Like i feel people forgive them because:

like i feel people forgive them because:
1- they are old
2- they were the first of thier kind
3- it influenced a lot of shows
4- so much effort and money were put into them compared to today's shows
.... etc

i have seen many classics. many from 1970's and 1980's.

like i have about 10 people who share similarities to my taste, we almost like the same thing. but when it comes to classics stuff i find them rate those higher than what they deserve.
not just these people, many many people in mal do this as if they feel obligated and dont want to break the hivemind.

but when it comes to stuff that are better, they dont rate it as much the classics.

for me i dont care wether a show was made 3 years aho or now. if it is good, i will rate it accordingly.

the only thing that i ignore when rating or displaying my opinion about those classics is the animation. i dont care if the animation is old or new. what i care about is the story and characters.

what do you think? do you feel the same?

>what i care about is the story and characters.
The characters in LoGH are great and the story is good.
What is your point with posting a pic of it?

dont forget to like, comment and subscribe

>they were the first of thier kind

Space operas predate LotGH

>it influenced a lot of shows

Like what? In what ways?

>The characters in LoGH are great and the story is good.

Disagreeable. The relies on just as many 'rubber nens' and deux ex machina to advance the story line thus cheapening much of the interaction between characters and the plot progression.

Also, I think that LoGH is literally the only really old anime that you will see in MAL's top 10 animes.
Most of them are not that old or from some years ago. You're not making sense.

>influenced a lot of shows
Nigger what fucking timeline do you live in?

LoGH is like literally the last 100 years of Rome.

>Space operas predate LotGH
Which ones? i only know about SW and Star trek.

kuso thread

I don't know if this is a pasta or not, but I feel the same about some anime, i.e. Ghost in the Shell (feels rushed, too much dialogue exposition, too heavy-handed with the philosophical stuff, too cryptic etc.)
That being said LotGH is genuinely great and I think only slightly overrated, not because of "classic show bias", but because of it's length (if you don't like the show you'll drop it before episode twentysomething, which is when your score starts to count)


Not sure if you're worth taking seriously, but there's difference between characters acting and the universe turning regardless of our characters

>Ghost in the Shell is bad

Hello doom, I can't see how Ghost in the Shell is rushed.

not really bad, just flawed and not the masterpiece people claim it to be
it just felt to me like it should have been 2 hours long to flesh out the characters and explain everything better and in a more "show don't tell" fashion
then again I never read the manga, so maybe that would have been impossible given the source material

>explain everything better and in a more "show don't tell" fashion
Didn't LoGH had the same problem?

>Just flawed and not the masterpiece people claim it to be
Everything is flawed. Only people who are coming into anime call it a masterpiece, but don't deny that it's a fantastic film on its own. user, you sound like every other youtube critic, wait until you get older so you can properly articulate valid criticisms

Thumbnail makes it look like Reinhard has massive tits.

I'd understand if you said Akira instead of GiTS

GitS is a masterpiece. You have bad taste.

But being fair, LoGH is based in books.

"Show don't tell" mostly applies to plot and exposition. Most of the dialogue in LotGH is characters reactions to certain events, not summarizing events that we don't get to see.

For real? Who cares about that shithole

>but when it comes to stuff that are better, they dont rate it as much the classics.
Like what?

code geass was better

earth cult was a mistake

Some people rate based purely on enjoyment, other rate based on every anime, other rate comparing to shows coming before them. The latest becomes important when considering production. What may look as average these days could've looked amazing back in the day.