The animation looks great so far.
The animation looks great so far
Hello, Sup Forumsnon. Don't forget to buy Skyrim.
Can I climb that mountain?
arrow 2da nee amirite /reddit/
subs when
Nothing wrong with being an ironic weeb.
haha I get that reference xD
Anybody have a webm of the fidget spinner yet?
>my ancestors smile at me, gaijin!
can you say the same?
Why is Love Live there?
whoever made this doesn't have good taste
Post more
i'm assuming ironic weeb is kind of like those people who say cory in the house is best anime?
Because it's a shitpost, user.
>all those Sup Forums threads
>all those people asking for the name of the anime
The final nail in Sup Forums's coffin
Because it's liked by ironic weebs
name of the anime?
Between this and filtergarden, I don't think Sup Forums will survive the coming months
Literally the same exact thread on Sup Forums:
>he doesn't know
Literally babies first waifubait """yuri""" anime and tied to one of the most popular anime mobage in the west
Who are you quoting?
Good, hope this place impodes
I literally like nothing in this picture except for Pop Team Epic, what the fuck are you saying?
i'm the biggest weeb in the world, i have thousand waifuS
Accurate except HnK.
Ironic Weebs don't even use "Omae wa mou shinderu" correctly. They use it as some sort of teleports behind you shit instead of YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD.
Since they misuse it I doubt they've seen or read it.
You missed using fedoracord
That's why the screencap is there instead of a poster for the series itself though
he has nothing worthwhile to say, that's why he communicates in poorly constructed collages
>People that misuse the word waifu
>People that misuse the word waifu and try to defend themselves by saying the term was never intended to be used as anything other than a meme to begin with because some tards on SA found it first
you should add this
you seem ofended by those collages somehow
I'm offended by the intention behind it
>carriage didn't bug off into space
Poor form
i've literally never seen any of these except for OPM and barely started playing ddlc because I'm bored
time to move on to comfier chans
pic semi related
You say this every time
it still hurts
What's wrong with that doujinshi, and that lofi radio.
>ironic anime
shut up cunt