Have you finished it already, Sup Forums?
Devilman Crybaby
Solid 6/10. Entertaining but nothing special
Was up at 3am this morning to marathon it. It met my expectations, but did not exceed them. I'd give it a 8.5/10
The ending fight was real cool. A lot more references to Neo than I thought there would be.
>song at the end of ep9
OST when? or is than a licensed track?
Not Yuasa best, but it’s in the top 4
>Have you finished it already, Sup Forums?
No, I'm not really interested in Devilman series, so I don't see a reason to watch a Netflix version of it.
Wake me up when they will decide to remake Devilman Lady anime instead.
I'm only four episodes in so far but really not enjoying it.
The pacing is all over the place, and scenes like Ryo explaining what demons are or where they came from or what they want at the mansion are missing, meanwhile we get HEHE LOOK THE KID IS WATCHING THE ORIGINAL DEVILMAN GEDDIT fanwankery
Also the opening is fucking terribad
Marathoned the first episode, it was alright
>Ryo explaining what demons are or where they came from
Maybe finish the fucking show before claiming shit's 'missing'.
Im 6 in, its fucking great. The ost is GOAT.
The only thing that saddened me was Miki's death. Akira never deserved any of this. They should have also made Ryo a woman from the start.
someone post [spoiller]miki[/spoiler] death webm
I think the flashback sequence were utilized really well. Liked the running/baton metaphors too, I think this is Yuasa’s strong point when depicting character relationship.
The episode 9 fucked me up thoroughly.
>its ok if they move a scene that fundamentally explains why akira was turned into a devilman that was originally in the very first chapter to way later in the story
>i mean its not like akira having any motivation matters as long as he gets told eventually right?
>See title DEVILMAN with a cool looking demon dude
>Think its gonna be action packed and a fun ride
>Ends up being a tragedy
FUCK. I didn't wanna feel. I just wanted something with cool battles and shit
So does no one really give a shit about everything that happens after Silene and Jinmen until Miki loses her head? Seems like every adaptation skips over that section with the spiders and the demon lady who abuses her son and demons having camaraderie over eating people and the Devilmen army liberating fellow Devilmen from human experimentation.
Who voiced mi-ko?
Nostalgiafags have pretty shit taste. I read the manga right before watching it and the anime is way better.
Satan best girl
>rating an animu after one viewing
hey MAL senpai :^)
Solid 8/10
A few flaws, but otherwise has the Devilman spirit and themes.
Fuck, I actually teared up a bit at Mike's death. It wasn't her death that really got me, but the gangsters. Wamuu didn't have to die, the mob wasn't after him. There's the one thing the anime did way better than the manga.
I like them both equally for what the are, to be honest. They’re different but both good.
Koshimizu Ami
No reason to rewatch a 6/10 anime sorry
>the opening is fucking terribad
What are you talking about, the OP is terrific.
Fights are really bad, it's difficult to follow what's happening. Fast and wacky camera movement, big explosions, but no tactics.
I guess the strong point of this show is it's nihilism and not being a fighting shonen
They did. Instead Miki gets a group of rappers to hang around her house for a bit.
That doesn't happen. No rap gods smacking up possessed dudes's headspiders.
> watching it multiple times to rate
some of us have jobs and shit bruh tf, i only rewatch 10s if i really feel like it
I'd rather be dead than be stuck with a shitty devilman form like that athlete.
The whole baton passing thing was so fucking cringe. Same with the rapping making the chick cry. And Devilman hugging little children. Too many cringey moments in this anime.
>Mike's death
Me too. RIP Mike.
>i've watched 1500 whole animes, check my MAL
>btw i've seen all of them once
Just finished episode 4, Im considering dropping it. Pretty much this It's just a mess of wacky funky scenes and random sex scenes.
I'd probably give it more of a pass if I didn't read the manga, but it's the shittiest Yuasa I've seen.
>If it isn't generic j rock then it's bad
Devilboy spinoff when?
Yeah, OP is terrible. Terrible visuals and meme "music". Proper Devilman remake when?
Honestly, it was alright. I feel like if Yuasa didn't name it Devilman or if it wasn't advertised as an adaptation, it would be better received. But why the hell did they change Miko into some spider bitch just to show that vagoo acid spraying Miko actually did exist in this universe?
Satan ends up a depressed faggot and god nukes the world. That's a pretty happy ending in my eyes.
>serious moment
>Ryo ruins it with his mumbling English accent
every goddamn time
The blogging scene was hard to watch. Not in a good way either.
Hmm lots of falseflaggers in here!
Satan a shit, A SHIT
Dude LMAO, look at us running together and shit. Look at the symbolism, woah so deep.
Yeah, stayed up all night to marathon it. I hate giving scores but I agree it was around an 8/10. Wish they had kept some shit regarding Satan like him realizing he did to humans what God did to the demons, kept him as the puppeteer in the shadows behind the demon's actions and the reveal.
Those where the only things I think it lacked. Otherwise it was entertaining for what it was.
that is right user, you should watch One Piece 3 times before rating it :^)
I heard this adaptation was really average
that's a pity
It’s not our fault you’re too much of a brainlet to comprehend metaphors.
