Hey Sup Forums what are your theories aboutwhat casca will be like if she gets de potatofied
Amnesia with everything that happened between Griffiths sacrifice and when she wakes up.
Wakes up with all her memories and kick ass, farnese monologes for 2 issues about how usseles she is again.
Kek i can see that happening
Shes going to resent Guts for some reason. Nice things arent allowed to happen to him.
she hops on a boat and we wait another 9 years
It's not rare that rape victims develop a liking for their rapist or a rape fetish.
>Nice things arent allowed to happen to him.
Exactly, she'll run off to get fucked by Griffith
I agree with this. Her depiction of Guts has been a lame dog, whereas Griffith is still a graceful hawk. Even when Griffith holds her in real life after him and Gut's fight outside Goddo's cave around volume 20, she seems happy to see him.
I just don't think Gut's dickgame can compare to that literal mindfuck. From a plot perspective too, Miura is constantly suggesting that what Gut's is doing is selfish and destructive, whereas Griffith is a sociopathic utilitarian/possibly benign narcissist. If Guts knew that Casca still had feelings for Griffith, it would be so interesting.
>Griffith is still a graceful hawk.
Dream Griffith isn't a graceful hawk. It's Femto. It looks like a hostile shadow-like bird merged with a demon.
He's definately malevolent, but I don't think he's particuarly "demonic" either when compared to the other apostles.
We'll see what happens soon user.
I can't think of anything that would break Gut's more than a decade long cuckoldry.