How strong is she?

How strong is she?

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Mid chuunin level.
Most likely still weaker than preskip VoTE Sasuke.

>non uchiha


Any female character in Naruto is automatically below Chuunin-tier. You should know this by now.
she's cute though

She got beaten by Boruto and Sarada, so probably not very strong

> Any of the female Kage
> Sakura
> Kagura


did shikamaru teach her shadow binding techniques ?
she is a bodyguard..

Chocho is truly best girl.


She was body guarding two ninja that didn't really need a body guard to be honest

She looks like Shisui.

It's like teaching nigga how to swim.

"Kek"kai genkai cannot be taught to non clan member

VotE Sasuke and Naruto were easily Jonin level

>"Kek"kai genkai cannot be taught to non clan member
Secret techniques aren't kekkai genkai, anybody can learn them if they're taught.


I stopped following naruto years ago. Whos this semen demon?

will Salad be able to save Bort from his Edgyness/doomed future?

Asuma's daughter

Mirai, daughter of Asuma and Kurenai. Shes q.t

>implying that Boruto will not be a huge chuuni

>black AND fat

Honestly almost all of the Kages bodyguards were pretty weak.


Boruto is literally edgy fanfiction Naruto.
>Skilled enough he's throwing out a bunch of different jutsu before graduating the academy
>Acknowledged as being really fucking smart
>Hates dad despite him being awesome
>Really more like Sasuke then Naruto

That sounds like a hypothetical IT dream of Naruto
IT reveal ending in when?

Except Bort is a fun guy, not a humourless twat embodying every trait the story also makes fun of Sasuke for having.

Also bort has no grand motive, he's just along for the ride.

And Boruto does seem to be appreciative of the relationships he has, or does he seemed to be focused on one person

no way fag, best girl is disputed between sumire, himawari and hanabi

Shadow sewing is strictly a Nara Clan jutsu and clans are very protective of their jutsus.

How strong are they?

The fuck happened to Killer B!!!!!.

Even more reasons for Narutards to be permabanned.

>will Salad be able to save Boruto from his edge
Yes, but because she's a Uchiha she will almost certainly go edgy in the process

Kara will kill him.Screencap this.

That just adds to it, fanfic characters tend to be powerful as fuck for no reason but have no motive.

Is Boruto actually worth watching if yes why

How will their final fight go.

Did Shisui cuck Asuma from beyond the grave?

Its fun and the animation is surpisingly good.

It was said in the novel that Yodo was their strongest member and she was beaten by Shikadai. Take that as you will ,

It was shown in the credits of the movie that he survived.

Hobo Sasuke is the best design desu.

>Proper characterization and interaction for the entire cast
>Neglected characters from the old gen such as Shino and Sai are given actual focus and character development
>Great animation
>Fights have proper choreography and strategy
>Boruto is a competent and likable MC who is more different from Naruto than you would initially think

Someone post the panel where his kids baneposts.

>Neglected characters from the old gen such as Shino and Sai are given actual focus and character development
Stop there. I'll watch it

Just be aware that at first it seems like they are just using Shino for comic relief but it pays off and he becomes based.

The fact that it has good animation on the main fights and actual character development already put me in. I'm fucking loving it so far besides its little flaws.


>Ikemoto ruined Hanabi too
Can he please het arrested for kiddy pron already?

Daily reminder that Sasuke should be humiliated and bullied!

How strong is he?

Fuck you Adult Sasuke is one of the best characters. The same autism but without the faggotry that made him insuferable on Shippuden.

this is a show about ninjas

low jonin level at the most

You know damn well that went out the window once the power scaling kicked into overdrive.

Jonin at least.

That shit was proven wrong since fucking part 1.

Adult!Sasuke is actually his worst incarnation, imo. He is dead inside, and his basically comdeming his child to the same fate as him for practically no reason, other than probably because she is similar to Itachi

Why isn't Iruka treated like a grandfather by bort and hima

Sasuke doesn't stay home because he don't want society to target his family because you know, many people in the village knows the shit he done before the war.

Him being dead inside is debatable, but i think if he didn't had a family to "look after", i think he'd already off-himself long ago.

I wouldn't know.

