into a product with no creative control and it stays in the nip's hands then it is fine.

They dump money into production committees sometimes and have a say in development


Then they have to go.

If it's good, it'll sell. If you don't like it, it's easy to just ignore them.

white people ruining everything as usual

Murrica ruining everything as usual

So I'll just go find other anime...? Not like having more options it's going to kill the craft

Keep it up guys

>Disney after 1984
The Disney Renaissance was amazing. You should have said 'after 2003'.

Who's gonna make them? It certainly won't be jap otakus.

>my secret club!

Netflix will kill anime for the following reasons
>Releasing all the episodes in one go kills any good discussion of the anime.
>Even if the creators have full creative control (which they won't) they'll still be incentivized to pander to American audiences. Which means diversity quotas and other degeneracy/LGBT shit.
>There won't be any loli shit allowed, Netflix won't make an anime like Dragon Maid or Eromanga.
>All of the anime made will be shounen and seinen
>It's going to make the creators more money so more and more studios are going to sign up with Netflix.

That just means that more anime studios will pop up. Instead of 50 new shows per season, we'll now get 75 new shows. Instead of 20 anime studios doing all the 50 anime shows of the season (with the help of 30 subcontracted studios helping them out), 35 will then make the 75 anime shows (with the help of 45 subcontracted studios working on all kinds of shows).
That's kinda the beauty of anime made for streaming services which don't really need to give a shit about TV airing date.
The anime show can be made in one flow with ample time, instead of having to do a hackjob each week because everyone in the project mismanaged their time and had to make shitty recap episodes in 12-24 episode shows.

>There won't be any loli shit allowed
This is unacceptable.

>75 anime shows
Who's going to buy the BD then

Dumb dorks of course. They will still continue to exist, even if the majority is streaming.
But even Japan doesn't care that much about BD sales anymore.
Anime producers focusing solely on disc sales like PonyCanyon and Flying Dog (both mainly focused on music discs, and who have been hit the hardest since the anime industry is focusing on streaming) are quite irrelevant compared to producers like Bandai/Namco who sell videograms as well as managing their own streaming services.
He who owns the electronic rights holds the key to anime.
Thanks to better and faster internet as well as more practical and easy to use mobile devices, people in Japan as well as foreigners can now consume the myriads of titles in their leisure time.

Smartphones really revolutionized our way of living.

Will they make more shows like IGPX? Because I like that show.

>There won't be any loli shit allowed

I don't like loli shit as much as the next guy but sometimes you just have to let Japan be Japan or else it just feels empty.

Don't worry. Shows featuring lolis will still be made, perhaps even in bigger numbers than today. It will just look like there's less being made because of the sheer amount of new anime shows being created.
And with everyone being impatient as fuck, it will feel like we haven't had a good loli show since ages despite it just having been three to six months ago that lolis were featured.