6 and a half hours until anime is saved

6 and a half hours until anime is saved

Just how gay will this be?

hopefully very towards the end of the season

Harumin best girl

is horriblesubs going to be releasing it?

Waited 5 years for this

>Just how gay will this be?

An user of taste

Basically the whole plot is Yuzu struggling to be a good older sister for the emotionally scared Mei while also dealing with her ever growing lust for her.

Mei is....messed up, and frequently uses sex as a form of control.

Its gonna be pretty gay but the melodrama will easily be the thing everyone is talking about

Pure cancer just like this entire season.

I know everyone is gonna hate Matsuri but its gonna be great if stuff like this makes it in the series

Why does almost all yuri/yaoi I know off deals with siblings?

I hope it's gayer than super lovers

>Why does almost all yuri/yaoi I know off deals with siblings?
And straight manga/VN/LN don't deal with a guy getting it on with his step-sister, right?


Because it's not only forbidden love, it's double forbidden love.

w-what other yuri's are there except citrus and candy boy that deal with siblings?
sibling love is unadulterated and pure, nothing wrong with it but most yuri is not siscon

To be fair they are adopted siblings, not blood related. Though there is a pair of twins later in the manga.

I thought Citrus was shit? Seems to be what everyone says at least.

Everyone's just tsun.

watch it and find out

Came here to post this.

It is shit. Good art is the only thing the manga has going for it.

Its highly melodramatic, like a soap opera or Telenovela. Mei and Yuzu suck at controling their emotions and almost everyone is either in love with Mei or Yuzu. If I had to say the yuri fans diss it cause its not really a happy go lucky cute girl manga.

You thought WRONG!

Especially after the twins arc where it got significantly better

Is she gay?

Every anime girl is gay

Not really.Haremshit maybe but most romances don't deal with siblings.
Have'nt watched much Yuri/Yaoi but I watched some Studio DEEN shit that was Yaoi and had two siblings.There was another one that had to do with siblings in the previous season too.And I saw praise being poured for Yuri on Ice for being a one of the few fag romance without having any taboo elements .

She will be once Matsuri gets through to her

Too bad thats most likey where the anime will stop

Probably, she gets a lot of teasing with Matsuri in later chapters

Anime is saved

>Is she gay?
All the so called on-screen gay girls going to this rich girls school has (spoiler from newest manga chapters) a male fiancee choosen for them by their rich families, so for example that Eyebrow girl who is so wet for Mei all the time was writing letters with some boy her parents choosen for her to marry and she finds him a nice boy to be with.
In a way Citrus plays up the really ugly side of yuri going with what happens in all-girl school stays in all-girl school and then girls grow up and marry guys properly like their families wishes.

honestly there's no fucking need for a character like Matsuri. Just leave her out of the anime completely.

I still remember the shitstorm when the 1st episode of Sakura Trick aired

Shut your bitch ass up, Matsuri is the best girl.

>hating best girl

Matsuri is the mover and shaker of this series. Only through her intervention have the two morons Yuzu and Mei gotten as close as they have. Without her they'd still be nowhere.

i wonder if Sup Forums is ready this time

>deen will not animate the kisses they said
Sadly Citrus is not kiss heavy so it won't be the same.

What was it like

There hadn't been anything actual yuri in years so people were really thirsty. Hype was insane even weeks before.

Absolute degenerates

>Too bad thats most likey where the anime will stop

Pray for a S2

anti gay

I'm a yurifag but I don't particularly enjoy excessive drama, will I still find things to like here?

Its not that much drama, but it pretends to be that much drama

Let's put it this way, it's yuri Twilight

>"I'm a yurifag"
>not already reading Citrus


I'm a casual yurifag, I guess.

It's shit and everyone will talk about it because of that, just like they did with Kuzu no Honkai

I can't wait to see how animeonlyfags will react when the teacher kiss scene happens in episode 1. The shitposting combined with tears of everyone thinking they just got baited into thinking it's yuri, will be glorious.

As someone who follows the manga and all the threads on /u/, it's shit.
It gets better in the latter half (past the point where anime will end); before that the only thing it had going for it was art, which won't translate well into anime.
I'm only here to witness the shitposting when THAT kiss happens at the beginning, or when Matsuri shows up.

Take a guess.

That's not tamen de gushi !!

post harumin

Not to rain on your parade but it's not like this will be some unknown anime, CR is promoting it heavily as a yuri series since they have a production hand in it, and hetdrama is an obvious obstacle to present.

Don't get me wrong, I wish you the best in your search for schadenfreude, but I think it will be less common than you hope.

>tfw no Shirapon-senpai in the anime

Sup Forums's reaction to Sakura Trick, a "pure" yuri, was already hilarious enough.
I'm expecting the same level of shitposting, if not even higher, now that we have characters like maleTeacher-kun or Matsuri.


The only reactions on Sup Forums will be falsefaggers.

The relative lack of pagetime Harumin got in this outfit was criminal.


Why is Harumin so stylish?

She's a gyaru. Consider her a professional. So good at it that she's even stylish with no clothes on.

Didn't know she was that stacked

Can't wait for the meltdown in episode 1.

This is immoral.

Are you lads preparing in any way for the shitstorm?

god i want to be her

I think most of it was because of the yuri physics scene

Momokino is cute

Yuzu is such a great character, too bad she's stuck in such a shit manga and in love with a shit character. Most wasted character in yuri. I'd like to watch the anime just for her, but she basically suffers the first 4 volumes the anime will cover

this one, correct?

I bet that one forced hetero kiss scene will give this more doujins next comiket than the actual yuri step-sisters couple.

Harumin is the designated titty monster of this title.

Harumin ~ ~ ~

This shit won't get doujins at all, dude.

Citrus is big enough in Japan already, and we get no doujins. Anime won't change a thing.

The Japanese do not waste their time doing non-yuri doujins of canon yuri properties.

My baby

/u/ still but hurt over something that wont matter. Its like you dont even read the manga, or did you seriously think Himeko, Matsuri and Sara were going to actually stop Yuzu and Mei getting together. Just more stupid drama that Yuzu will probably find some way to end, because she has to do everything for those useless rich bitches

I bet at least one artist will draw standard rape porn where he forces Yuzu to have sex with him to not hurt Mei, and then both will get fucked by him saying how they love the penis now. Every yuri show even if it sells bad gets such treatment, even if this is one artist.

And I bet some yuri artists will draw Citrus books.

It's going to be trash, just like all the stuff /u/ loves to hype

Should I read the manga before or after watching this?

lesbos squad

Before, definitely.

Stealth gyaru

>no Shitapon
As it should be.

You take that back.

Citrus is not big in Japan. Enough for a yuri manga sure, but still not as popular as other yuri mangas, and those don't have doujins either

but one of those isn't a lesbian

Matsuri should be executed in public.

Go back in time, read it for a while, drop it so you can wait for the anime and enjoy the experience again then pick again the manga after the anime is over.

>them eyebrows on the right.
What the fuck, I'm scared.

For anyone wondering, Nene is the designated self-insert character. She has good taste.

she is a newcomer to the squad

Never. Shiraho a shit - A SHIT - and her arc was completely needless filler.

Doesnt matter but if you read the manga after watching then start on chapter 16

Shirapon is cool!

Yuzu & Mei are cute