Are people surprised that Popteamepic was dogshit? Literally nobody said that it was good. Bkub is a hack. Even before the anime came out, nobody in the threads enjoyed it.
Are people surprised that Popteamepic was dogshit? Literally nobody said that it was good. Bkub is a hack...
Colton Perry
Gavin Gray
>bkub is a hack
He's an artist, and Sup Forums is his canvas. He's done beautiful work.
Joseph Watson
why is it popular if everyone finds it shit?
Is it an ironic thing?
Luis Reed
>Are people surprised that Popteamepic was dogshit?
nice meme
Aaron Thompson
>why is it popular if everyone finds it shit?
Because otherwise, there wouldn't be more than one post in this thread
Elijah Walker
>It's another Normies and children discover a fad 5 years after it already ended -episode
The fad here being post-meta irony.
Grayson Roberts
Why do people use ironic and irony incorrectly and as slang now?
Did this start on twitter?
Thomas Jackson
Misplaced nihilism
Liam Russell
>nobody in the threads enjoyed it
Speak for yourself retard
Carson Anderson
It's a twitter cancer thing.