
Let's talk about the AOTS, lads.
Is Yuzu /ourgirl/? Why is she allowed to orgasm on a show that airs at 8pm?

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The Citrus OP works pretty much in combination with anything.

Why is she kissing a teacher then her step sister, No wonder her Dad doesn't want anything to do with her.

>high impact sexual violence dyke anime airing at 8pm


Cutest girl of the season.

this worth a watch lads?

Madoka isn't yuribait, it's "yurish"

That she is.

This needs a "shut up and take my money" edit.

excuse me ccs has snother season

Are you into qt girls and molestation?

Of course it is.

> hands free fapping.

>Why is she kissing a teacher
He raped her.

We need some inbetweens

seasonfags need to piss off. anime's become so shit nowadays it's mindboggling how you virgin fucks still watch this mundane shit industry.

Wish there was a shorter version of that eri and nozomi gay song to mix with.

>consensual rape
so it's a feminist anime

Didn't happen

But does it go with Guile's Theme?

If Citrus and NTR got an adaptation, does this mean an anime adaptation of the Sonohana series is not too far fetched?

I'm sure interpolation can help us here.

Facebook is the other direction.

That already happened

More like a Republican one

Will Harumi and Matsuri adopt or use super science?

It works senpai. It works with everything.


Yeah but i want more, it doesnt even need to be sexual, just cute lesbians doing cute stuff

Doesn't work with Rules of Nature.

It seems to work with a bit shorter hair


Only if they show onscreen pissing and incest.

horseshit made passable because it's anime girls

Loli Mei is the qtest.

What's the symbolic meaning of Mei's gay bear?

Yuzu has nice feet

>it doesnt even need to be sexual
Yes it does, it's SonoHana.
the OVA was the best thing ever animated. I want a new one With the loli and the teacher


Would you hit that?

Not really feeling this show so far. I don't know why. On a side note, does Harumi get fucked at some point?

user, my Prius is not Truck-kun

Sasameki Koto was shit and one of the bombs that killed yuri anime in 2009.

Dont know about the pee part but im pretty sure they can show hot cousing incest

But the beauty of Sonohana is that it works as both as a cute and as a lewd series

damn it just needs a few more seconds cut so it ends right "only shooting stars break the mold"

This is why I avoid mahjong I don't want to have kids.

Crepes are indeed highly sexual (and yonic).

Yeah, I will never forgive that studio.

The first 3 episodes are good yuri, the other 2 dykes ruined it

Sasameki Koto was good

This was so cute.

What about parfaits?

Dumb yuri fox. Yuzu a worst.

>be a step father
>come home after long business trip to find daughter and step daughter fucking lesbian lovers

Suicide is the only option at this point, right?

I want the one with not-Madoka and not-Homura.

Give me that gay loli incest.

yeah she gets fucked by a slutty loli

Considering who Mei's father is, he wouldn't give two shits.

Tachi should just draw some lewds

Matsuri isn't a loli, she's only 2 years younger than Harumi.

Are all the sonohana games translated? I tried to download them recently and all the links I found to translations were dead.

Thanks, that's all I needed to keep going

Is drills important and does she get her yuri on later?

no the only option is to dick them both down

Drills is like the least important character

>But the beauty of Sonohana is that it works as both as a cute and as a lewd series
But the cute is lewd and the lewd is cute

No and no.

Pure cancer like I said. Fuck this season.

She wants Mei and makes Yuzu believe they fucked.

>be a step father
>come home

>Is drills important
She's a recurring cast member.

>does she get her yuri on later
She might be starting to like Shiraho, who the manga introduced in volume 7.

>Are all the sonohana games translated?
The first 10 games, a spinoff and another one that's being translated by Mangagamer

Pretty good adaptation so far. After so much whining about shit studio I've been bracing for something Sakura Trick tier.
Drawing style is resembling the original, animation is consistent and good enough for such genre, pacing is nice, voices are fitting. Sound direction is above average I'd say - really liked the bgm and sound effects.
I can't recall why I've dropped the manga, but adaptation looks more tolerable so far.

>hey now you're an all star
>yuzu singing
>get your game on
>literally playing a game

its perfect

>Mei's father
>Giving a damn about Mei
You didn't read the manga, didn't you?

why is /u/ spilling over here again?

>come home
Good joke.

Cute undies.

There was literally nothing wrong with Sakura Trick.

It's an airing anime.

What does Saburouta see in Mei?

Her HS crush.

Her highschool crush.

source: Saburouta

She's so dreamy

Saburouta admitted that Mei is hard for her to write.

Broken dreams.

>I wrote my characters with the idea of "It would be fun if this kind of character appeared".
This is some shounenshit-tier writing

I still loved it, but let's be frank - it was visually bad.

in which episode can I see a Dyke masturbating on open television?

Yuzu is 100% /ourguy/

Mitsuki was wrong with Sakura trick

It was visually aesthetic

>Wow, the gum I threw at the wall this month landed on yakuza heiress, has Junko's ability from Danganronpa, and is a nice autist.

Literally a character introduced in volume 7.

This was actually pretty good, it's much more humorous than I was expecting. I lost it at the part where the MC realised that she was now part of the wealthy elite.

I expected to drop this after one episode like I've done with most romance focused anime, but now I'll probably stick with it until the end.


Seems like it will be a poplar in the west, live action when? scarjo as Mei.

I'll remember you.
