Can we get a Berserk appreciation thread? whilst we wait for another hiatus.
>find out the 2016 anime picks up after the 1997 one
>it's CGI (which can be ok) but looks like absolute garbage
we dont talk about the new anime...
I enjoy the new anime, in a sense it's so extremely different and ridiculously animated that i don't really associate it with the manga or the old anime.
Goddamn i loved the 1997 anime so much it was absolutely magical to me, watching guts and casca made me cry which is something i never do. Obviously the manga is superior, i actually own all volumes but i don't think any adaptation can beat the 1997 one for me.
Why did they even decide to go with the cgi route? Who greenlit that?
Nips giveth, and then they taketh away. It is not our place to understand, being lowly gaijin.
I want Guts to kill a Dragon
I have to say it, Casca is not black
Berserk inside joke.
It's cheaper
They knew they didn't have a chance with regular animation either.
Better questionable would be, who the hell chose them in the first place?
The sound track was great in the 1997 adaptation. Haven't bothered to watch the 2016 and 2017 adaptations . . .
aside from the animation, which obviously is important, how is the 2016/2017 anime?
This is the exact moment that completely broke me. I almost drop good CGI anime thanks to this garbage right here.
I just don’t understand why they would willingly do this shit? What did they expect was going to happen?
it skips two of my favorite arcs, one that portrayed Guts fresh after the incident.
The new anime is pretty good, lets me suffer almost as much as Guts
dropped this after 200 chapters , it got really boring after chapter 90
>guts travels searching for demons
>guts find a demon
>guts fights the demon and lose like a bitch
>the demon talk a little bit and gets closer in the canon range
>guts shoot him with his canon hand
Go back to your Boku threads.
Susumu Hirasawa hasn't lost his touch.
berserk's central theme is suffering, so the studio chose to adapt the series like that as a way to immerse the viewer in suffering and doubt
I assume they just went with the cheapest option available.
Though why they can't give the franchise more love is beyond me. I guess they saw the mixed reviews for the movies coupled with the difficulty of marketing such a violent/explicit series to modern audiences and decided not to give it much of a chance.
When's the new chapter? I want to feel again.
Why the fuck does Berserk even need an adaption other than for easy cash? Pretty much every aspect of what makes Berserk good works best as a manga and the art style has to be butchered for animation.
I wouldn't give up the 97 version's soundtrack.
It would have been easy to get a handful of generic angry metal tracks just to have something to play during fight scenes, but they got something that really feels like Berserk.
These coming chapters will end with just casca finally getting her mind back
It did have a pretty spot on soundtrack. Overall though the anime really pales in comparison to the manga and I'm not sure another attempt at an adaption would be much better even with all it's problems.
At the end of The Lost Children sub-arc Guts has to explain to a child that she cannot come with him. That despite the hardships she faces in her own life, his life is no different. That running away with him will bring no more comfort or happiness then staying where she is now. After having torn one of her best friends to bits and nearly dying himself Guts tells the girl there is no paradise for her to run to. He does not do this to be cruel, he doesnt do it because he enjoys it. The road he is on is not one he wanted, the burden he bears not of his choosing. But he knows now, in that moment, no one chooses such things.
His ending speech to this girl is as much for him as it is for her. There is no paradise for lost children to run off to. Much like this poor battered girl, Guts must accept his fate.
And people say this manga is sub-par.
Where does anyone say it's subpar? It's always seemed like the manga is universally loved and respected even here where everything is usually shat on to some degree.
I see it picked apart plenty here and else where. Though my intention wasnt to start some argument about how people see it. Every now and then I just like to sit back and admire just how amazing some of the writing in Berserk really is. Despite the hiatus's and decline in quality and many other things, ive yet to find another manga that has the highs that Berserk does.
we dont talk about the new anime...
I wasn't trying to argue I was just curious. I've just gotten to the chapter in the image today and I've been blown away with how great it's been so far. That is disappointing though if it does decline in quality later like you say but fuck it's been good for a long time.
The end of Lost Children was beautiful and tragic.
My only nitpick about it is that nearly half of Guts's crew are kiddos now. Shierke with her magical abilities and no home to go to is one thing, but Guts probably should have told Isidro to get lost ages ago.
How come every adaptation skips Lost Children?
The decline is debatable depending on what you like in the manga. A lot less hand drawn type stuff has been cropping up recently which has got some people in a fuss but I think its been fine over all. You still got plenty of amazing moments to see.
