fuck off
Dog waifus will never cheat on you.
20 years old in human years is 60 years old in dog years.
it should be dead by then though
the circle of life
This is how pets should work. But noooo Mother Nature decided to be an asshole and not give us cute animal girl waifus. Seriously fuck that bitch I'm glad she's dying because of pollution.
You have convince me to hate the environment, fuck climate change
Spice and Dog
What would you expect?
As I recall it's 1 human year is 7 dog years. So at 20 year old human, dog's 140 years old. It's suppose to be dead as fuck.
Horse waifus live twice as long, that's why they are better.
the dog died and was reincarnated
loyal doggos
Would you give the dog a bone?
I want to marry a golden retriever dogo.
You don't want dog girls to be real.
She would no doubt be a bitch.
Animal girls should stay 2D.
Nature will always recover and thrive.
pollution only makes it harder for humans to live.
the worthy animals will adapt or simply begin anew given a few billion years or so
Please tell me this isn't a shitty porn, and is actually a legit manga. The concept is good.
A true man of taste, I see.
No, they put dogs down at that age to hide the fact that they turn into dog girls. It's a conspiracy orchestrated by cats. After all, if people knew what really happened, why would they ever get a cat?
Dogs don't live that long
It's so sad when people resort to waifuing pets.
A 2D waifu means you've given up hope of a loving relationship with a 3D woman. If your 2D waifu can only be a maid or slave then you've given up hope of a loving relationship with an equal partner, even a perfect imaginary one. But if you're so far gone your only possible waifu is a pet? That an anthropomorphized version of a creature completely dependent and subordinate to you is the only way you can imagine love?
That's as low as you can fall. There's no anons more desperate and lonely than that.
yuck animal fuckers
Some of these threads just make me feel soul crushingly sad.
I hope all you anons find a girl that makes you happy and doesn't hurt you. You all deserve it. Don't forget that.
cats rule, dogs drool
Bitches agree.
haha like we're letting anyone else have a shot at this hunk of rock.
No more civilizations as advanced as ours are really capable of appearing in the event of a human apocalypse. We've exhausted most of the surface-level, easily-attainable resource caches. Ain't no bronze age without random-ass bronze deposits sitting near the top of the crust. We have to drill for our cool shit nowadays, ain't no uppity doggo people getting at that.
My kelpie has not turned into a waifu yet.
I want a refund.
>You all deserve it.
Nah. We don't. As we don't put any effort into finding a girl. We all hope we somehow luck into great girl who will love us unconditionally.
It's an actual manga and it's pretty cute.
It's just a joke.
Well the name is there. Time to go find it. It isn't on the panda. Who is the translator?
You can find it in the archive, just look for High School Inari Tamamo-chan!
How about becoming the owner of a bunch of boatsluts instead?
Foxgirls > everything else
Nah man. You do deserve it. You can change anytime and that is why you deserve it.
DJ Khaled pls
Wait .. what?
>You can change anytime
What the fuck am I looking at?
Wait a minute. All the waifus in those pics look like guys.
Admirals being reborn as boat lolis, obviously.
If the dog is born on February 29th, she'd be 35 to his 20
No, right. It's ethically and morally monstrous to create a race for servitude's sake (which they inherently enjoy). It's kind of very fucking evil.
That being said, once they exist, denying them their raison-d'être is also kind of bad. Considering this, it's evil to implement, but evil to suppress once it's there. Some neobioengineer was willing to take on the sin just to introduce world peace and contentment. He was the villain the world needed.
Easy there, Sassy.
Yes. You can. And one day you will pal.
Hopefully soon. I'm rooting for you.
Wouldn't it be better to deny reproduction and have the race slowly die out?
Stupid but funny.
the trophy... Barky's tail!
I already had the name, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I was actually expecting porn, but I am pleasantly surprised.
It won't make things better.
Manianima does good pet kemono smut, I wish it was translated. The bullying makes my penis happy.
>bronze deposits
>I'm glad she's dying because of pollution.
You sick fuck
The Earth only started benefiting us when we started forcing it to work that way.
please leave this planet
I’m sorry, manianima hentai-senpaitachi make my penis-sama go YATTA sugoi-chan-des please gib moonrune to engrish arigatou ne?