I'd argue the reason boruto doesn't really have a motive is because naruto had such a strong one and the author didn't want to repeat it again. But for whatever reason he's willing to copy everything else.

Yeah, you probably are right. Does not really excuse Sasuke’s mission “going off to find aliens”, as the only indication of those external were from a person who was very emotionally unstable, and in addition his wandering could lead much more powerful aliens to Kohona
Pic very much related to my second point

I'd argue its because he lives in basically the modern era and has no reason to have one seeing as his needs are met and he's like 12.

She's the bullshit filter, prevents the jobbers and chumps from coming.

>"This show makes no sense. Why are these kids who are the children of the previous generation and have access to more information, better teachers, literally better genes, etc? They shouldn't be able to do that? Standards and abilities don't increase with time?"

T. 90% of the speed reading/watching jackasses itt and on YouTube

You people make me sick

looks like dragon ball with swords to me.

His mission made sense till momoshiki got killed, after that he doesn't really have an excuse to not be there. ALTHOUGH, currently in manga sasuke IS present in Konoha.

Explain why no one was fucking 1st hokage or even second hogake tier in the following generations?

Peace breeds productivity. Its much harder to teach high level techniques when everyone who knows them is off fighting.

>what is ninja tech


That's fucking stupid.
With peace there will be fewer people willing to fight and that means almost no one will be willing to learn those techniques and some will even refuse to teach those techniques.

There is no reason for the current gen to be as bullshit broken as they are other then needing them to be strong so they can catch up to the power levels that the audience expects and wants.

When it comes to this kind of thing they only have two choices. The newbs/kids have bullshit powerlevels out of the gate or they throw everything out and start with a new type of power that makes the previous power meaningless.

They chose the former because it's easier. The latter takes skill and understanding what the audience would like in new characters and story direction.

I mean, goddamn Kakashi gaiden(you know before they raped the fuck out of it later)was better then most of the eps that they've been showing and it had sub wave arc tier power leveled kakashi and obito.

I think I disagree with your first point. Even in times of relative peace we see countries develop professional volunteer armies that far surpass the conscripted armies that had mostly been used by the western world for 3/4ths of the 20th century. This means that in general, in most populations, there are always some who are plenty willing to fight even if there isn't any major threat, like an all out war. This is shown in Boruto, not every kid is being pushed to become a ninja, only those who want to go that route are being trained to do so. With a much smaller group of recruits, it stands to reason that more advanced techniques can be taught on an indivisualized basis (something that can be seen when the new generation is going through training with their parents, excluding Sara's and Boruto of course.)

Wasn't Sarutobi on his prime stronger than the first and second? Wasn't also Kakashi's dad supposed to overshadow even the Sennin? Minato also looked like he was stronger than the first

I mean Minato stronger than the second

The first Hokage was a fucking Ashura transmigrant with bullshit Wood/regeneration cells, gee I wonder why user. There were people near Tobirama's level, I don't know what you're talking about.
How does it feel to have such shit taste?

She's cute%.

Much stronger than sumire and more relevant, no death flag for her, be sad to see one.

>no death flag for her
But user, everyone but Boruto and Kawaki have death flags

What are some characters you want to see have some quality fights? Like Sasuke Retrieval-level fights.

For me, I’m holding out for Shino, Wasabi, Shinki, and maybe Suigetsu.

I find it hard to believe that the Sand team could have anyone stronger than a puppeteer using current-gen ninja-tech WITH the third kazekage’s Magnet Release.

will this thread last without the name boruto?

This, he's even awakened his own unique dojutsu that no one else has because he's such a special snowflake; this is a common plot point in numerous fanfictions.

it's too early.

she got jobbed by Bort and Salad when they tried a little, so shes pretty fucking weak atm

this was literally spar tier for them, neither Log nor Oro was really trying that much, just having fun
Also its interesting that Oro sees Log as his Equal and doesnt boss him around like waterboy

Hanabi is 25y old what the fuck are you talking about? She was already thirsty whore in the Last, i wouldnt be suprised if its cannon that she fucked half of the Konoha by now, considering she still doesnt have husband

Fuck off, narutard.

How strong is he?

Stronger than Sasuke, he will kill him.