I just want to make Medea happy

I just want to make Medea happy.

I guess I'm the only one

no you arent

it really is criminal that she gets no good ends

She kinda does. There's one bad end where she turns you into a projection wand and wins.

wow, what a gracious winner

offers her former adversary a reward

She's taunting him from what I remember, because she knows he can't answer back. Shirou becomes basically retarded and crippled from being overused by her, and is kept around only to suffer.
Real gracious.

How would she react if Shirou said
>I want you

well to be fair he did try to kill her and kuzuki, or at least his servant did

slap him

>ywn get slapped by Caster while she makes fun your penis size and calls you Boy-a
Why even live