Episode 2 when?
Neiafag just accept your favourite girl is going to die in vol 13
Overlord Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
She is death he accepts it or not OP
Ainz is not evil.
"I will tell you bluntly none need to live, kill as many as are necessary"
I have a long time ago user, but that does not mean I'm going to like reading it.
English por favor
>killing is now evil
Volume 13 when?
fucking this.
It should be quite late in feb or early march.
Fluder ages only when casting spells.
Citation needed
find a flaw
An undead
how do I shoot bow?
>oh fuck now imma dead, guess I should have shot bow.
Literally who
A side character who's not important to our great nazarick
>...I‟ll just apply the herbs afterwards, as usual. I need to thank Dad for that. In the past,
when I said my butt hurt, he‟d run over with an annoyed look on his face... Did I thank him
back then? ...Hah.
What did she mean by this? Just what kind of relationship did they have?
She sit too long
I hope Demi delivers something similar to SPLAT for the Roble Kingdom in vol 13, they deserve it.
Demi is efficient in everything he does.
>anime only pleb
It is what one could expect of Ulbert creation.
Did you just implied that the supreme one has flaws?
Congratulations! You're about to visit a happy fun time place!
Is it just me or Demi is really hot?
Some squire who's been giving Ainz mean glares.
No he's really hot
Elf king is a player.
>all the male nipples have been covered
for what purpose?
How fucked would you be if you didnt have the guild shit and NPCs?
Why is he so hot?
>Knows how to dress
>Is considerate and polite
>Good with his hands
>Has a good head on his shoulders
>Is fucking ripped
>Can change his body however he wants
>Has diamonds for eyes
Not too sure
> good with his hands
What do you mean by this?
Are you memeing are asking a legit question? Either way read the novels.
similar but not better, only Ainz can top Ainz.
I must be blunt: she strikes me as a smashing beauty.
>Bad club puns
We did this already
I know, all those newfags just made me want to go back.
Don't worry user, everything will go back to normal after 12 episodes.
Because he is an impeccable creation, like all of Nazarick's manly men.
I assume he is referring to his work, or his hobby.
He's classy and professional.
All she wanted was a husband.
>general cancer is talking shit
wew lad
She got manhandling she craved so much.
Quality post faget.
Too bad you didn't get English.
I have seen the first season
Can I just jump in or were there OVAs in between?
>no results for "shalltear", "cz", or "stronger"
Holy shit, is it finally fucking over? Thank god.
Not bully is try hard.
You can pretty much jump right in. The recap movie adds like 1 new scene which is on youtube, link below.
Every soul in this thread will tell you to start reading the LN's (and you should) because you are going to get confused by a scene in the first episode that won't be explained anywhere but the LNs.
If you look around the thread there is plenty of bait out here already, but thankfully no one is biting it. So stop talking about it.
>If you look around the thread there is plenty of bait out here already
Well that's par for the course in every thread. The Shalltear bait was getting fucking annoying though. Felt like the guy was trying to force it into becoming another IMAGINE or FUG THE BUG.
Who's the Milhouse of Overlord and why is it Pandora's Actor?
>NW levels = Ygg levels
>Ainz is not evil
>GB is CZ ripping your dick off
>DQ is dragon milf, it's not her form
>1500 Nazarick Raiders were weak with too much NPC mercs
>Kyouhukou is strongest because Aura and Albedo are afraid of him
>BS can't beat Pleiades
>Sebas is a manslut: falling for first whore he saves
>Chagama saw Peroronchino fap while wearing her clothes
>Workers dindu, Ainz is just a cunt
>EE bug spray %HP damage
>Go Gin < Gazef
>30 100lvl Golems guard 8GK base
>DDDL 150+lvl and is still training
>Fluder only ages when he casts magic
>Lizards are best volume, user is just jelly of steamy lizard sex
>Gazef can't beat DK even with his gear
>BR wrecked Entoma, Entoma is weak
>Leinas was struck by a [death curse], so monster must be ded
>Peroronchino is leading winged tribes
>Overlord=shounen, Climb=MC
>Elf king is a Player
>Gear does not matter: unarmed Chair is just as strong as armed
>There is nothing wrong with male Valkyries and male Succubi
>Ainz brainwashed CZ to love him more than her own creator
>Scrub with Divine Tier sword can't hurt Ainz
>Demiurge commands NPC in case of enemy attack, so he is commander-type NPC
>Aura and Shalltear failed Ainz by not accepting Quagoa surrender
>All living things are machines
>Ainz grieves SoD deaths every day
>Cocytus is not a pervert
>Climb can't get stronger by defeating monsters
>Gazef can't beat Fluder
>"Book of The Dead" Fluder has is just an occult fluff
>Kobolds are canine
>ClemEnri's Redcaps under buffRemedios, Gustav and Prince are all doppels
>Vol12 intermission was canon
>Niea bow makes her stronger
>NPC can rebel
>Renner is barely IQ160
>Any WCI counters World Savior completely
>World savior expires in five minutes
>lvl20 clad in Divine easily defeats lvl40 in Legacy gear
>Maruyama is a little girl
>Strongest entity is Player with stat-draining WCI
>Polar bearShalltearEGreedK=Demon Gods
>Fluder was in 13 Heroes
>13 Heroes fought 8GK
I don't know if I've been subliminally influenced by seeing that so many times or not, but Lupus has somehow risen to the Nazarick gal I want to fuck the most now. It used to be the retard, but now I'm collecting all the Lupus smut I can find.