Its the change in Guts when Casca is around. Lost Children was without Casca, and was all about Guts on his own, as his own. But when taking care of her and himself, well youve seen what happens. And at this stage it seems like they arent exactly in the way, so I dont mind it. Isidro and Fish-girl are annoying though....cant argue that.
Its literally to intense to properly adapt. Try selling Lost Children as is to any studio on earth and see what happens. So the only way to make it work is to remove entire chunks of it and then...whats the point? Same reason they skip Wyald, despite him being one of the best encounters in the manga.
>despite him being one of the best encounters in the manga.
wyald was boring and pointless
t. brainlet
>that page
should've ended after conviction arc, now it's just high fantasy bullshit
weak bait
I disagree, the Wyald encounter was fun, energetic and really helped put the eclipse and following events into a good perspective. He was a fun character that let us see really what a demon could be. His full transformation was much more monstrous then any we had seen before made the visuals interesting. And the significance of Guts fighting and besting a demon even after it had transformed despite no real practice with them and no dragonslayer/cannon helps to show just how strong Guts was even before the eclipse.
Its up there with the hundred man slayer section for me as a moment that Guts proves just how far out of causality he is.
Its a really important moment in the manga that sets the pace for a lot of the later encounters and helps define how we see guts before and after eclipse.
Its easy to say that and forget just how many amazing moments you would miss if it did end at the Conviction arc. Im not saying everything is amazing after, its not, but there is a lot that makes it very much worth it.
No one forces you to follow the story past that point.
>fun, energetic and really helped put the eclipse and following events into a good perspective
Nah. Much more boring than any of Guts' numerous other encounters with apostles. Pretty pointless.
In terms of Apostle fights, Rosine > Wyald > Mozgus > Count > Zodd > Grunbeld > whatever I might have forgotten
Puck a cute! A CUTE!
Which encounters would you consider good then?
I was never a big fan of Mozgus's fight honestly, I thought his angels where much more interesting then the actual Mozgus fight. And grunbeld so low even with the reveal of the Berserker Armor? I agree with most of the rest of it though, a lot of the earlier apostles didnt have much presence.
Hopefully they give once again, soon
This is the only non-cringeworthy Berserk animation that has been done
How come this studio never made more
Youre not a fan of the 1997 anime? But you where a fan of the three OVA's? is that even possible? They where both great.
Most old animation is ugly as fuck, unless it's disney tier. The lines are dirty and the colors are overly saturated.
Really? How do you feel about older anime in general? Ghost in shell, Angels Egg, Akira etc?
I mean I know it isnt perfect but the saturation and painted stills give it a lot of personality and charm I think.
The Rosine fight was dumb and pointless too. Fuck that stupid fucking arc.
Seeing this OP reminded me, did that new chapter of Berserk finally come out? Did anything worthwhile happen?
In anime like grimgar you have the painted stills and I agree that it gives the anime some charm, but it also has modern animation.
I'm actually not fully satisfied with most modern anime animation. Even with grimgar which has standard animation, you can tell that it looks sort of choppy and 'low fps'.
The dofus film has come incredible animation, I wonder how the use of flash animation would translate to a more grim cyberpunk setting rather than a cartoon
They're essentially fighting Casca's vague dream interpretation of Femto to get to the last fragment of Casca's memories.
Cheeky cunt
I think charm, personality, and tone are more important then smoothness generally. I can understand disagreement though. Id say Paprika or Steamboy are some of the best examples of animation in existence, but neither of them are in my personal top 10 for anime or animation in general. I guess it just depends on whether the lack of polish and smoothness can be overcome with something else. I feel like the 1997 anime for Berserk does that very well.
That animation looks fine enough, its a bit too clean for me though.
It skips arcs?
Get the fuck out cunt
Everyone complains about the animation, which is fair, but I would have looked past a lot if I felt like there was genuine effort to capture the tone and emotional weight of Berserk.
But the pacing's rushed, the sound design is off, and when that shaky cam goes full force, it almost makes me nauseous. I wouldn't say that every scene is awful, but I think the bad ones outweigh the good.
