how much money do you spend on anime/manga yearly?
How much money do you spend on anime/manga yearly?
About $0.
Just the electricity, and its impossible to measure how much of it goes to anime/manga related stuff.
>spending money on anime/manga
Wait, isn't that just spending money on your waifu? But doesn't that make 2D waifus just as money-hungry as 3D women?
1 million dollars.
Dakimakura and figurines are a lot cheaper than 3DPD.
About $670
150x2 made in abyss
120x3 for konasuba
6.95 a month
0, but i learned of a place that sells manga, don't know if translated though.
about three fitty yen
I bought Xenoverse 1 and 2 so thats like $60 total
I used to buy manga that I read online but for some reason wanted as physical, like lucky star, genshiken and k-on
Now I buy LN for the same reason
Hard drives alone cost a couple hundred a year. Way to out yourselves as streamfag casuals.
No, I just delete anime once I'm done with them.
>implying I use my hard drives for nothing but anime
Way to out yourself as autistic.
Ah, the pitfalls of blindly following a meme. It's like nobody uses their brains anymore.
just the Electricity and Internet bills
>Keeping anime after you watch it
99% of the shit that airs is irredeemable trash, it's not even worth the space
>needing to buy HDDs every year
I still have about 3TB of free space.
The only deleting that should occur is either for a better quality version, or when a drive fails without proper backup.
And this is why anime is dying.
>implying i watch anime
>implying i don't just shitpost about it
Then I'll find something else.
>He doesn't just delete the mediocre or trash seasonal anime he watches and only saves the few good ones
Come on now it's not that hard.
My internet access is free since I am in uni dorms. so just electricity.
Its ok, the industry already accepted that we are getting it for free.
NEETbucks isn't enough to afford BDs.
>Hiki NEETs
>having money
Ok, I will start to spend the DOUBLE to help Anime industry.
Are you there 365 days a year?
Well, yeah. unless I am visiting my family. but then they're the ones paying the bills.
>99% of the shit that airs is irredeemable trash
Yes, but what about actual worthwhile anime, and archival quality? I downloaded 300GB of non-airing anime just in December. A couple HDDs fail a year, which have to be replaced. It adds up over the year.
>actually owning the data instead of renting behind DRM
>not being reliant on the existence of the internet, which is not a guarantee even in North America
>a meme
You're retarded, normalfag.
do people ever look at you weird when you buy a lot of high-capacity hard drives at once? i bought 3 8tb drives when bb was selling them for $140/ea on black friday.
I actually bought a single figurine, quess I help the industry.
I was actually talking about the $0 meme, but you do you, user.
>buying hardware in a physical store
Get with the times gramps.
Fucking corporatecucks. They make more than enough money as it is, I'm not gonna spend hard earned money into something I can get for free.
00000000 bitcoin
>A couple HDDs fail a year
Take better care of your equipment. There is no reason your failure rate should be that high.
>A couple HDDs fail a year
What the fuck, are you using old deathstars off ebay or something?
>spending money on cartoons
might as well wear a big sign on your forehead that reads "KEK"
If time is money and you spend time watching animes, you are spending money.
Around $100 on some figures I want.
>Poorfag pride
What, you can't spend some exchange money on your hobby?
I believe that anime should only be supported by japanese people.
Hundert Millionen Mark
>Blowing off savings into things I can get for free
Well excuse me for managing my wealth effectively. If I had to pay for anime I would. But I dont, so spending money on it is essentially charity for rich corporate fucks. And I'd rather spend give charity to the homeless guy near my local drug store than anime companies.
>And I'd rather spend give charity to the homeless guy near my local drug store than anime companies.
Why? That homeless guy is still going to be a drug addict fuckup. If I was a richfag, I'd certainly blow some money on anime I really liked.
All of my expendable income.
So nothing.
$204 AUD buying 12 volumes of One Punch Man
Bullshit. The entire system runs more on sales of toys for the kids shit and figures, daikis and other weeb bullshit from whale NEETs. Actual sales of anime itself isn't the primary moneymaker.
Obviously this effects the industry, but the other major issue is that 90% of the anime made is garbage popcorn crap. The people who line the wallets of these companies are the NEETs and kids that buy merch. Back in the day you didn't have the ubiquity of free access to anime on the internet, so now that the audience has grown by (let's say) 100x, you have tons of people getting it illegally, but they weren't making much extra from your Crunchyroll sub and cheap BDs anyway. BDs make them money, but merch makes 10x that, and if I don't buy the BDs, if I'm an enthusiast i'll still buy some figures or something, that's not the problem with anime "dying".
Nowadays anime is so much more popular and widespread. The COMPANIES OWNING THE RIGHTS are raking in dough hand over fist... the animators and the line artists are getting fucked by financial inequity between them and rights holders. Mangaka are getting paid DIRT, that's why they're getting outsourced to Korea, China, etc
If the system wasn't so broken, we'd have more animators making more money, and could make less garbage pandering shit. ART could actually PAY and people would be able to produce good stuff if mangaka made more of the money that their creations earned. Assistants work bonkers hours and make even worse money. This is actually a general problem in the Jap economy, but if you aren't paying creators your gonna start seeing the problems that are beginning in this industry. No one wants to work in it unless they're diehards.
50 bucks for a seedbox.
I'm really not sure, I guess it varies depending on the year. I don't buy DVDs or anything, but sometimes I buy manga if it interests me. I buy most of my manga used for $1 each, but there are certain series that I will only buy new because I want to support the author, so those are about $4 each if it's a mainstream title like something from Shonen Jump, or maybe $6-$8 if it's a more series like Blend S (they're more expensive for some reason).
