Low budget episodes that almost made you quit an otherwise excellent series
>low budget makes a series shit
you start op
What does an art style have to do with budget?
not gonna lie i didnt notice the change when i first saw this
It didn't make me think of quitting the series, that's retarded, but epsiode 5 or 6 of Shin Sekai Yori was a bit of a painful experince to get through.
The way Macross did it made me kek, they just basically did a recap reusing the same animation but changed the dub so it made Hikaru look like he was hallucinating.
Don't blame the budget. Blame this fucker.
it wasn't budget, but a visiting director.
>low budget
>I don't understand how animation works
>budget meme
>having this much shit taste to not appreciate this episode
kys op
you realize that the budget was likely the same as all the other episodes right?
If you want to blame someone, Blame Osamu Kobayashi and and his style, not the budget.
E4 of TTGL wasn't low budget, it just had some weird "visionary" animation supervisors at Gainax that did insane corrections. They got fired.
user... If you press S you can take a picture... You don't have to screencap the windows of mpv.
Here add this to your mpv.conf:
screenshot-template='~/Pictures/Anime/%F (%P) %n'
Replace /Pictures/Anime/ to your desired output folder.
I watched all of TTGL and loved it and then my friend told me that Akai resigned over the episode. I was really surprised since I didn't think it was THAT bad.
It's been 10 years and I still don't see what's wrong with that episode prehaps the style wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but it definitely didn't deserve all the stupid drama that followed.
>otherwise excellent series
last three episodes of NGE
>Takami Akai, the producer of the series and a co-founder of Gainax, announced that he would resign his position effective episode five, which aired on April 29, 2007, over comments that he made regarding posts on the Japanese textboard 2channel. Akai and another Gainax employee, Keiko Mimori, made disparaging remarks about comments criticizing the animation style of the fourth episode of Gurren Lagann, which was completely directed by guest and friend Osamu Kobayashi. With regard to reading the fan criticisms, Akai stated that it was "like putting [his] face next to an anus and breathing deeply." Fans later became aware of his comments, and he announced his departure from the company he helped found.
Was it 25 or 26 that had baloney pony? I liked it cause it created the confusion and madness that Shinji was experiencing in instrumentality.
It would be shit if EoE didn't exist however.
Kare Kano to be honest
Yeah. No one's going to call it good but there have been other shows with worse one-episode dips and no one gave a shit. I doubt anyone got fired or resigned for drawing a shitty looking episode of Gungrave or whatever.