How do people keep up with the latest season of anime?

How do people keep up with the latest season of anime?

How are you capable of clearing your backlog or choosing what to watch?

I'm just trying to watch at least one episode of anything, be it seasonal or backlog, a day.

Since I only pick up three or four shows a season, it should work out.

you open animecalendar, watch 1 ep of everything, then watch 3 eps of the things you don't hate, onhold action and mystery series to gulp it down in one sitting and eventually finish the season with 2-4 things compete. Don't forget to come back for the soundtrack.

>How are you capable of clearing your backlog or choosing what to watch?
I have over 300 anime in my backlog, and probably half as many manga. Instead of watching and clearing, I just stare at the list and weep.

You watch what you like. Unless you have unbelievably low standards, you'll only end up picking up 4-5 shows per season.

You don't clear your backlog. You don't even have to drop anything, just keep it there for years until you can be bothered finishing it. I still haven't watched the second half of Shiki after it went on that week-long break.

If i dont post on Sup Forums all day i finish at least 2 seasons in one day

Pretty easy. I just stick everything I want to watch on my RSS list.

RSS list?

I go down whatever anime chart of the season has gotten closest to neregate picking out the shows I know I want to watch, making fine jest at the synopses of the ones that aren't to my taste, and google the ones I'm not sure on. I pick one show that didn't make the list and watch it anyway. I pick one backlog show.

As long as you have 7 shows or less you have 1 per day, which is convenient to watch while eating dinner. I am okay with accepting that I will never have an idea of what AotS actually is because I didn't watch every single show. That's what the backlog is for.

I 3-ep rule them.

>How do people keep up with the latest season of anime?
I tend to watch very little of each season
>How are you capable of clearing your backlog or choosing what to watch?
at this point I'd say my taste is pretty set I generally know the few shows I'm going to watch ahead of time although I'll still pick up a new show if I start hearing good things about it, as for my backlog I have a lot of free time and also I usually just pick a series and start watching through it, I don't understand why that's difficult for a lot of people

Literally all you have to do is not watch anime that looks like shit. BAM, 95% of everything that comes out is safely ignored.

I'll never understand the autists that commit to watching at least 3 episodes of literally every single show that comes out.

Just exercise your own judgment as to whether or not something seems worth watching, and be willing to adjust your opinions if other people have glowing recommendations on discussion boards like Sup Forums.

You don't need to watch every single shitty light novel adaptation that comes out. It boggles my mind how you guys actually think it's not only reasonable but necessary and required to watch that trash.

>It boggles my mind how you guys actually think it's not only reasonable but necessary and required to watch that trash.
Looking at this thread, it doesn't seem like that's the case.

i literally gave up. i barely watch anime at this point. only sometimes i'll pull up an episode of something but definitely not from the current seasons

Use Livechart.

There are a lot of diehards that generally feel ashamed when they can't complete literally everything that comes out.

I generally only watch 1-3 shows per season and I spend the rest of my attention on shows that have a decent amount of pedigree and recommendations behind them from times passed.

Don't watch every anime that comes out like a fucking retard that needs to update his MAL every 23 minutes so he can show everyone how big is internet schlong is but in reality the only person that cares about the thousands of trash anime he's sat through at 4x speed is himself

>generally only watch 1-3 shows per season and I spend the rest of my attention on shows that have a decent amount of pedigree and recommendations behind them from times passed.
Same. I picked up Four Rhythm on random recommendation and I'm really enjoying it. Seems like when I take a plunge on shows it works out well almost always. Sup Forums's taste isn't quite as bad as it pretends to be.

I watch a lot of things on 1.4x speed

>when you have a backlog for anime, manga, video games and tv shows.

>90% of stuff airing is garbage
>another 5% is gonna turn into garbage midway due to some drop in budget, story, characters whatever
>keep with that 2-3 shows worth watching
>that's only 2-3 new episodes a week
>2-3 episodes a week of an old longer show(50+ ep)
>1-2 episodes a week of a shorter old 1-2 season show

The hard part is finding quality old shows you missed that are actually worth watching and findable(0 seeds).

