Why didnt you homo sapiens tell me this show was so amazing?
Why didnt you homo sapiens tell me this show was so amazing?
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Bitch we had nonstop threads when it was airing.
Only worth watching for Kanna.
The main dragons awesome too
I didnt realise just how cute it was with thier jealosy
Kanna calls here a cuckold LEL
kanna kanna
Because halfway through the 4th episode the shows pacing goes to shit
This kid for example. They waste half an episode explaining about how he's a Mages kid trying to prove himself, and how his dad is Kobayashi's boss, and how his family is actually from the world of dragons.
NONE of that stuff ever comes back up in the anime. None of it.
Every scene with him after that is just him in comically sexual situations with Lotte. Kobayashi never even talks to her boss on screen, they just passively mention he lets his kid hang out with Kobayashi so they can include him and lotte in the show more often.
And then ANOTHER dragon gets a job working for that same manager, but they still never show him or bring him up or anything.
It's a huge exposed dangly plotthread like a nerve ending from a rotted tooth.
forgot pic. That's how forgettable he is.
Because it gets worse in the latter half.
Because it isn't, and because it was extremely popular so everyone not living under a rock knew about it already.
ame ame ame ame ame ame
Nice buzzword. That's not even what the show was about. He's literally just /ss/ bait, his fucking name is SHOUTA. Maid dragon is one of my top 5 shows of last year and I wouldn't even be able to tell you as much about his backstory as you did, you know why? Because it never mattered in the first place.
Its your fault for writing it off as moe ecchi trash. I fully expected it to be but was proven so fucking wrong, thankfully. Most of the hate comes from contrarians or KyoAni haters. Violet Evergarden is getting the same treatment right now and its TV run hasn't even started yet.
Good example of a show that looks like it should be terrible being pretty good.
"world class"
We did, user.
more like ironic weeb maid ;)
I agree with this
>Manga is ongoing
Will (hope) for S2
Because this cunt right here ruined any chance this show had at being good.
Her bullshit got old real fast.
I missed the "dragons dont know how to hold back" bits in the later episodes too. It all got very vanilla.
Based Kyoto
The later episodes just felt like filler and too formula-like.
It had your typical beach episode.
your typical festival episode.
didn't do anything different really.
I mean I still finished it just to see if it had anything more to offer, but overall it's pretty forgettable, and every AOTY poll reflects that.
>I mean I still finished it just to see if it had anything more to offer,
I actually take that back. How silly.
The ONLY reason I kept watching was in hopes of getting more sneak peaks at Kanna's thighs and butt, because nothing else was fulfilling.
They barely started introducing that aspect in the manga. Shouta has serious potential though. Basically one shot another older mage who challenged him to a duel.
so soft
how does mushishi lose to aria?
I like keeping secrets.
>he needs to be told KyoAni show is amazing
But every KyoAni show is amazing
> Watching Maid Dragon for its story.
Dude, you're doing it wrong. There are fucking dragons shaped as humans in this series, and you're looking for some logic.
This kind of series are nonsensical just for the sake of it. You just need to sit down, relax and enjoy the silly things that happens, the slice of life aspects are just a plus, but this series is essentially a gag series, almost 4-koma tier of humor but with great animation and visual presentation.
You're expecting fireworks from a fucking matchstick.
Oh come on, this season of Umaru wasn't anything special.
This gives me hope for the Archery anime they're doing, I read the summary of Dragon Maid and it sounded like the most boring shit ever but it comfy, Had good comedy moments and great fan service (Lucoa), It balanced everything splendidly.
Is it me or does this read like a pasta for Lucky Star?
God damn if that's official then Sup Forums is full of shit
there's a perfect board for you
The actual problem with this list is no K-On (greatest anime of all time) for 2010 and no Kemono Friends for 2017 (seriously Umaru?)
It wasn't that good.
It had it's moments but the bulk was pretty bad.
Only reason I watched it to completion was because I had a Fire Emblem dragon team and felt obligated.
I'm a big nonnonfag but Repeat was pretty meh compared to season 1
>people taking this stupid list seriously
Oh, neo Sup Forums.
Real talk: Aho Girl was better than anything else this season.
I'm also a big nononfag and think several episodes of season 1 were downright boring whereas every single episode of Repeat was great.
Also, rulers.
Because of this.
them titties
It's not part of the season one arc, clearly.
He's part of the theme of dragons getting along with humans in a mundane but touching way.
Don't care to read the manga but I think that this was a fan-service show done right.