Why are manga artist always having health problems?
Why are manga artist always having health problems?
Because they have insane work schedules.
Superior japanese workload and from-the-box meals that are less healthy than processed meats
Because they work 1000 to get paid 30 under japanese work standards and deadlines so you can download their work illegally
because everyone in their country wears those stupid fucking masks instead of spreading a weakened illness.
>constantly sitting hunched over for hours on end
Gee I wonder why.
The common cold is real.
It's the best excuse
Construction workers have it worse, stop making excuses for people that sit down on their ass and simply draw some lines
>no sleep
>bad nutrition
>no exercise
>bad posture
Probably more.
korea also has it
they arn't you just notice the ones that do
also their paychecks are very low, so they don't have access to good healthy care
Nobody gives a shit about construction workers though, they're infinitely replacable. If I don't get my latest mango in a timely manner that affects my life.
They draw 16 hours a day and play dragon quest during the remaining 8 hours
I mean, construction workers aren't exactly famous enough that we'd hear about their problems
Healthy care doesn't matter when your schedule doesn't allow it anyway. Look at Oda who has to be forced to take breaks.
Oda is autistic.
Found the illegal spic
Yeah, they're essentially killing themselves.
Just like us?
at this point your chinese cartoon drawers are infinitely replaceable as well
They (weekly mangaka) have to dish out 20 pages every week and they constantly have editors breathing down their neck because their story moves too fast and it doesn't fit with what market research has shown to be popular at the moment.
They don't make that much money either. Kishimoto who drew Naruto for 15 years has a measly $20 million net worth, you could be an average C-list American actor and make more than that in 15 years.
>Stay inside all day
>Diet consists bad processed chemical food cooked in a microwave
>Sitting all the time/generally sedentary
>Probably has a bad sleep scheduled from trying to meet deadline
killing the officers are more valuable than private
Mangaka are corporals at best and their assistants are the privates. All the officers are in the publishing companies.
What about not having a roof? I guess you'll just laugh at winter in that case, right?
objectively incorrect.