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Not as good as the old anime
Why do you do this? ;-;
That running looks like someone playing QWOP.
Well he didn't puss out. He didn't ;_;
gb2/tv/ retarded nigger
What am I looking at?
how do you cut with the spine of a knife?
its in the filename - sadness
atleast theyre together in the afterlife ;_;
There is no afterlife.
>still sides with humans after this
fuck this series
Edgy trash
maybe because all of that was satan's fault? What do you expect him to do?
>woah you fucked us all in the ass, but those guys were meanies so I'll join you although everything's your fault
I feel like this part would have been more effective if it was completely silent, and had snappier shots - kinda like that part when Shinji sees EVA 02 ripped to shreds and starts screaming.
This still made me extremely sad though.
this and the taro scene fucked me up so bad
>its satans fault that people are dismembering innocent people and putting their heads on spits
The demons basically didnt do shit in this. Humanity fucked itself.
And I never said join the demons but what about the humans is worth protecting in this? The demons and humans are indistinguishable in their actions.
>its satans fault that people are dismembering innocent people and putting their heads on spits
Well, it literally is. Akira confronts Ryo about this and him causing the panic which was uncalled for in that way which was the cause of all the unnecessary suffering. And he just dismissed that as arbitrary sacrifices being needed. When it's explicitely shown that they aren't - several times.
>And I never said join the demons but what about the humans is worth protecting in this?
The entire point of Akira position is that he wants to prove himself that he's human. If he stopped helping them he would have lost.
you can kind see her nipples
some hot shit
I'm pretty sure there's a point around episode 7 or so when he does the classic speech of "neither human nor demon; DEVILMAN" to the gay dude
It's a pretty weird jump from the scene with the kids hugging him and all the hopeful stuff and the "humanity can be good" thing, except 5 minutes later you get the Miki scene and Akira goes "FUCK YOU HUMANS". It just doesn't work, it doesn't show some sort of deep complexity and ambiguity it's just unfocused. The manga, when shit started hitting the fan, was razor-sharp with the direction of its themes and that's the only reason a plot like Devilman even gets a pass to begin with: Nagai can force events to follow each other in weird and jarring ways because there's a concrete throughline of thematic development that concludes with the brilliant denouement of the ending.
Crybaby just goes for impactful scenes without making it come together. Mind, some of the scenes are pretty good, but it just doesn't do it for me.
Why cant women handle a bit of gore
what show is this
diablo person
we deal with enough blood in our daily lives, we're sick of it
Reminder she was a bitch.
No? It wasn't? Satan didn't make them do anything. Their own malice did. In the manga, Akira goes around exterminating humans after this. Yuashit fucked up.
Akira genocides humans as much as Satan after this point.
There is, but he fucks Satan instead.
was it rape ?
But he killed those guys
No, but the schoolgirl dryhumping the other because she had a nice ass was
Oh shit poor miki...
those antennas belong to Silene or I'm retarded
Baphomet Individual
homo diabolus
Why does she run like this?
that's how you actually run if you want to go the fastest you can
Honestly felt like he sided with Devilmen just out of spite so he could take one last swing at Satan.
No it isn't, THIS is how you run if you want to be the fastest you can be.
thats not naruto run
No, he still stands with humans, he blames Satan for Miki's death.
the whole point was that after miki died he just didn't give a shit about anything anymore and the only reason he lived was for vengeance
>using the virgin ninja technique instead of the devilchad strife
>naruto run
You mean virgin run?
Uh no, he killed them and then only sides with the devilman around the world.
"you are the devils, humans , go to hell"
After Satan shoots him in half Akira is shown reunited with everyone. So it's implied there is.
>After Satan shoots him in half Akira is shown reunited with everyone
Actually no, that happens when he gets kicked in the face, before getting vut in half. So it's just hallucination.
This show had some nice shots.
wtf is this edgy shit?
This really fucking pissed me off.
So like, why did Satan seemingly forget that losing half of your fucking body kills people? I know it's supposed to be taken that literally, but it's still an odd scene, like how do you forget he was probably dead since the moment he saw him torn in half, and only felt pain when he asked a question and got no answer?
>virgin ninja
He ended up with best girl and they have 2 kids
Needs the song playing for maximum gutpunch
He probably doesn't even motorboat Hinata though.
Probably expected him to carry on through sheer willpower and tenacity given the states he's been in before, problem being he'd already lost everything he wanted to protect by this point and didn't even want to live past the battle anyway
Red person with horns
Now post the one where he decides to start raping her mid-battle
Morality : don't post on social medias.
No but he grabs her tits and makes his chakra rotate in his palms to make her boobs swirl around slowly like a Rasengan
Inshallah, brother
She may have been a bitch, but she still stayed human when everyone else did not
wtf based Yuasa
That seems extremely mild to be considered bitch tier honestly.
there fucking god and satan in their universe, of course there is a heaven you dimwit, where the fuck did satan come from
just because you get laid doesn't mean you stop being a virgin
Akira canonically goes to hell, so that was still just a hallucination.
What would it take to lose your virginity after being laid
So, I love the show. Am I wrong or does the glorious hivemind allow for dissenting opinions? Is it "objectively shit" or is there a lot of shitposting?
At least, I'm glad I left Sup Forums until I finished it
Of course there are shitposters and contrarians but most people think it was great from what I've seen.
Hmm i think the general consensus was that it was quite good but took some shortcuts. Also if you werent a fan of the art and artstyle you would hate this. Personally i would have preferred the classic hand drawn style.
I feel this would have been better with 12 episodes. 10 was a bit too short. Doesn't ruin it, but several moments could have been done better with more time
>neofag identified
Can't see shit captain
that's better
> morality is a social construction goy, it's free to change
But he didn't, he sides with his fellow devilmen because humanity became monsters themselves and demonkind were the instigators behind this entire clusterfuck, so he'll never ever join them.
>Miki' family getting gunned down
>rappers' last stand
>the turtle demon