It's time to claim your Waifu Of The Year
Left, Right or middle?
Hoshiro Girldrop
Sosogu is the best girl.
Claiming Eurobeat God
fight me for him you little shit
I unironically want to watch this.
This is easily AOTY. Why is no one talking about this anime? Its nothing but Pop Team Epic threads.
Not even a contest.
Left all the way.
Will Sosogu win the MCbowl?
If choose from this anime, then right
>Implying pink won't win immediately
>love live sameface girl
Shit taste confirmed.
At least her head isn't a penis.
Left of course.
Its right there in the title, user.
Technically speaking it should be Hoshiiro Girldrop
I want to force pink to drop out of the idol business due to pregnancy
Thanks, user!
Delet reeeeee
I would unironically watch and enjoy this
right seems a little spicy but ultimately best best girl candidate
Not sure how to respond to this.
Talk about the anime?
I wonder if the opening will be a different generic anime everytime or if they will just be expanding upon this one
Dia's mole.
Soggy is shit