Are we not allowed to discuss anime producers on the anime board?
Are we not allowed to discuss anime producers on the anime board?
Only the Japanese ones.
This is Sup Forums, not /jp/.
No, Netflix is cancer that is killing anime. Reminder that Davilman is animated for the English dub, not the Japanese VO. It's literally not anime when you're watching a show produced with a English dub in mind instead of Japanese VO.
Source or kill yourself.
Only if we're shitting on them, have you never seen antianiplex threads?
>animation animated in Japan
>not anime
The state of this board.
>all PVs are Japanese
>barely advertized in the West at all
epic my dude
anime doesn't have producers
Not nyaa
Play the English dub in instances when Japanese audio doesn't match, and the dub syncs perfectly. It's blatant as can be
this is Sup Forums faggot
any posts that aren't unfunny moe sexual shit will be banned
It's pretty fun while watching aniplex shills vs bendai visual shills.
Though i remember a polycan employee always gave us some useful info during events(Anime Japan, Anime Expo etc), wonder is he still there.
I don't watch dubs, Sup Forums.
We dont talk about anime producers here either most of the time, just the animation studio or its staff or some news of mangaka health or va death/marriage. Fuck off.
>animation animated in Japan
And? If Netflix has contractual clauses that require the studio to animated with an English dub in mind, then it's anime for hire, not anime.
Not going to stream you
How fucking new are you op
I’m still waiting for them to announce what day seven Deadly Sins comes out.
What is there to discuss about producers? They send money to people who do work. Money is fungible, so the producer doesn't make any difference beyond the contract. And I doubt anyone here knows anything about anime production contracts, Netflix or otherwise.
all anime is anime for hire you subhuman
Neither do I, faggot. But there were to many instances of audio not syncing that I had to check. And as it happens to bem the English syncs. None of the other dubs sync, just like the Japanese, but the English syncs perfectly. How can you defend this?
Netflix funded it, they didn't produce it.
Dumb fuck
How do you think the nonanime fans of Netflix will perceive Devilman?
>netflix meddles as much as they can in the anime they fund, as is expect for any investment
>netflix shoves this spew down your throat
>you gobble it down just because the industy is involved and plug your ears pretending none the wiser
Consumerist drone.
Why are you acting like Sup Forums hasn't discuss this type of anime for years without a problem?
This is a really stupid purity test.
Where do you think anime comes from, retard?
Nope, all dubs are ripped.
They wont. If they actually were to watch it theyd distance themselves from the medium fairly quickly. Yuasa has outdone himself with the degeneracy in this one. Not like his other works were tame, but this shit really is a new level of garbage.
That's literally what producers do you fuckwit.
>anime producers
Fuck off faggot, this isn't a devilman thread, this is a netfllix shilling thread.
Then D&D cartoon and the Scooby Doo movies should be allowed here, cancer?
>the entity funding the project has no say in it whatsoever
Who are you kidding? Regardless, you're wrong, as proven by the audio syncing.
Can't compete with grandpa Disney so you turn your head towards ironic weebs
Only if you won't be obnoxios autist, then i allow you.
>anime distributor
>proven by the audio syncing
where? i see no proof
Of course, now go back to or redit, whatever suits you the best.
Stay mad faggot.
>netflix meddles as much as they can in the anime they fund, as is expect for any investment
>Yuasa: "Because Devilman Crybaby is being distributed by Netflix, we have few restrictions on eroticism & violence."
Its quite literally the opposite, Devilman is far purer creative product from a Japanese mind than any anime currently airing that needs to shove X archetype character to sell BDs. Netflix giving creators too much freedom is the actual problem with Netflix productions. Look at fucking Sense8 and Bright.
Stay on redit, faggot.
Kill yourself
Sup Forums doesn't allow audio webms. Download the dubs and play with them and you'll see how blatant it is. Or not, because I doubt you would care even if Devilman weren't anime.
I'm watching the dub right now and it's out if sync.
So it was redit.
Kill yourself
you've got mixtape, pomf or /wsg/
Here's the last (You), kid.
And you should definitely go back to redit.
Time for you to kill yourself.
>allow tits and gore
>quite literally the opposite
This doesn't prove anything. Of course private distributors and platforms don't have to worry about ratings and censorship, so they allow it. It probably increases profits, hence why HBO, etc does it. The fact they fund multiple dubs for different languages shows they're invested in the product and want to reach even the dubfag demographic.
Reminder that only non-Americans are afraid of Netflix saving anime.
Yeah shill. I'm shivering with fear right now.
