So now that the dust has settled... which animated version of Devilman do you think is best?
So now that the dust has settled... which animated version of Devilman do you think is best?
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Crybaby, duh.
CB Chara Go Nagai World
>CB Chara Go Nagai World
You know what?.... YES. AGREED.
Your pic related. crybaby was a shit adaptation, sadly. Yeah the manga didn't have the best pacing and was fucking goofy concerning the characters, still a complete failure of a modernization.
The whole sports thing was unnecessary and badly executed symbolism, same as the earring and Akiras shoes and parents as Jinmen, as well as Ryo randomly grabbing and reading the bible. It's like watching retards first narration device. Turning Miki into a Mary Sue only to jerk more tears was cheap too. They should have left the whole family humans instead of turning the boy into a demon. The scene of the father struggling seemed forced as well.
Unfortunately even the photographer was superfluous and him fucking Miko unnecessary, same as her fucking the guy who is threatening her. Yuasa had one job and it wasn't Devilman Lady. In general he did too much random fanservice in general, instead of focusing on the backstory. Leaving out the demon sculpture wasn't smart, Satans reveal was better in the manga. Same with Psychojenny - it was fucking obvious that she's a demon. The pacing got worse at the end and we had almost no Devilmen fellowship interaction or sufficient depiction of the social dynamics.
Also, they overdid it with the sex as stress relief as a social commentary, like it's there to compensate for the shitting writing. You would think that after 50 years they would know how to fix the originals flaws, but this was a disgraceful attempt full of incompetence IMO.
New pasta? I swear I read this in 2 other threads
new pasta
CB Chara Go Nagai World >>>>>>>> everything else
Yuasa is shit.
Came here to post that, Akira telling Satan about how they could have been happy there and Satan losing her mind when she fucks up and kills Akira was so good.
I've only ever seen the two OVAs from I think they were late 80's. I remember they being pretty bad ass.
Also the cutest Sirene and best hat Jinmen.
Silene is always cute though
Satan himself has spoken.
Hello there Satan.
Why did Crybaby fuck up the Jinmen stuff so badly?
Pic related did it best
Yeah but how often does Akira seriously consider picking her over Miki?
Hi Satan.
Granted, but all the girls were cute in Chibi World.
The one that tells a complete story
Not enough Honey
Friendly reminder of best trap Ghelmer. CB Chara had pretty much everything.
I intensely disliked the "waifuication" of Miki too, the most disappointing aspect of the adaptation for me.
Only thing more I could have asked for was the delinquents getting a little something, especially pic related.
Satanic trips confirm.
There's a sense of humour to this right? I've only seen the first episode
>the rappers
>akira out of no where
>"This is Ryo, he's the same age as me but he's a professor in America
jesus christ
>CB Chara Go Nagai World
Oh shit, haven't seen that yet. Also doesn't Sirene-chan have another chapter that hasn't been translated?
Is there any specific order you need to watch the Devilman series in? Was thinking of getting into it but heard the episodic nature of the original wasn't very good.
Why is she so beautiful lads?
Devilman vs. Cyborg009
Christ I remember watching the first episode of that and then dropped it hard.
Open yourself up for Satan, accept the blessings. You'll find a whole new world of fetishes.
so is satan a girl or a boy
The first OVA. Crybaby was terrible as an adaptation and not very good as a standalone work.
This adaption feels designed by committee to attract normies which I guess is the point. More fujobait, more waifuification, more sex, less plot. It would be so easy to fix the issues with the original too.
I loved this scene
still consider it one of the greatest anime scenes ever
Already this is very similar to Kemonozume.
>Is very beautiful!
I won't report this because it looks more educational than anything else.
Did you see how they put them into all her orifices? It's like repugnant ultra rape of your very core. Literally shaking internally, and feeling afraid and sick to my stomach, almost as if a new fetish arose.
>you will never have an ass so fine that Satan himself betrays his plans for you
what. the. fuck. is this?!
Why are they turning into gorish monsters?
This is the most egy and unsettling show.
The purification of Miki is one thing but I have never heard of any committe adding rape scenes to a movie for additional sex appeal.
>devilman anime will never look this good again
You know that rape is a pretty common sex fantasy of both men and women?
Holy fuck what is this eldritch horror.
The one that always get me is the one with the eels, poor things just wanted to go out.
The internet has shown me worse.
Did he Dragon too hard?
it got deleted, what was it?
Devilman Lady.
Chibi Go Nagai is actually pretty amusing so far, I'm surprised.
Ryo I disliked how they fucked with your characterization in Crybaby but come on man it wasn't that bad.
some naked lady covered in roaches and having them inserted in every orifice
Why does this look so much better than the flat Crybaby palate?
The artstyle in crybaby was horrible.
It only really worked well for the faces, everything else looks so bad. All the boobs looked like some literally no name did a nude filter of the original artwork.
First 5 episodes were meh, then it starts to pick up and the last two were absolute shit tier.
Saying this as someone who hasn't watched the original so I don't know if this adaption was any better.
Holy shit this is gold.
Vs 009 cause i liked jinmen in that one.
Probably the budget, Probably Originality.
I will still fuck this thing.
Mako deserve happiness. How is she end up in manga anyway?
I'm a Nagai pleb, why are Birth and Bird called Ghibli Devilman?
Presumably dead cause of the end of the world stuff
similar artstyle.