Just finished watching this. Is the sequel better? It was way too sweet.
Just finished watching this. Is the sequel better? It was way too sweet
Watch vivid strike
Isn't that just a spinoff?
I didn't like Nanoha that much; still I gave Nanoha A's a chance.
It grabbed me to the balls so hard I couldn't drop it until I finished.
Is the blond rival even more of a qt in it?
Yes, but the actual cuties are the antagonists.
Now watch it before your get spoiled.
Fate has literally the cutest sequence towards the back end of A's. A's is really good.
I still liked StrikerS much more than A's. But maybe that's just the sci-fi geek in me.
I liked OG better than any of the sequels but A's is pretty good. Don't watch the movies, the series did it better.
>the series did it better
Completely agree.
>Don't watch the movies
Why the hell not? Just don't watch them first. They're nice eye candy. They only cause problems when people claim that they're adequate replacements for the series.
>Why the hell not? Just don't watch them first. They're nice eye candy. They only cause problems when people claim that they're adequate replacements for the series.
Especially for A's. It works well enough for season one but the second movie misses some pretty big parts of A's. Just not spending as much time with Hayate really makes the Wolkenritter a lot weaker as characters.
>too sweet.
I'm not into Mahou Shoujou but A's was really good.
>It was way too sweet
Why is Nanoha so cute?
I expected something a bit more like Symphogear
>To sweet
>Brutal child abuse and emotional manipulation
>People talking about how Nanoha always seemed afraid she wouldn't come back when she was running away
Rewatched it recently and I actually found the first season way darker then I remembered.
And you though Nanoha was sweeter than symphogear? how?
Nanoha has artificial sweetness, the characters act in a way that's not at all believable. It feels like they added sweetness just to pander, not because the characters actually would act like that.
Not that Symphogear is any masterpiece of character writing either, but Nanoha really, really, really sucks.
>Brutal child abuse and emotional manipulation
You mean sexy scene
>you though Nanoha was sweeter than symphogear? how?
The way the characters talk and look. Also how Nanoha's family and friend are perfect. Symphogear is dumb as fuck. Nanoha take itself way more seriously.
Nanoha was a good character but she should have faced more hardship.
>Nanoha was a good character but she should have faced more hardship.
A's really lets her shine in this regard. Nanoha really has to work for a bittersweet ending. Her and Fate walking home in the snow sad that they couldn't save everyone is great.
I'll watch A's.
How many series is there? StrikerS and Vivid Strike?
Animated Nanoha series are
Original-->A's-->StrikerS-->Vivid-->Vivid Strike
Vivid also has a manga that the anime only adapts about a third of before branching into Vivid Strike
There's also Force but it's not very good and is set after everything else so you can read it last.
Their are also four movies. The first two are a recap of the original series and A's while the next two (which aren't in subbed yet) cover new stuff.
No. It's basically season 5. You should watch it after Vivid. A lot of people thought that it was the best season since A's. Ignore the one screeching autist who acts like it killed his mother and raped his father. Fuuka and Rinne are both cute as hell.
A's is even better, and Strikers is 50/50, but I love it.
You can stop there or you can enjoy cute girls beating the dogshit out of other cute girls with Vivio.
>this season is gonna be twice as long, so let's see if we can fit ten times as much stuff in it!
Subaru and Teana should've gotten one season where we were introduced to Midchilda and the TSAB from the ground level. The rookies' perspectives would've been perfect for that. Include some small crime-fighting plot instead of all the stupid training.
Then just start a new season focusing on Nanoha and Fate finding Vivio and dealing with Jail and the internal corruption.
No Erio, Caro, sniper guy, and at least a few other nobodies.