Yeah, that shit was a bit much. Took up way too much screentime as well
No. Seen episode 1 but I hate watching a whole show at once. Fuck Netflix and their shitty distribution.
I don't even know if I like it much. I enjoy Yuasa's directing and animation, but really didn't care for the manga.
>polarizing director
>polarizing source material
>Netflix release
Of course Sup Forums is going to pretend it's not as good as it actually is. If this was a weekly broadcast when the new season started, it would be praised as AOTY.
user, use your head.
The heck is doing Lain with Akira?
I'd say this is one of those adaptations that's best watched without touching the source material first.
>you must watch every anime a dozen times before rating
Was it autism
They didn't need to show the fucking baton changing that many times. I'm sure even the stupidest of Netflix's demographic understand it on the first or second.
>holy bible
>can track people he's never met using GPS signals
>can't CGI someone's head into a video
Satan is so beautiful
rating is cancer
pretending you gathered everything from one viewing of a piece of media is also cancer
I mean if you were Satan, why not live on floor 666?
It's not as if the dumb japs are gonna get the significace
Nowhere near as good as the manga
I've been hyping this anime for months, but just to let you know, I'm not pleased with it. I fucking love Devilman, and there are so many changes that I simply find unnecessary, not to mention the general execution and direction is less than stellar.
This really kills my faith in Yuasa to be honest. It didn't seem like he knew what he was doing. None of the scenes are any as impactful as the manga or even the ovas which in my opinion, do a far superior job in getting these scenes in animated form.
So the real message is that gays will destroy the world? BRAVO NAGAI
the best thing about crybaby were the raps
>ywn motorboat Silene
Why live?
as a first time watcher/reader, goddamn i was not ready for that third act
and i know now why it was such a huge influence for Kentaro Miura and Hideaki Anno
We'll probably never get a full, actual adaptation of the manga. It's a damn shame they stopped the OVA series at Volume 2, they could've done the story justice with just a few more 50 minute OVAs.
I like this show so far, but I still like the first OVA more. Especially I liked horror atmoshpere and Ryo there, he was awesome. I readed the manga and the ending was so fucked up, I really thought that this will be a series about a nice guy with demon powers and his more serious, cool-headed practical partner, but everything ended with appocalypse because of horny Satan instead.
i read the manga first and it was pretty meh except for a few moments
why did devilman leave his gf to die in the first place
The blogging shit was retarded too. Fuck off Miki with your lame ass blog, no one fucking cares. Its hilarious how some random nobody was able to somehow get dozens of devilmen to join Akira cause of her tumblr post. Jeez
It definitely captures the essence of Devilman. I love Yuasa’s quirky directorial style, so I think it was quite good.
I don’t really think it’s comparable to the manga though, they’re different. Both good for what they are I think.
Why should I ? There is nothing smart in what I've seen so far. No subtlety, no actual ambience, the pacing is lighting fast, it feels like Im watching a music video.
Eva's influence is undeniably quite prominent throughout Yuasa's new adaptation of the original Devilman manga series; Devilman: Crybaby. Both rely heavily on religious motifs and themes to drive the plot forward and adamantly refuse to shy away from the darker side to the themes that they put forth. Long story short; if you can handle Eva's overt usage of sex and death as well as its soul-crushing bleakness, then Devilman is likely to be an all-around worthwhile experience that will leave you feeling awfully grateful for your continued existence as a blissfully ignorant mortal.
don't underestimate the power of idorus
Retard, Yuasa isnt polarizing. He's almost universally loved with a few contrarian detractors who hate him specifically because he is so well respected.
Most of Sup Forums were totally ready to declare this AOTY, myself included, but it was a disappointment. It would probably be better received if we didn't raise our expectations based on his involvement.
I think the best lesson to take away from this, is that no adaptation will never match your perception of the source material.
Ryo fit into the formula of 'scientist gives hero powers to fight monster of the week' which manga folliwed for while and crybaby ignores because nobody does that anymore.
It's not subtle, but it is part of the decadence of humanity as well as, in other senses, a valid emotional reaction.
why'd he turn into a demon anyway? because he was not satisfied with the amount of meat in his household?
People are always going to be upset about something. I really don’t think anyone has a right to be more upset than the original creator though.
And Nagai is definitely not upset about this adaption.
Miki running up to the car and seeing them all dead
Even thought it wouldn't have fit, I am bummed Akari telling the viewers shit was going down didn't make it in
It's only a disappointment because you didn't understand what Yuasa wanted to do with this
Yuasa's perception being part of the other side of the coin. Anons with a more traditional and puritan view of how to read the manga got something else and so they don't favor his perspective.
>I think the best lesson to take away from this, is that no adaptation will ever match my precognitive bias
he cucked miki? why
Did the mid-flight rape also happen in the manga, it was so weird and unexpected.
I guess by working with Netflix Yuasa really made a deal with the devil ha ha.
>2017 was 5 days ago
>already AOTY
Loved it.