
Why are minors allowed to make medical decisions in AC? Shouldn't they require her parents' approval?

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The parents lost all say as soon as their children enrolled, but they never were told that.

In the rest of the world yes it would. In academy city children are just lab rats for amoral scientists who have free reign to do pretty much anything they want.

Because it's just a record. Honestly allowing doctors to have say a dental record usually doesn't even need to be asked

She didn't, she got kindapped and Full Tunning replaced her identity

If you were worried about that you wouldn't have sent your child to a random fucking high tec citystate where they can say fuck you to your country's rules

>why are minors allowed to make medical decisions
Pretty sure Academy city has very little definition of whos a minor and who isn't. I only ever see it brought up that students can't vote. But that may be unrelated to their age seeing as no one really cared when a teacher and a student hooked up

So what was that thing mentioned about Mami having an event on the same day as Dengeki Fes? As far as I know her only "comeback" event is NBCUni Fes.

No one cares tripfag.

Because then they couldn't make delicious cyborgs

How does voting even work when the adults are just mad scientists, teachers that are also police, and convenience store and fast food clerks, and the city is ruled by an upside down guy in a tube


I question I also had when I saw and read through this in Railgun. The true nature of Academy City isn't divulged that much in Railgun so far. So once I read the LNs, it becomes fairly obvious pretty early on.

It's probably just the teachers. Monaca was only saying that students didn't get to vote on things that concerned them. But I don't think it was said if it was because of their age they couldn't vote

>nah ac doesn't mess with your brain
How little saten knew

The real Mikoto is long dead/being used as a guinea pig

>The world's most advanced scientific hub doesn't follow the Nuremberg Codes
That's legitimately horrifying

About the favorite male and female characters, can't we just make poll or something? I know it might be tedious, but I guess it'll be cool.

You don't make that much progress that fast with silly things like ethics holding you back

No point anymore.

Another time maybe but it seemed reflective enough. I doubt we really have more than 30 or 40 active posters

>Saten complaining something isn't scientific
Apparently either they messed with her brain or someone hit her in the head with a baseball bat before Railgun


Misaki a pile of shit

A few sacrifices now, but think of how many more saved and helped in the future.

There's a difference between shit like the Milgram Obedience Study and the Stanford Prison Experiment and shit that will get you summons to The Hague.

>there are "people" out there that wouldn't be their scorer
I don't see how Gemstones fit into the plan PH told Touma[. They don't seem concerned about anything in WR land./spoiler]

can they fuck lolis in the name of science

Actually the dark side is almost like an exaggerated version of the Stanford Prison Experiment

>create WR
>forget that you made it a week later

One thing is that AC is not set in our future. It is actually set in an alternate timeline where Aleister founded AC in Japan right after WW2. The events and laws did not necessarily play out in the same way as in our world. A lot of scientific and technological advancements by other countries probably got drawn to AC instead.

Yes. What else motivates a scientist to work hard than to go home to a spare Imouto clone?

>No, nothing like that would ever happen

RIP Delta Force 2004~2017.

They're still alive though

I enjoyed the part where they killed him in nt9

Fukiyose headbutt > tsuchi banned karate > imagine breaker > squint fetish

I love aleister
What a degenerate scumbag
I wouldn't be surprised if he removed the age of consent in AC just so he could encourage students to play fast and loose

He almost certainly did, considering he was surprised a sense of morality about sex exists in his city at all he definitely made subtle steps like not having an age of consent. That being said the absence of one, instead of it being low, might be why people just assume it's the same as Tokyo's

There must not be an age of consent if he tried to have sex as soon as he became a 12/13 year old.

He walked straight into a love hotel as a young teen with a 16 year old, there definitely isn't an age of consent.

Why are there no lewds of this?

Same reason there's no lewds of Othinus lightly bouncing on Touma's chest as she beats him and he goes swine mode, not in the anime.

It would provide more material to experiment on.

I wonder if this is where some of or a good amount of the child errors come from. Young 13 or 14 year old mothers who can't bear the idea of their parents finding out and give their children to the hospital.

