Yu-Gi-Oh! gen

How much sex happens in the blue dorn ya think?

If you were on the island, what do you think you'd do for a boring ass Saturday if no one felt like dueling?

Alexis is hanging out a lot with Zane but also is always drooling over Jaden, what a slut. Also
>that one episode where that one obelisk girl talks about having a crush on a different boy every week

Why did they build a fucking duel academy right next to a volcano that's constantly smoking? Ash would get everything. You would probably die from poisoning.

also i never realized that they made GX take place on an island because the first season of YGO takes place on one.

Why did they have a lab with animal experiments on the same island?
Why did they build a school on top of the site where the sacred beasts where sealed?
Why did the school not shut down after a whole dormitory disappeared in an unexplained supernatural phenomenon?

Is magic still a thing in the cartoon?

>no one felt like dueling
Thats the equivalent of being crazy in the GX world, these guys have fucking weddings settled over duels, dueling is greater pleasure than crack and molly combined for people in this series, so someone would always be up for duel no matter what.

This, even the 5Ds world is just as crazy about dueling to the point, the poor orphans like Yuusei duel.

Even jaden enjoys eating more

>tfw you lost against your tax collector in a duel and now have to pay 10x the amount owed.
T-thanks Kaiba.

>Why did they have a lab with animal experiments on the same island?
the island is actually a micronation that does its own research, this is their biggest export and money income.
>Why did they build a school on top of the site where the sacred beasts where sealed?
the school itself is to wash any money they make with illegal activities like forcing monkeys to duel. The sacred beasts thing was only known by few and when the principal of the school aka the dictator of the island learned about it he created his micronation to automatically become the owner of them and thus becoming more powerful
>Why did the school not shut down after a whole dormitory disappeared in an unexplained supernatural phenomenon?
the dictator would never close the school over some kids disappearing. Also this event was tried to stay secret to the United Nations so they wouldnt check the island for weird shit going on (so they dont find the hidden research labs)

none, none at all.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! gen

behold my power of digits

Kaiser and Fubuki are close friends and since Buki was missing Kaiser took it upon himself to look after his husbandos little sister.

That might actually happen now with Kaiba controlling the city.

>close friends
>fubuki didn't know his close friend wasn't actually being evil during their duel

That's a nice number of remaining episodes you have there, would be a shame if they were spent on me.

Kaiser is such a boring person that even Fubuki couldn't farthem that Kaiser would decide to go edgy on his own.

Because Kaiba is autistic

So Kaiba's Big Boss.

No one knew the students were missing. The school hid this fact, said they were studying abroad.

Had an episode about a journalist investigating missing students, he discovers the truth, but because of Judai he remembers how duels are fun. Because of this he decides not to reveal the truth that the school was covering up the disappearance of several students.

What? Is this for real? That's the funniest shit ever.