>when you post like you're on 9gag but you're on Sup Forums

My backlog grew so big it collapsed in on itself.
Now I just watch seasonal anime.

I've watched about 600 anime and i'm really struggling to find more interesting anime. I'm interested in some, but most of them have non-endings and almost 0% chance of continuation. That's why I basically only watch seasonal anime now. Many of them will have no endings, but it's more chill to watch one and one episode of a show each week. Watch around 20 anime each season.

how do people even get backlogs
you can easily finish a series a day unless it's some long running shonen
is it wageslaves that can only watch an ep a day?

I can only keep up with the 20 or so currently airing anime I'll inevitably be watching. I haven't played a new video game since Dark Souls 3 came out. I've completely given up western tv.

I get bored easily these days, it's almost impossible for me to marathon a series. I spend more of my free time here than doing anything else. It doesn't help that I'm a wage slave in college. I've still never seen any Gundam in my life, but it's something I've always wanted to finish all of some day.

>How do people keep up with the latest season of anime?

I just filter a lot of shit every season. First I look at the genre, then the synopsis, then the studio, then the staff. Because of that I rarely follow more than 6 or 7 shows every season.

>you can easily finish a series a day unless it's some long running shonen

And even so, if a show has more than 100 episodes I just read the manga.

There should be around 0-1 good shows per season, giving you plenty of time to work on your backlog

Both this, and I have autism. Can view hours upon hours of anime without burning out because I have nothing else/nothing better to do.

Why would I ever want to finish my backlog? That just means more stuff for me to see and do.

What I do is simply drop stuff VERY aggressively, 90% of the times it's the right choice. If you went wrong and see the show is getting some interest here I just pick it back up.

>two cour series self destructs in the last three episodes
Why does this keep happening to what I'm watching?

I usually just look at the cover but also quickly read its tags to decide if I'm watching or not.
For backlog I just watch an episode every time I feel like watching an episode. Sometimes I watch something in a day, sometimes it takes me 3 years to finish an anime.

Watch whatever seems enjoyable. If it doesn't seem like something you might enjoy watching, then don't watch it.


I actually ran out of backlog stuff and am struggling to find things I'd like to watch.

Get a home gym and watch it while you're on the treadmill and lifting weights.

Why did they think it was okay for them to make a character 11 years old, and then make her sexy?

Glad to see I ain't the only one doing this.

what's the problem with this?

They're not supposed to be sexy?

I'm not following

Even non-lolicons, like myself, find them sexy.

They've been getting away with it for 20 years, why would they stop now?

I dump everything I'm interested in onto RSS, which could be as many as 20 shows per season, and watch everything as it comes in. Then if I'm bored, I go back to watching whatever off-season show I'm in the middle of.

user you're a lolicon
it's ok

>clearing the back log

Lolis are not supposed to be sexy nowadays.

Lolis are always supposed to be sexy.

It's like 20 minutes a day every week.

Let's assume you have only 1 show everyday this season, 7 shows isn't that much in the first place.

I don't think it's that hard to fit somewhere in 20 minutes to watch some crap seasonal garbage. And even if you like to watch in bulk after not watching seasonal crap for a month you'll have only an hour of content.

To put it not very correctly, but very bluntly, you basically have 3 months to watch slightly more than 3 hours of anime in total. There are 2190 hours in 3 months.

I stopped doing this backlog thing, if I can't be arsed to watch something anymore for a reason or another, I just let it go. Unless I want to watch the rest for some reason, but then I clearly don't need a formal backlog for that.

As for new shows, I just try every first episode ever.

I actually enjoy anime and don't just keep up with it for ironic weeaboo street cred. I pick up what looks interesting and drop it when it isn't. Just look over the seasonal charts and at least a few should jump out at you. If you're struggling to watch shows, enough to build up a hefty backlog, then you should question why you wanted to watch them in the first place.

PVC isn't going to pay for itself, poorfag.