This is not working, the waiting pain is aggravating
Houseki no Kuni
20 days or so until next chapter
Phos is so beautiful.
s2 when?
>fat ugly fujos still think the gems are male
Any news on S2?
>delusional neckbeard tries to convince himself he's straight
new chapter of bestelf when
only this
>7674 Houseki no Kuni Vol.1 [BD 6,711 +DVD 963]
it's now the fifth one in fall season bangumi selling list
Remind if you're fat ugly fujoshit you will NEVER get a husband or a child, you will die alone and everyone in society will hate you until they forget you even existed.
If anything Shinsha will end up on Sensei's side if they do start a civil war later.
This thread needs Euclase
Gems don't have genitalia so it's neither straight nor gay to like them
is the blue half straight and the grey half gay or the other way around
Nice to see this scene getting some love
Daily reminder that LaPhos is cutest Phos
Okay, about the whole "soul, flesh and bone" thing. I can totally see how Arimadilis or whatever are flesh and gembutts are bone but don't they both have a soul too? What's so different about "soul" that is lunarians?
Hello have you noticed that the Lunarians are the good guys of the story and Sensei is the one who is in the wrong for not praying. Just wanted to share my opinion. Thanks for listening.
It's the blue half smart and the grey half cute
Do people seriously argue about this? They are fucking rocks.
>don't they both have a soul too
What makes you so sure about that?
cleverly cute and cutely clever
welcome to /hnk/
I've never seen arguing on whether they're male, but some people reach really fucking hard to convince themselves the gems are ackchyually girls.
It's not so black and white. Neither Sensei or the Lunarians are bad, they're both misunderstood from each other's sides.
There is however "dumb" - and that dumb is Phos, the one perpetrator who is causing everyone around her agony. Now with a taste of evil Lapis on the side.
Technically speaking, you can't not be homo when every other option is the same as you.
Best girl will get some more screen time from now on!
Stop posting Marcille on such a shit posts.
>that flop
So, season 2 never, i suppose?
>have you ever been proven so wrong you start talking about having 3DPD relations on imageboards as insults
Let it go, user.
>Phos, the one perpetrator who is causing everyone around her agony
>Not Sensei
Sensei is both directly and indirectly making the three species suffer by not praying
More Yuuku!
I want to see Paraparesia comforting Yellow on the moon.
I'm assuming anime secondaries since they aren't as androgynous there.
Reminder that if you're a fujo or equivalent landwhale you will die alone. But it's not too late to change, if you act now and hang yourself you might have better chances in the next life.
Manipulative status quo adorer who is too much of a bitch to act like a real leader. She doesnt even fight and her only skill (telling the weather) is useful to know when Lunarians arent coming in order to avoid danger. Also her hair is ugly. And her face. 0/10.
Good guys don't grind immortal cuties into dust to make a point to a bald old man. That's cruel and unusual
Are you here just to shit up the thread? Discuss gembutts or gtfo.
At least she's not a fat ugly fujo
Don't get way over your HEAD, Lapis.
Gembutts are female and if you think otherwise you need to drink bleach ASAP. There, happy?
I just wanted an S2.
>le manipulative evil euclase meme
You speak as if being able to foresee when the lunarians are coming isn't a fucking great skill to have.
>being this buttmad
Careful not to lose your head mid rant again, Lapis.
>Two threads of reruns.
Just two threads ago the thread quality was rising with the drawfags, what happend?
Whatever makes you sleep at night.
>getting so pissed for being proven wrong by authorial intent you instead of arguing start calling boogeymen and literal 3DPD memes
This is the only explanation I can think up for this level of shitposting. Here's a (You), now proceed to kill yourself.
I'm usually not a fan of heterochromia but that pure palette and matching hair makes her probably the most beautiful gem.
(You)'re so angry and hungry for attention, user. Have this last one on me.
>And her face. 0/10.
Shitters are coming back.
Now post more Jade.
>being an ugly fat landwhale hurts her this much
Like I suggested, drink some bleach. You might have better chances in the next life.
This isn't honestly even worth a (You) at this point
All this time and I still miss Antarc.;_;
More Jade it is.
Exactly, and the real gem looks gorgeous, too.
Euclase will be my first choice to prey on if I were the Lunarian.
Ironically (going from this thread) I would say real life Lapis is probably the most gorgeous.
I don't think Antarc would want to come back when Phos is actively trying to destroy Sensei, or at least force a reaction out of him
Threadly reminder fembutts is only a delusional headcanon directly disproven by the story and the 1-2 delusional shitposters have no comeback for this.
>letting the gem-goyim think for themselves is a bad thing
Fuck euclase
There is nothing else to talk about.
They are both pretty in different ways.
Lapis is more stone like while Euclase has the transparent crystal structure.
Daily reminder
True. I would unironically beat my dick to real life Euclase mineral.
What does this remind us from?
You'd unironically beat your dick to bathroom tiles
I know but it still hurts.
Just like it hurts how Ghost had to be sacrificed for best girl(boy[gem]).
Well you're not wrong, lapis lazuli is literally a rock.
Aechmea says that they have exhausted their ideas. So why have they never tried to abduct Sensei?
There should be no technical problems with that. Sending 3 or 4 ships + Cicada while Kongou's sleeping should be more than enough. On the moon they could freely talk to him, take him apart, grind gems while he's looking, whatever.
One of his fingers is probably enough to erase the whole moon, I doubt a fleet could stop him.
He would probably just wake up, trash the moon buildings, trash everyone, walk calmly to the nearest vessel and return to the land with no fucks given.
>gyaru Cairn
Another entry to the list of things i never want to see.
Why do you think he's called Adamant? They have no means of restraining him, he's the hardest thing in existence.
What a faggot.
twin tails hair is best jade hair
>So why have they never tried to abduct Sensei?
How do you know that?
Did sensei carve bellybuttons into the gems?
The flesh slugs need more love.
Those two slugs rebuilt their civilization from a scratch, I'm pretty sure they had more than enough love if you catch my drift
rutile is best when they're having fun at others' expense
rutile is also just best in general
You wish
I miss her so much.
i don't trust aechmea one bit
How idiotic do you have to be to realise the gems are neither male nor female. They're genderless.
Yes, but not where you'd expect.
anyone else here for the moonie memes?
How do I move on? How do I get over it? I need help.
I still hope we get to see 'reconstructed, but enlightened from their experience' Phos at the end.