I've read a few of the erotic literature the actual Crowley wrote, it was wonderful how Kamachi kept in how much of a degenerate he was

I'm just amused the mountain climbing made it in

What you’re implying is not only wrong but shows you haven’t been paying attention. If we go all the way back to even before Frenda died assuming you can remember small details from that far back you’ll remember that a certain sombody went on a date and not just a normal date either. On that particular date this couple ended up talking about how Kamijou is a nice boy but the problem they had was they also thought he was an idoit for not confessing his love to his silver haired goddess of love and hope after living with her for so long. Why would that happen? Not old enough.

Shut up MP

You misspelled idiot yet again mobilebitch

I know how to spell it. My phone auto changes words that are inappropriate so if it don’t double check them they come out wrong.


What you’re implying is not only wrong but shows you haven’t been paying attention. If we go all the way back to even before Frenda died assuming you can remember small details from that far back you’ll remember that a certain sombody went on a date and not just a normal date either. On that particular date this couple ended up talking about how Kamijou is a nice boy but the problem they had was they also thought he was an idiot for not confessing his love to his silver haired goddess of love and hope after living with her for so long. Why would that happen? Not old enough.*

I didn't need a second you just because you made a mistake. I told you once already the adults are talking this is my last reply

>when she deletes an entire post just to fix 'idiot'

>we will never get art of this
Fucking misaka and animeshitters

I mean, they still beat the shit out of him on arrival. Nuada among other MG's were clearly pissed, but they likely wave off their original agenda because their primary problem is solved with this. Although now that Neph and Niang Niang are out and about, they might work on that.

You’ll get a second one and you’ll like it.

Just made two separate polls for girls and boys, I was entirely lazy to add all characters, so I used the tally info from the previous top 3 male and female charts. Sorry, I'm lazy as fuck, it can't be helped.



You can select multiple characters, I think.

NT anime soon.

Doujins are a business. Aleister is popular enough that when the anime reaches it we'll get it.

He hates it.

>I mean, they still beat the shit out of him on arrival
HP only attacked when Touma said no, telling him he'd make him come around.

>nt9 adapted
What kind of shitstorm would this cause?

Full Tuning to be long haired Misaka boys

You missed a guy on your male list.

You can select multiple but you need to set a limit or the votes lose meaning when you can select all. We already had a vote last thread anyways

I'm talking about Kamisato in reference to his 2nd sentence.

No one likes Kurozuma MP

You’re also missing Febri, Haruue, Arisa and Tessou..

I can only see a shitstorm if they end an episode on Touma deciding to kill himself or Touma jumping from the building.

Poll for MP

Irelevant characters do not apply.

You’re amazing.

Can't blame Nuada, nigga stole his arm. I'm not sure if if he even sent it through later.

Nah not blaming anyone. It was basically punishment.

>Othinus will never destroy the op with gungnir

All of those characters are animated unlike a lot of characters on your other list and all of them were the centerpiece of their own arcs or at least had an entire episode to themselves. I can understand if you hate them but you’re just lying right now.

Why the hate on Arisa?

Being part of a filler arc doesn't make you relevant

There is that saying that helps my point. It goes: If your favorite character isn’t animated they’re pretty much garbage

I don't like this shitty crowley they made following around touma, it's not even funny

It's the same Crowley user

No saying exists like that until you came up with it, user.

Thanks for your opinion

>love hotel
>in a city where 95% of people are underages

>that saying
That you just made up

Arisa wasn't part of a filler arc though. It's canon.

Somebody post a Railgun or Index intro and I’ll try and find some hidden meaning or foreshadowing in it.

Precisely. The fact it exists at all is proof positive Aleister has no laws in place to stop underage kids from doing exactly what their horomones want them to

I don't care if you're making the poll but it's objectively canon.

The Accelerator manga is also canon.

You're making the assumption I bother to read the rest of a post once I see the word Febri.

The user who made the poll said precisely why the characters he chose are there.

You seen her name. You’re just trying to talk yourself out of it.

You're right. That has no relation to what I said though.

Fair enough.

Exactly both of them are canon.

Especially the accelerator manga.

The intro to the crossover then

Astral buddy is also canon that means.

Who honestly cares?

Stop trying to be a special snowflake. If you want me to do it post an actual anime intro.