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Was this show actually good?
Hunter was the best, acolyte was fucking awful
I still remember that fucking Wizard's laugh
It was shit
This needs a remake.
Also, blinkers are OP.
Isn't this the one with the main girl NTR the protagonist with her brother?
Rohan was LITERALLY Shirou
If this aired today, would it create a shitstorm on Sup Forums?
Although I was a big fan of Ragnarok back then, for some reason I never got into it.
A shame this mmo took up my entire teenhood.
>not playing maplestory instead
I loved the MMO, the anime blew ass. So I'm not surprised you didn't get into it. I forced myself to like it when I was younger.
>playing something that came out years later
is this underage b8?
Why'd they make Assassin so gay
Not that I complain, it was just straight up gayness with blushing and head patting
Who /crusader/ here?
Why did they make THIS adaptation instead of the original Ragnarok: Into the Abyss?
I know its a manwha, but ignore that it would be infinitely better, even fucking Blade and Soul had an adaptation, so it shouldn't be hard to use the original material, no?
Or was it because Lee Myung Jin never finished the original?
Grand tip bag for apples
This one also got pretty dark and had Merchant-chan being raped and all, no?
What a ride
It came out literally 1 year later you mong.
It was so dark and edgy
That isn't rape
My first boner was for the mage of this show
TAKIUS-KUN is p good.
Zephyrus is husbando tho.
Why is this allowed on a muslim board?
I mean the blind mage. Wasn't she a mage?
Yes, and later Sorcerer.
It's not allowed. That is why she got punished.
It started playing in my head. Fuck.
Re-live it:
Ive had this downloaded for some time because I love Fantasy anime but I can tell just by looking that the MC's a shit
It's such a... grating singing.
No that was Druaga. Which really needed to decide on a fucking tone and stick with it.
Fuck crusaders. Because of the anime i rolled one but it was the most useless class. No one wanted to party with me cause they rather group with dancers and whitesmiths.
>No one wanted to party with me cause they rather group with dancers and whitesmiths.
dancers alone were the useless ones. I think the only thing they had to offer was the SP song.
pretty sure you mean blacksmith, since whitesmith is the trans class. and NOBODY partied blacksmiths. they had no AOE abilities. all they were good for in parties was tanking, which saders and knights could do infinitely better.
Tanking mobs at Glast Heim or niflheim with grand cross was HOT shit. I don't even know why the fuck I still remember this shit
Actually I forgot, hammer fall was a nice stun AOE ability, but you still needed someone that could take advantage of the stun
I remember dancers being wanted at mummies grind. And those blackmiths having some crazy attack with potions or something. It was long time ago. Tanking didn't seem that valid then.
>you will never get that amazing feeling to be able to wake up beside your precious disciple in the morning after seeking the ultimate truth together
why even live?
This show was great, especially when they separate and then he comes back as a crusader.
>pretty sure you mean blacksmith, since whitesmith is the trans class. and NOBODY partied blacksmiths. they had no AOE abilities. all they were good for in parties was tanking, which saders and knights could do infinitely better.
>in a party
WAT, dancers are the most useless character in the game
We'll never get a new anime narrating the true lore and not an awful fanfic as this anime.
I want stuff like Thanatos, Kiel or Chaos
Remember the korean manga that went on hiatus forever
>tfw I never found out what happened to that girl at the end of the Kiel Hyre Questline.
I'm still wondering to this day.
What a shit opening.
Elly? The one who ask you to check on her Grandpa?
I think she was a robot and stopped working
from left to right
>Fucked her teacher, then got murdered by him
>Impregnated the archer girl then got killed by his best friend
>Cucked her childhood friend to fuck her brother
>cucked by the guy he looked up to as an older brother
>Raped by Merchants, her lesbian lover was murdered
>the father of her child is dead.
Yes, the MC gets cuked byt the Heroines brother, he fucked her and then tentacle raped her.
you mean a sage
well that's pretty brutal
Was he trying to call the fish guy a fag in his last moments?