>netflix releases anime series all at once
>m-muh anime community fags REEEEEEEE
>"big names" in the "community" upload shitty vids trying to say Netflix is bad
>retarded faggots start believing in their shit
>tons of gore and tits
I wish Netflix produced all anime.
t. Netflix bots.
>the cancer killing anime
>Netflix actually gives producers money while otaku torrent for free
Yes, everyone is a shill.
>netflix releases anime series all at once
There is nothing left to talk about it for the remaining season. The model sucks.
the state of this board
mind your place newfag
Educating other newfags that don't know that anime produced witha dub first in mind have been discussed in Sup Forums for years without throwing a tantrum
Specuation isn't discussion. It's just fan fiction.
Outside money is a temporary bandaid that only serves to hasten the downfall of the industry. The money needs to come from within Japan for anime to stay unwesternized.
Yeah and it will be forgotten when other big names hit the screen.
99% of anime is "forgotten", who gives a fuck?
Why Netflix wants to have its own slice of cake in this huh if people doesn't care about it.
People care enough to watch it, that's all that matters in the anime industry.
because it matter fuck all if people forget your product, if it rakes in profits within the first months.
b-but muh anime community of professional youtube procrastinators
There's no artistic merit then, it's just another consumerist product.
every anime is produced with a dub in mind fuckhead
Like all anime made past 1994
duh, thats the idea. you cant securily predict market developments, which means Netflix simply follow to saying "you miss every shot you dont take". theyll releases dozens of shows, hope that one of them blows up and pulls people onto the platform and once that happens theyve.
Only if you make non-bait OPs.
Nice projecting.
Nintendo tried to "westernize," realized people who were complaining about diversity/body types/etc in the west were impossible to please and didn't actually buy products, and they went right back to putting sexy babes in everything (more than ever, actually) where the real money is.
They won't even watch past the first episode. Crybaby is too weird stylistically.
They shill for n*tflix and they do it for free.
nervous CR shill
>temporary bandaid
This shit wasn't a bandaid they straight drove an ambulance and resuscitated the dead. New Go Nagai shit is really hit and miss, even Mazinger productions aren't guaranteed to make their money back. Money needs to come from Japan? The only way Devilman would be a guarantee hit is if they completely bastardize the source material to include as many waifus as possible. Essentially Robot Girls Z, which I actually like but it sure as fuck isn't what I want out of mecha shows.
You bitch like a weeaboo about "muh westernization" I don't give a fuck about that shit, I care about Japanese artists being able to express themselves in their works. Netflix allowed them to do just that, its literally more pure anime than any anime that has Japanese investors dictating who has to be the seiyuu and who has to do the character designs etc. Again, Netflix is providing a pure unfiltered Japanese artists vision. Keep arguing against that with your boogie man of westernization.
Wrong. Ping Pong was 2014, and Rakugo was 2016-17. As long as you boycott anti-art consumerist spew, there's still worthwhile anime.
keep boycotting 99.99% of anime
fucking Sup Forums probably watches more anime than you
I sort of agree. I'm surprised it got a +16 rating instead of +18. Must be weird American standards. The content is still tame as compared to what gets a pass in live action, mind you. I loved the return to the sex and violence of 80-90s OVAs though. This is how true degeneracy should look like in anime.
>and Rakugo was 2016-17
what exactly was the artistic merit of rakugo, if i might ask?
They even showed pubes. Wew.
We are talking about productions with an english dub as its primary track. Not sure if you got confused or you are playing semantics but there it is.
>Made for the dub
explain why the the raps aside from the confession are all in Japanese then?
Compelling, generational drama that serves to make you interested in a performance art you haven't even heard of until then.
So Joshiraku doesnt exist?
Not that user. Rakugo itself. The performance of seiyuu doing rakugo was brilliant and clearly the best voice acting of the year (Akira Ishida).
I'm not going to watch the anime equivalent of Hollywood superhero flicks just to add a title to my MAL. I don't even use MAL, for that matter, but I'm sure the people that care about numbers do. Quality > quantity, and cheap ideals of entertainment don't factor into it. And those were just 2 great titles off the top of my head - of course there's more than a sparse show here and there.
Netflix is unironically based.
Joshitraku is not a compelling, generational drama or even a drama.
It focuses on rakugo, though, which is the only unique aspect you listed. there are dozens of generational dramas out there, so that sure as hell cant be considered artistic merit. you claiming that its "compelling" its pretty fucknig worthless. for example: theres nothing about rakugos visuals directional that adds anything to the medium. if something is compelling or unique, well then theres quite a few shows that have artistic merit every year.