>I don't know if I've been subliminally influenced by seeing that so many times or not
Pavlov's Disappointment?
>but Lupus has somehow risen to the Nazarick gal I want to fuck the most now.
Meh, there's much worse things to be conditioned towards (like Entoma).
>It used to be the retard
#1 in terms of quality and quantity of lewds tho.
Don't lewd the Lupu.
What are the chances of the entire LN eventually getting adapted into anime/manga?
Literally one thing this dumb mutt is good for.
>Madhouse S2
Now don't be greedy user, quit while you ahead.
>season 3 never
I would have said none a few months ago but now I'm leaning towards moderately high. Depends how much of a fuckup S2 is going to be. Yes I know I'm being delusional.
Why would the manga stop?
Fuck. I really, really don't want to have to read the LN.
What is wrong with this gun?
It looks like it's missing chromosomes.
There are currently 12 volumes, which at this rate would mean 4 seasons, however vol 12 is the start of an arc that's going to end in vol.13. In addition vol.8 is mostly fanservice and character development for side characters so it could be an OVA.
So including vol.13 would be 4 seasons and one OVA.
So EXTREMELY unlikely.
>overlord threads for the next month or two
I couldn't wait for it to start and already I can't wait for it to be over.
Hopefully newfaggots would adapt, unless they're totally shameless cancer.
>I really, really don't want to have to read the LN.
Well ya best start getting over it and read it.
It's not a actual gun. It makes a bang and that's it.
What was Cocytus imaging?
He's a big-ass roach he can't imagine shit
some gay shit
He was imagining QUALITY Ainz.
You will not regret reading it.
I have yet to enjoy a LN. I didn't even enjoy the ones who's adaptations I really liked. I really hope this one will be different.
He rules the Blazing Temple with his rod of the incubus after all.
No, you see, you don't have a choice. Read it. Starting now.
>Ainz getting sentimental with Mare
I can't handle this.
I still find it hard to believe she was killed off screen. Why deliberately leave her alive and make a point of it then just to kill her off a few pages later by the words of the some body else when we, the audience were right there at the scene.
>Demi is supposed to be smart
>instead of using the Queen as a bargaining chip he kills her
anyone else thinking that maybe all of Nazarick aren't too bright?
>I still find it hard to believe she was killed off screen.
>Country's VIP
She probably didn't.
Who said she was dead?
She just stopped resisting.
NW humans are hardy as fuck, something like bashing them against the ground a few times won't kill them.
She's Divine Caster capable of 5th tier, that's like ~28lvl.
She can take the beating AND the dick.
Did Ainz just invite tomb raiders to test their tomb's defenses for shits and giggles?
>She's Divine Caster capable of 5th tier
Last time we saw her she was already an unconscious broken bleeding faceless mess, and you want to see the exact time she faded away because?
Did you not catch the part where he wants to remove her to install a doppelganger as her successor? And why on earth would he need a bargaining chip against them when Jaldabaoth's official objective is just to cause misery to humans?
Ok, it's said she learned 4th tier at 15y/o, maybe I mixed her up with her sister.
>her sister
The fuck?
That was obviously 4D chess falseflag keikaku to set up Empire.
FINE, her scissor-sister!
>and you want to see the exact time she faded away because?
There's no finality. I don't feel like the queen and Remedios' sister died, just because a minor character said they did a while later. If Murayama wanted them dead, he would have dropped a meteor on them or given us something more concrete than what is essentially, a fade to black screen. Murayama has never had a problem killing off side characters, even if they were literally white knights and females. It's just so unsatisfying and leaves me believing that there is more. If it isn't addressed in Vol. 13, then I just have to accept that they really did die.
> you want to see the exact time she faded away because
Because she's country's VIP and Wrath simply took her away after bashing her against ground and HRK troops few times.
She's ~21lvl, she can take this much punishment.
LN says she simply stopped resisting.
You can also understand country's officials when they declare her dead: Shroedinger's Monarch is crippling for chain of command and troops morale, they needed to declare her dead and transfer power to the next in line, the Royal Brother, sooner rather than later.
CD is confirmed stronger than Shalltear despite being a lower level. NW talents and gear are too much for Nazarick. It's basically an expansion character vs a vanilla
that doesn't bode well for Nazarick