>reading this reminded me of those various Ragnarok NTR doujins
>tfw I realize everyone was probably a robot
I feel I was better off not knowing.
If you played ragnarok in the golden years but you need to put on your nostalgia googles.
Back in the day this was rare because for a "kiddy" shonen (using that term lightly) the MC had two BSOD moments. Now it's the in-thing for the MCs to have BSODs every other ep (Re:0, SNK, TG) but for the time, it was different.
The OP gets what little attention there is for this show, but I think the ED is one of the better songs of this era:
Because she'll probably never be reactivated after us bringing down the boss and even if she is, she'll probably have her memory wiped.
Better Ragnarok Online anime coming through
>Was this show actually good?
It was bland. This is way before Seiji Kishi developed his own style
Wasn't it edgy though?
Implied rape isn't something you see every day in anime.
>Impregnated the archer girl then got killed by his best friend
You forgot that he was gay for his best friend too
I'll eat any trash that gets produced into anime, just make it, anything.
If by true lore you mean the comic then that's really shit. If you just mean like the general ragnarok worldbuilding, quests and whatnot then yeah that'd be great. I think a story focusing on a multitude of characters exploring the world would be much more interesting than an individual story for a single character or party.
Tell me about left. Why does she wear the blindfold?
How does this compare to Goblin Slayer?
She was gobbed.
Get out.
also dont forget they all are fucked in the head the scholar is an pyromaniac the assassin is a sadistic homo the alcoholic had Oedipus syndrome and Stockholm syndrome the loli is a sociopath at the beginning and the archer raped the assassin when he has nearly dead also the main character get fucked a lot by his friends
Immunity againsted blind.
You can learn their story in game by doing quest and instance. Nowdays they adapt the manga as side quest in Ro.
Has this been adapted?
Nice reading
Theres also the fact that the Rachel religion of Freya, kidnaps young girls with heterochomia because they are the reincarnation of Freya, they do this so that Freya never fully awakens, because when she does, she destroys the world and Ragnarok 2 happens.
Does the Loli pope know?
>Ragnarok 2
Why was that game such a disappointment
Only notable for the ridiculous tone shifts
>that jew loli backstory
>that episode with the cute ants
>mc turning into an edgelord after thinking he's been NTR'd
Last one was quite funny though
>big tits
>face of a man
can someone break this down for me?
>face of a man
u wot
did she turn to DARKNESS and kill everyone in that town?
because you let Ragnarok Happen user.
She doesnt know, the popes are always kept in full ignorance of everything, and are used as sacrifices before Freya fully awakens, i think this has something to do with Randgris loosing her mind.
no, she goes around collecting lesbian monsters.
>moonlight flower gets one shotted by lord of vermillion
Damn, I bloody remember being that gay ass thread.
The worst part was the finale where they killed Dark Lord with ME.
>satan morroc arc never
God is dead.
Man, seeing this thread made the nostalgia hit really hard. I miss so much playing Ragnarok.
i tried playing again but, i used to play in a heavily customized server, so nothing will be the same again.
Plus being a working adult means you can never spend a week straight playing the game.
>RO mobile
What the fuck is this? Does it have SoundTemp music?
>RO fan video years back then has a more catchy skill animations than the 'fan dubbed' spiritual successor ToS
Sometime I scratch my nostalgia itch by playing the tactics version.
But it'll never be the same.
>Audio track removed due to copyright claim.
fucking youtube
>spiritual successor ToS
I was so hype for that game, it was such a disappointment.
Seriously though, Poring is a miracle of the universe. Best monster design ever.
RO had one billion great designs, really.
>Update as of April 25, 2017: TapTap just disabled download to the country who has copyright restriction from Gravity. There is no more download button for Ragnarok Online Mobile appearing on the site. Stating, “Sorry, download service is not available in your country or region due to the copyright restrictions from Gravity.”. Instead, the button turns to Coming Soon, maybe they’re currently working with Gravity to have global launch.
Damn. Has anyone played this shit? It looks and sounds closer to old RO than RO2 or ToS at the very least.