I have a small figure collection that I formed within the past 6 months (currently 7 figures) but I won them all from UFO catchers so I don't really know how much I spent exactly, but they were all less than $10 each.
And lastly I have a bunch of art books. Some are reference books like a hairstyle catalogue or clothing catalogues, and some are tutorial books like how to draw dynamic shots for manga. But I doubt the money I spend on these goes into that industry though, I would say it benefits art supply companies probably. Those books can get pretty expensive too, they're like $20 each usually.
I definitely spend a couple hundred dollars a year for stuff related to the industry, but sometimes I buy my books used so that's only going to the used book store and not into the pockets of the creators.
Around $0.
But I buy figures, games, various merchandise and even went to vocaloid concert.
Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada
I don't even watch it in my own house
Between 1998-2004 - About $500 a year.
From 2004-2008 - About $10 a year on DVD-Rs.
From 2009-2017 - $0
I only buy figs of cute girls.
>Anime is Japan is in its second biggest financial boom after 2006
The only ones dying are shitty middle man distributors in the west. And they are dying because of their own incompetent decisions focused on short-term profits instead of making anime popular as a long-term market.
$20 to shitpost about them daily
If I could download steaks and cars and whores for free I'd do that too.
>If I could download steaks and cars and whores for free I'd do that too.
>Mangaka are getting paid DIRT
Yeah, you're wrong about that. Most of your post is pretty spot on, but mangaka actually make pretty good money and I say this with first-hand knowledge on the matter. I'm the mangaka-san faggot who's popped up in a few threads already, I'm currently writing a draft in hopes of getting a serialization. And while I'm not currently a serialized mangaka, I do have mangaka friends. I'll give you the break down.
Mangaka make a page rate. So for every chapter they submit, they are paid X amount of yen for every single page. The page rate is a very decent amount, and the amount you will get depends on various factors such as who your publisher is, how many pages go into your typical chapter, if your series is weekly or monthly etc. If you are further into your career you will most likely be making a higher page rate than someone who only just recently became published unless they manage to release a surfire hit that finds huge success right away (which is pretty rare). But this is only what you get paid for your works being published in the magazine. You also make a percentage of tankobon sales. So if your series sells lots of tankobon, which is pretty likely if you're semi-successful, you can make bank through that alone. Maybe you're just writing a mediocre Shonen manga but a few people will buy your compiled volumes out of curiosity and any fans you will develop will do the same and this is pretty much a bonus.
So a mangaka makes what is pretty much a standard salary through their page rate. This is a decent, very liveable income. Tankobon sales are basically their bonus incentive. The better your series, the better your bonus is. And then we have merchandise sales, which count as another form of bonus.
Mangaka actually make pretty good money, they just work long hours. But they work from home and not all of that time is drawing. Someone who draws a monthly series actually has several days of free time during the month and only spends maybe a week drawing the actual comic, other days are spent working on story and meeting with their editor. Monthly artists usually only have 1 or 2 assistants at most, who usually come in for maybe 1 day of the month. My friend used to draw a very popular monthly series in CoroCoro magazine and he has a single assistant who comes in for one or two days at the end of the month, he has been using the same assistant for years now. Compared to what you are making, paying one assistant for a day or two of work is actually pretty affordable. These reasons (time, and pay for assistants) are why older mangaka usually draw monthly series.
The real problems actually only exist for mangaka who draw a weekly series. They make a page rate and it pretty much depends on the magazine for what they make. But the problem is that a single week isn't much time to finish a 19 page chapter. They have to work on story, meet with their editor, and they might have 2 or 3 days at most to draw the final chapter. And so because of this weekly artists usually have a whole team if several assistants who can pick up the slack for them. The reason a weekly artist might not have much money would be because they have to pay their assistants, the reason they don't have much time is due to the demands of a monthly series. They have no time and no money, and this is why usually only younger mangaka do weekly series. But a weekly series does have its own benefits.
Mangaka make pretty decent money. Animators, however, get paid literally dirt for long hours working in a studio. A mangaka might work long hours a little, but they're also comfortable at home. Animation work gets outsourced, manga work does not.
Very interesting. Thanks for the edification on that.
About tree fiddy.
No problem. This is (hopefully) how my income will be working later on this year so I've gotta know my shit, and two of my friends are currently published mangaka so I've learned a bit from them as well.
$0 Only massive autismos or faggots actually buy Nip shit.
I buy manga that I actually want to see on a printed page, like Blame and Biomega. Unless you buy merchandise and collect BDs or something theres nothing else you should be spending your money on.
does gunpla count?
>does anime merchandise count
then 95 bucks, most of that is shipping
A new hard drive every 2 years for roughly 200 bucks.
I think my total available storage space should be around 16tb rn.
Are we talking about merchandise/figures or the anime/manga itself? Probably about $100 on anime and $500~$1000 on merchandise.
I just blew $75 on some garage kit recasts. If you mean how much I spend to watch actual anime, then $0.
Mangaka make decent money, and if they work on a monthly series they have a pretty normal amount of free time. If their series does well they can pretty much make bank. Only animators are the ones starving.
Da fuq are you talking about? This shit has only gotten bigger since early 2000's.
"x is dying" is very common amongst shitposters and uninformed retards.
>spend money on anime/manga
I watch all my anime with my friend, and I can get most manga from the library. I occasionally buy some at the book store though. I think I spent around $50-60 dollars.