Cracked just posted an article today about how it was like being an anime fan in the 90s, post memories of that era for you.
>paying 30 goddamn dollars for a VHS or DVD containing 3 episodes
>bootleg merchandise being the way more viable option to collect than imported merch
>4Kids being semi relevant before the early 2000s when they were universally hated
>catching random episodes on the 'japan blocks' for whatever series the respective channel decided to air that night
Cracked just posted an article today about how it was like being an anime fan in the 90s...
go back there
>le ebin nerd culture website posts absolutely eric nerd lyfe shit
Wow is water still wet too?
Kill yourself.
>paying 30 goddamn dollars for a VHS or DVD containing 3 episodes
not watching it for free on national tv or free cable (yes cable was free in the 90 if yuo had an antena strong enought to catch the signal)
Running autistically all the way home after school to catch Dragonball or Ulysses 31 before the start.
Cracked was alright in 2009 but now it's pure cancer
Pretty much this, sadly dubs were shit tier looking back now.
Good luck waiting for Toonami to rerun whatever DBZ arc you want to watch.
A friend of my dad gave me some bootleg subbed VHS tapes which started my descent into animu.
3x3 Eyes and Dominion Tank Police were pretty good. The Puma Sisters awakened something in me...
They laid off the bulk of their core writing staff a few weeks ago, now it feels like an empty shell of itself.
Fucking this. I'm 28 and streaming services were not commonplace until a few years ago. Prior to that was torrenting I think.
Hell, I remember when decent scanlation was rare. Back in 2006 I would have two windows pulled up for One Piece chapters, one with the raws and the other with the translation (usually Stephen Paul).
>this is the kind of people that post in Sup Forums in the year of our lord 2018
neck yourself
Same but war.
I've been here since 2007, I'm already dead inside.
mad samefag /jp/idditor
Why don't you fucking off yourself?
>>paying 30 goddamn dollars for a VHS or DVD containing 3 episodes
I remember their being at least four episodes per tape. And only the subbed VHS tapes where upwards of $30, the dub was usually cheaper (sometimes up to $10 less).
Also tracking down piss yellow hardsubbed copies of the DBZ movies from thrift stores and comic book shops that had translations with excessive swearing because reasons
How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
Yeah, I remember awkwardly trying to be an edgy teenager too.
Haha oh god the excessive swearing. I remember the DBZ manga translations being so bad for those, but in high school that was the shit. Where were you getting 4 episoded? I distinctly remember ADV being notorious for the complaint I mentioned. Funi too, at least with Yuyu Hakusho.
Anonymity that brings everyone on equal terms when posts are made. That way one person doesn't have more clout by another by default regardless of what bullshit is spewed.
ayy bring the chemo machine
I remember my VHS copes of Trigun and Lain having at least 4 episodes a piece. The DVD's had more; or at least the first volumes did.
Fuck off grandpa, and get off the Internet
I really wish you didn't post on Sup Forums.