Vid was blocked lad
freedom ain't free
Yes it skips most of the black swordsmen arc where it leaves after Guts in on the carriage with that old man and his grand daughter getting attacked by skeletons and Guts getting stabbed by her. Only other scene prior was Guts saving Puck from the bar. No Snake Baron. Then it skips STRAIGHT to Guts getting captured by the Holy chain knights, IE the shittiest knights out there told even by the manga itself. Skipping the entire Lost Children arc and removing any logical explanation that Guts could even be captured by these guys in the first place. Which now the reason is the girl who got possessed and stabbed him with that dagger in something that really wouldn't normally phase him at this point after all the shit he dealt with by then. Is now the reason why he wasn't able to solo every single person there and get caught.
Doesn't really skip much else other than that though. Which thank god cause when they did, it was certainly handled poorly
Sounds like this studio is either new and inexperianced or they dont know what they are doin, but this weekend im thinking of wasting 2 days and watching the entire 2016 version and possible the 2017, will it be worth it or should i spend the time rereading the manga?
maybe because the author is a lazy sack of shit and doesnt deserve a good anime
He's a genius. He gets people hooked and then starves them so they eat up the cheapest garbage ever produced by a studio and they like it
A manga which is about nothing, goes nowhere, the creator stopped caring so he just makes up nonsense to sell books every few months... I can't wait think of a more pointless waste of time.
Prove me wrong.
Berserk 2016 would have been better if it covered all of the Black Swordsman then continued with Conviction as was advertised
You're not wrong though.
I always wonder what the ending of Berserk would have been 20 years ago compared to what the ending will be on miura's deathbed when he no longer hasany need for money and finally ends it all.
>and they like it
The most positive review I've seen for Berserk 2016 is "it's better than nothing." And that's the minority.
I could only get through the first season just to see it. By the end I didn't even want to watch the second and it sounds like there is no improvement.
whats there to appreciate about this horrid looking show
I'm on chapter 120
Pretty good
Hopefully it won't end up like Gantz. Finished it 2 weeks ago
I wanna see Berserk by Studio Trigger.
the finance director
Ask a guy who just blitzed the entire manga in under a week anything
Holy shit KILL YOURSELF you fucking SHIT TASTE nigger
Are you ready for the hiatus?
absolutely not
Yeah dude this is exactly how berserk develops its plot haha
>Its literally to intense to properly adapt.
That, and it has to be animated masterfully in order for it not to be laughable.
One drop of QUALITY in the mix, and suddenly the blade catching goes from awesome to hilarious pretty fast. Miura's art and sense of motion are a big deal in why the manga is so good after all.
Only people that have this opinion are normalfags of the worst naruto loving degreee or soyboys that can't watch anything with a shade in it.
Or you know, a troll.
I think the idea that Digibro mentioned would be the best, just fucking adapt the ENTIRE story and make it like the movies or the 97 anime, JoJo style. Go back to the Black Swordsman arc at the beginning, re-adapt the entirety of the Golden Age again, continue past that.
People will watch it.
To be honest I would be ok with an adaptation skipping the Golden age arc since the old anime captures its feel perfectly (even if it's a glorified power point).
But goddamn, can some studio buy the rights and give this manga the adaptation it deserves already?
I would like to see a jojo style adaptation, not excellent, not bad, just acceptable and made with respect.
I just want to see Ganishka animated, why can't I have this one thing.
Ganishka's kind of a jobber though.
So is Zodd.
Nah, Zodd never pulled out the breaks and never really fought seriously. Not yet.
There are theories he will end up fighting on the human side in the upcoming war with Griffisu, but for that to happen Miura will have to not die of old age writing it.
>Nah, Zodd never pulled out the breaks and never really fought seriously. Not yet.
But seriously I don't care if Ganishka was kinda of a jobber, it is one of my favourtie arcs and I want it to be given justice.
Gantz jumped the shark in the final arc, but at least it had an ending.
I will never understand fags like this
It's Griffiths own fault for what happened. Guts was only trying to find himself and then Griffith went into a spiral depression. Also fuck Griffith for raping Casca in the 97 anime.
The only good thing about it was seeing Casca lust after Wyalds dick like the whore she is
>fuck Griffith for raping Casca in the 97 anime.
user...that doesn't just happen in the 1997 anime.
N-nani? If it happens in the 2016 anime I'll never see it because I refuse to watch that poor cgi stuff man.
Surely Gantz ending wasn't that bad, A happy ending out of nowhere was kinda shocking but hey could have been a lot worse I guess.
Why are all the symbols on their foreheads?
finished the 97 anime yesterday whats the best place to read the manga?